Suggest correction - #3705 - 2000-10-13

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    $300 10
In an Aug. 30, 1978 press conference he said the Chevy Vega's gas tanks were just as dangerous as the Ford Pinto's

Show #3705 - Friday, October 13, 2000


Lacey Wootton-Don, a college writing instructor from Alexandria, Virginia

Brian Frates, an actor and comedian from Boston, Massachusetts

David Tepper, an attorney from Richmond, Virginia (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $16,501)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You have to name the team.)
(Alex: It was only 34 days.)
    $100 7
In 1896, 20 years after the original work, he wrote "Tom Sawyer, Detective"
    $100 6
Mile High Stadium
    $100 8
Sadat sat down to begin talks with Begin & Carter at this U.S. site September 6, 1978
    $100 26
Someone frenzied but ineffective is running around like a chicken in this condition
    $100 1
You might have this disease also called hydrophobia if you've been bitten by an infected dog
    $100 21
On "CHiPS", he played Ponch
    $200 16
In the introduction to "The Scarlet Letter", he wrote of his experiences as a customs official
    $200 12
The Superdome
    $200 9
He regained the heavyweight title from the man he had lost it to in February -- Leon Spinks
    $200 27
Forrest Gump's similes include that he & Jenny were like peas & carrots & that life is like this
    $200 2
You've got this sailor's disease if you're not getting enough vitamin C
    $200 22
Double-play partner to Tinker & Chance
    $300 17
In 1932 his wife Zelda published the novel "Save Me the Waltz", her version of their life together
    $300 13
Arrowhead Stadium
    $300 10
In an Aug. 30, 1978 press conference he said the Chevy Vega's gas tanks were just as dangerous as the Ford Pinto's
    $300 28
In sports, the boys often say a tie is like kissing this person
    $300 3
You've got this disease if you've been eating undercooked pork full of parasites
    $300 23
Around 1000 A.D. he named the North American coast Vinland
    $400 18
In the 1930s this "Main Street" author served as book editor for Newsweek
    $400 14
Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome
    $400 11
For 1978 tennis' U.S. Open moved from Forest Hills to a new home at this "meadow"
    $400 29
Princess Diana famously confessed she was this "as a plank"
    $400 4
You've got this disease if you're prone to sudden sleeping attacks during the day
    $400 24
Go ahead, make my day & tell me the name of this actor who played "Pardner" in "Paint Your Wagon"
    $500 19
Shortly after the release of "Sister Carrie", his publisher withdrew it due to the book's "amorality"
    $500 15
Sun Devil Stadium
    $500 20
Olafur Johannesson became this island's P.M. & promptly devalued its currency
    $500 30
A bad or tasteless joke is "funny as" this medical accessory, or even a "rubber" one
    DD: $500 5
If you've got this alcohol-induced condition from the Greek for "orange colored", you've got a liver disease
    $500 25
McGovern's first running mate

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

David Brian Lacey
$900 $2,700 $100

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

David Brian Lacey
$1,500 $4,900 $1,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 25
Gettysburg's oldest house, at 89 Steinwehr Ave., was built in this year, four score and seven before the battle
    $200 22
A WWII meeting between Werner Heisenberg & Niels Bohr is the subject of the play named for this Danish city
    $200 9
This constellation is also known as "The Winged Horse"
    $200 29
We know killers' middle names, like this one of Mark Chapman, partly because police reports include them
    $200 30
Term for a formal agreement; it's also a Honda
    $200 1
A written request for your presence at a function
    $400 28
He planned his early moves, Jubal Early moves, from his headquarters at 401 Buford Ave.
    $400 24
It's the 1-word title of the Tony-winning musical named for Tony-winning choreographer Bob
    $400 13
Nebulae in this constellation include the Great Nebula in its sword & the Horsehead Nebula in its belt
    $400 17
The actor seen here, his middle name is Theodore
    $400 27
What a difference this French term for "A relaxing of tension" makes
    $400 4
Ancient Peruvian empire
    DD: $5,000 26
The farm designated this president's national historic site is at 97 Taneytown Road
    $600 23
In April 2000 Sir Derek Jacobi returned to Broadway in a new production of this playwright's "Uncle Vanya"
    DD: $4,000 14
These 2 elements make up about 97% of a star's mass
    $600 15
Saintly middle name of "Exorcist" author William Blatty
    $600 18
Sir, Yes Sir! It's the top rank of consul
    $600 5
Woosnam, Paisley & Fleming all share this first name, mate
    $800 20
At 241 Steinwehr Ave., you'll find the museum of fine firearms named for this revolver inventor
    $800 21
Best-known in America as TV's Hercule Poirot, David Suchet played this role in a recent revival of "Amadeus"
    $800 12
Around 150 A.D. this Egyptian astronomer cataloged over 1,000 stars in his work "Almagest"
    $800 16
Middle name of Jim Tucker, who succeeded Bill Clinton as Arkansas governor
    $800 19
Term for the etiquette of diplomacy; Goldie Hawn learned about it in a 1984 film
    $800 6
Biblical-sounding first name of the sports legend seen here
    $1000 8
The Lutheran Theological one of these is at No. 61 on the battle-famous ridge of the same name
    $1000 11
The Winter Garden is a Broadway theatre & "The Autumn Garden" is a 1951 play by this American woman
    $1000 10
In 1718 this British astronomer proved that stars have proper motion
    $1000 3
[Hi, I'm Jack Ford] You might say Law is my middle name -- that was also true for this fellow Yalie who planned Central Park
    $1000 7
From the Latin for "messenger", diplomats representing the Pope are called Papal these
    $1000 2
It's the peninsula where you'll find Madrid & Lisbon

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

David Brian Lacey
$12,500 $300 $4,700
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Founded in 1887 to gain a "Monopoly" on fund-raising, it evolved into The United Way

Final scores:

David Brian Lacey
$9,401 $0 $4,600
3-day champion: $25,902 3rd place: Outdoor Products Travel & Camping Gear 2nd place: Trip to the Inns at Mill Falls, New Hampshire

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

David Brian Lacey
$9,100 $5,300 $4,700
20 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W
19 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $19,100

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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