Suggest correction - #4077 - 2002-04-30

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    $800 27
In the '70s many quenched their thirst on a brand of brewski named for this presidential brother

Show #4077 - Tuesday, April 30, 2002


Ronnie O'Rourke, a homemaker from Marietta, Georgia

Mitchell Morris, a professor of musicology originally from Currituck County, North Carolina

Ben Sternberg, an investment banker from San Francisco, California (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $79,600)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 19
Nearly 25 percent of U.S. teens now own one of these phones, so there's no excuse for not calling home
    $200 26
Elton John won his first Grammy as a solo artist for this song from "The Lion King"
    $200 6
Lacking the sense of sight
    $200 1
A margarita may be served with salt on the rim; a sidecar is served with this on the rim
    $200 7
Give it a month & the May beetle becomes known by this name
    $200 16
(Dr. Joyce Brothers reads the clue.) Your daughter who's exhibiting this type of kleptomania at Wal-Mart may be trying to get attention
    $400 21
Automaton is sometimes just a fancy name for one of these mechanical beings
    $400 27
"And there won't be snow in Africa this Christmastime" is a line from this song by Band Aid
    $400 8
Something used to help you recall an important fact or duty
    $400 2
(Sofia of the Clue Crew pours a drink in the bar of New York's Plaza Hotel.) It's the geographically appropriate name for the bourbon & vermouth cocktail I'm pouring here
    $400 12
The aardwolf, seen here, isn't really a wolf, but is actually more closely related to this laugher
    $400 17
(Dr. Joyce Brothers reads the clue.) Many have overcome their fear of this; you can always start with the cliche, "unaccustomed as I am" to it
    $600 22
When a plane travels faster than the speed of sound, it creates this thunderous noise
    $600 28
This 1960 No. 1 song begins, "Tonight you're mine completely, you give your love so sweetly"
    $600 9
Sir Francis Drake's "precious metal" flagship
    $600 3
The Sondheim song "The Ladies Who Lunch" rhymes "Another brilliant zinger" with "Another vodka" one of these
    $600 13
Of the bluefin, the bigeye or the skipjack, the species of tuna that can grow to 1,800 pounds & 14 feet long
    $600 18
(Dr. Joyce Brothers reads the clue.) Make sure your kids know that this euphoria-inducing drug, also called MDMA, can do serious damage
    DD: $2,000 24
An empty Goodyear blimp weighs over 12,000 lbs.; when they fill it with this gas, it weighs only 100 to 200 pounds
    $800 29
Joe Jackson sees "Jeanie with her new boyfriend" and voices this title complaint in the form of a question
    $800 10
One who discovers a new route, or the title of a James Fenimore Cooper novel
    $800 4
This adjective follows "whiskey" in the name of a whiskey & lemon juice cocktail
    $800 14
This species of bear is the best swimmer
    $800 20
(Dr. Joyce Brothers reads the clue.) Don't fear non-traditional gender roles, like a man keeping house as in this Michael Keaton film
    $1000 25
The Celsius temperature scale is also called this, meaning "divided into one hundred parts"
    $1000 11
A highly intelligent person who plans & directs a criminal activity
    $1000 5
This brand's bottle shows a lithograph, seen here, of a plantation down in Dixie
    $1000 15
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from the zoo.) These largest parrots are prized for their beautifully colored plumage
    $1000 23
(Dr. Joyce Brothers reads the clue.) There's no need to be ashamed of this common mental illness, even if it's alternating with mania

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Ben Mitchell Ronnie
$1,600 $2,000 $4,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ben Mitchell Ronnie
$3,600 $7,000 $5,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: And that is not a misspelling.)
    $400 1
Don't be fooled--the Brussels suburb called this is miles north of the actual battlefield
    $400 16
"Let Bartlet Be Bartlet"
    $400 21
It's the standard number of holes in a complete round of tournament golf
    $400 11
C. Auguste Dupin solved these crimes, the title of a Poe story
    $400 26
In the classic Scandinavian folk tale, this title trio outwits a hungry troll
    $400 6
About 56 years after she was born in Prague, Bill Clinton made her a member of his cabinet
    $800 2
The Palo Alto that's the site of a major 1846 battle isn't in California but in this state
    $800 17
"A Bullet for Crockett"
    $800 22
In 1989 Chris Gueffroy became the last person to die climbing this; he was trying to reach West Germany
    $800 12
In titles of mysteries, Lawrence Treat & Sue Grafton made "H" stand for this
    $800 27
In the '70s many quenched their thirst on a brand of brewski named for this presidential brother
    $800 7
In 1994 this politician & playwright was awarded the Philadelphia Liberty Medal
    $1200 3
The Virginia battle also called Bull Run took place at what's now this National Battlefield Park
    $1200 18
"Lifeguards Can't Jump"
    $1200 23
Much of this store's revenue comes from its private-label brands: Craftsman tools & Kenmore appliances
    $1200 13
Dickens offered to solve this "Mystery" for Queen Victoria before it was published, but she wasn't interested
    $1200 28
Tom Laughlin kicked butt as this troublesome Indian hippie in 4 movies
    $1200 8
This Czech-born director named his twins born in 1998 after Jim Carrey & Andy Kaufman
    DD: $2,500 4
Urban battle sites include the house defended for 58 days by Sergeant Pavlov in this WWII battle
    $1600 19
"To Serve Man"
    $1600 24
In 2000 U.S. News & World Report named Creighton University in this state as the best Midwest university
    DD: $2,500 14
Chapter 4 of this novel is "The Black Bird"
    $1600 29
It was Michael Jackson's first music video to play on MTV
    $1600 9
His works include the operas "Vanda", "The Jacobin", "Rusalka" & of course his symphony "From the New World"
    $2000 5
Ulundi, South Africa is the site of the final battle of England's 1879 war with this people
    $2000 20
"How to Stay Alive in Vietnam"
    $2000 25
Erasmus, a patron saint of sailors, is also known by this name
    $2000 15
This Holmes case is so named for the "thread of murder running through the colorless skein of life"
    $2000 10
In addition to the play "R.U.R.", he also wrote the novel "The War with the Newts"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ben Mitchell Ronnie
$10,800 $15,400 $16,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

This director of an Oscar-winning film is fighting to preserve Angel Island, site of a former immigration station in S.F. Bay

Final scores:

Ben Mitchell Ronnie
$0 $400 $2,000
3rd place: trip for two to Cardoza Hotel South Beach in Miami 2nd place: 7-night Caribbean cruise by Costa Cruise New champion: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Ben Mitchell Ronnie
$12,400 $14,200 $16,400
17 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)
16 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
21 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $43,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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