Suggest correction - #5201 - 2007-04-02

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    $400 19
In 1892 Asa Candler remarketed a medicine as this soft drink, & the rest is history

Show #5201 - Monday, April 2, 2007


Craig Nemiroff, a director of business development from New York, New York

Lenzy Krehbiel-Burton, a graduate student originally from Tulsa, Oklahoma

Ross Brown, a writer from Washington, D.C. (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $12,300)

Jeopardy! Round

____ OF ____
    $200 1
September 15, 1950:
"U.N. Forces Land Behind Communists in" this peninsula, "Seize Inchon"
    $200 8
Rosie O'Donnell made news in 2006 when she returned to TV as a co-host of this morning chatfest
    $200 13
The lyrics to "The Star-Spangled Banner" were penned during this U.S. president's second term of office
    $200 18
The name of this coffee drink comes from the Italian for "pressed"
    $200 2
    $200 23
It's the weekend when the movie "Jaws" is set, which is why the mayor is so upset about scaring people away
    $400 4
February 11, 1913:
"Scott Finds" this location, "Then Perishes"
    $400 9
(Hi, I'm James Denton.) In January of 2006 I was surrounded by lots of beautiful women when I hosted this pageant, held outside of Atlantic City for the first time
    $400 14
This "Olympia" painter did illustrations for a French translation of Poe's poetry
    $400 19
In 1892 Asa Candler remarketed a medicine as this soft drink, & the rest is history
    $400 3
    $400 24
How could you desert me in my this--it was Wednesday, from 2:15 to 3:15 in the afternoon
    $600 5
August 17, 1935:
"Will Rogers" & this aviator "Die in Airplane Crash in Alaska; Nation Shocked by Tragedy"
    $600 10
In the 1950s "You Bet Your Life" was hosted by "The one, the only"--this funnyman
    $600 15
He studied law at the University of Belgrade & became his country's Communist Party head in 1987
    $600 20
You can make milk from this tofu ingredient
    $600 27
United Arab Emirates,
United States of America
    $600 25
The Hindu shuffle that will get you to unsuspectingly pick a certain card is part of this type of magic
    DD: $800 6
October 7, 1981:
This world leader "Assassinated at Army Parade as Men Amid Ranks Fire into Stands"
    $800 11
A TV fixture for more than 20 years, this beloved talk show host seen here passed away in 2006
    $800 16
In 2006 a Salzburg Museum that bears the name of this composer marked the 250th anniversary of his birth
    $800 21
The Valencia type of this fruit is good for juice
    $800 28
South Africa,
    $800 26
The vice presidential one says, "I will support & defend the Constitution... against all enemies"
    $1000 7
August 21, 1968:
This nation "Invaded by Russians and Four Other Warsaw Pact Forces"
    $1000 12
As Academy president, this "Swashbuckler" was host & sole presenter at the first Academy Awards in 1929
    $1000 17
In 1965 this man began 2 decades as the head of state of the Philippines
    $1000 22
A Gershwin song says, "The way you wear your hat, the way you sip" this... "They can't take that away from me"
    $1000 29
    $1000 30
A common but incorrect story traces this type of guideline to the permissible width of a wife-beating stick

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Ross Lenzy Craig
$3,200 $200 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ross Lenzy Craig
$6,600 $4,200 $4,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 11
In a human being, each cell has about 25,000 of these basic units of heredity
    $400 1
"Monday Night Football" went to this network & on Oct. 23 broke the 13-year-old biggest cable audience record
    $400 16
Holiday Red by Dior & Russian Red by M.A.C. are classic versions of this cosmetic
    $400 17
This Ethiopian slave is in love with Radames, the Egyptian commander sent to wage war against her people
    $400 24
Fathered, biblically speaking
    $400 2
The Beatitudes are found in this sermon by Jesus
    $800 12
In 1897 physicist J.J. Thomson discovered the first subatomic particle, which was later called this
    $800 4
At the Winter Olympics, the Canadian women outscored their opposition 46-2 to win gold in this team sport
    $800 18
A "Project Runway" challenge was to design a cocktail dress using these 2 colors, maybe to go to a Truman Capote ball
    $800 22
This Puccini opera set in Paris was first produced on February 1, 1896 in Turin with Arturo Toscanini directing
    $800 25
They're flies-to-be, you larva!
    $800 3
According to the Beatitudes, this group shall "inherit the Earth"
    DD: $2,000 13
This rocky, outermost layer of the earth is only 5 miles thick under the oceans, 25 miles under the continents
    $1200 5
Redheaded halfpipe hero Shaun White made the cover of Rolling Stone with the line "attack of the flying" this
    $1200 19
Popular again in 2006 were these shoes, almost high enough to compete in the diving event of the same name
    $1200 23
This Valkyrie was Wotan's favorite daughter
    $1200 26
Another word for a faucet
    $1200 6
The only place you'll find all the Beatitudes is in this man's Gospel
    $1600 14
The centaur/archer of this constellation is said to be Chiron
    $1600 9
Guard Deanna Nolan was the finals MVP as the Detroit Shock won the title in this league's tenth season
    $1600 20
The classic Ivy League suit has this slit only in the back; a more British style calls for side ones--a bit more comfy
    $1600 27
(Hi, I'm Isaac Mizrahi.) Mack the Knife wore those fancy gloves when I designed the costumes for a Broadway revival of this Brecht play
    $1600 29
A conceited, boastful person
    $1600 7
According to the Beatitudes, "blessed are" these people, "for they shall be called the children of God"
    $2000 15
(Kelly of the Clue Crew experiments with water and a paper clip.) Drop a paper clip into water, it sinks; drop it onto a paper towel, & because of the attraction of molecules of the same substance, called cohesion, this condition is created that seems to form a skin, allowing it to float
    $2000 10
The New York major league soccer team is now called these, after being bought by an energy drink
    $2000 21
This "Couture" brand introduced its velour tracksuit, popular with the ladies, in 2001
    DD: $1,000 28
At a costume party Eisenstein dresses up as a butterfly & his friend Dr. Falke goes as a bat in this operetta
    $2000 30
Don't duck the question: this comedian voices the Aflac Duck
    $2000 8
This "God is dead" philosopher mocked the Beatitudes, citing them as proof of the hypocrisy of Christianity

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ross Lenzy Craig
$12,600 $13,800 $15,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

It's where British Admiral Fraser, Canadian Army Col. Cosgrave & Japanese Gen. Umezu all stood on Sept. 2, 1945

Final scores:

Ross Lenzy Craig
$2,600 $10,300 $2,399
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $10,300 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Ross Lenzy Craig
$12,600 $14,600 $15,200
19 R,
2 W
16 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
19 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $42,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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