Suggest correction - #5200 - 2007-03-30

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    $400 6
World production of this is now 84 million barrels a day, up about 10 million barrels from 1997

Show #5200 - Friday, March 30, 2007


Bill Gabbard, a member of the U.S. Army Field Band from Arnold, Maryland

Ross Brown, a writer from Washington, D.C.

Steven Price, a bartender and actor originally from Perkasie, Pennsylvania (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $16,400)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 2
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew delivers the clue from the Bill Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock, AR.) This re-creation of Clinton's Oval Office includes the desk the President chose to use; it was first brought into the White House by this hero of Clinton
    $200 1
Gaston plots to kill the hulking, hairy hero of this musical (don't worry, kiddies--everything turns out all right)
    $200 21
It's the more popular geographic name for the Devil's Triangle
    $200 17
A harpoon rope around his neck took this 1851 seafarer from us too soon
    $200 7
Hope your Moosehead has a nice head on it in this country
    $200 12
An albino "sir"
    $400 13
(Jon of the Clue Crew reports from the Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock, AR.) Here in the Clinton Library, I'm with some of the President's favorite books: "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings", "The Poems of Yeats" &, of course, "Living History" by this author
    $400 3
The sexiest murderesses on Broadway have been strutting their stuff in this musical revival since 1996
    $400 22
Devil's Tower was designated the nation's first national monument in 1906 by this president
    $400 18
He is survived by Wiglaf & his sword, Naegling. The Kingdom of Geats mourns after a dragon bite to his neck
    $400 8
A cold Dos Equis or 2 might help get you through some of the hot nights in this country where it originated
    $400 27
An azure mystery-solving aid
    $600 14
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew delivers the clue from the Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock, AR.) Gifts to the President abound at the Library, like a mosaic of the Colosseum, given by this man, complete with his seal
    $600 4
Appropriately, "Dirty Rotten Number" is a song in this con man musical
    $600 24
In German legend, he sells his soul to the devil for youth, knowledge & power
    $600 19
Beheaded by Harker & his heart Bowie-knifed by Morris. No funeral arrangements pending
    $600 9
"It's all about the beer" is an advertising slogan for Heineken, the best-known beer from this country
    $600 28
A purplish-red Old West bar
    $800 15
(Jon of the Clue Crew reports from the Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock, AR.) Displays in this alcove commemorate Clinton's founding of this community service program that combines Volunteers in Service to America & the National Civilian Community Corps
    $800 5
Hope "springs" eternal as Max & Leo scheme to make this German-themed show a flop in "The Producers"
    $800 25
It's the Gospel that contains the line "In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues"
    $800 20
This 1862 character passed in the presence of Marius & his beloved Cosette. In France, after a brief illness
    $800 10
Ah! I see an Asahi from this country in your beer-drinking future
    $800 29
A brownish-orange close-fitting necklace
    $1000 16
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew delivers the clue from the Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock, AR.) At the Library, you can see a touching tribute to the first cat & first dog of the Clinton family with these names
    $1000 6
Brian F. O'Byrne played the priest whom Cherry Jones suspected of improprieties in this Tony-winning drama
    DD: $1,500 26
In the Catholic Church, this person presented the reasons why someone should not be canonized
    $1000 23
Recently of Pendleton Prison Farm. Passed in his sleep (with the aid of a pillow on his face). In Oregon
    $1000 11
Kingfisher is a world-renowned brew from this country of Asia
    $1000 30
A coaxial TV wire in heraldic black

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Steven Ross Bill
$3,200 $4,200 $2,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Steven Ross Bill
$5,800 $4,800 $4,100

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 6
World production of this is now 84 million barrels a day, up about 10 million barrels from 1997
    $400 1
Bob Cousy's 14 & John Havlicek's 17 were honored by this storied franchise
    $400 17
In a 1917 speech in Russia, he said, "We shall now proceed to construct the Socialist Order"
    $400 26
From 1971 to 1996, Carl Sagan was a professor at this Ithaca, New York Ivy League school
    $400 7
In 1960, this number, the GDP, for the U.S. was $526 billion; in 1970, almost twice that
    $400 12
The moveable barrier where a horse race begins
    $800 22
With a pair of dice, the chances of throwing one of these 2 numerical sums are one in 36
    $800 2
This team retired Ray Nitschke's 66 & Reggie White's 92
    $800 18
Wanting to Westernize Russia, Czar Peter the Great moved the capital west to this city in 1712
    $800 27
It was Sagan's award-winning PBS TV show about the universe
    $800 8
In 1980 Jimmy Carter signed a bill giving this auto company $1.5 billion in loan guarantees
    $800 13
Luminous celestial object in Matthew that led the Magi to the Baby Jesus
    DD: $2,000 23
Due partly to a policy of its govt., in 2005 this country led the world in foreign babies adopted by Americans
    $1200 3
Willie Stargell's No. 8 will be worn by no other player on this team
    $1200 19
In the 1854 Battle of Inkerman during this war, the Russians attacked the British during a dense morning fog
    $1200 30
Sagan penned the novel upon which this Jodie Foster film was based, though he didn't live to see the film released
    $1200 9
Begun in 1960, the construction of this "high" dam on the Nile cost about $1 billion
    $1200 14
Any echinoderm of the class Asteroidea
    $1600 24
For a plane traveling 725 mph at 40,000 feet, this number is 1.1
    $1600 4
This team for which Gordie Howe played 25 seasons retired his number 9
    $1600 20
Claiming to be the son of Ivan IV, the pretender to the Russian throne in 1604 was known as the False this
    DD: $5,000 28
Sagan was co-author of the first scientific paper to predict that this weather condition would follow atomic war
    $1600 10
It's used to indicate the speed of a computer operation; one billion of them make up a second
    $1600 15
It's estimated that during WWII, the European edition of this U.S. military newspaper topped a million in circulation
    $2000 25
The U.N. estimates there are about 8.4 million of these, including 1.9 million from Afghanistan
    $2000 5
This team for which Bobby Hull played 15 seasons retired his number 9
    $2000 21
Boris Godunov's death in 1605 brought on the age in Russian history known as the "Time of" these
    $2000 29
Sagan was among the first to suggest that Jupiter's moon Europa might have this & that it might contain life
    $2000 11
Following this 19th century war, France was forced to pay its neighbor 5 billion francs in reparations
    $2000 16
The 30-year-old Quaker first mate of the Pequod

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Steven Ross Bill
$9,400 $14,800 $19,900

Final Jeopardy! Round

Although 216 minutes long, this 1962 film had no women in credited speaking roles

Final scores:

Steven Ross Bill
$3,400 $12,300 $10,000
3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $12,300 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Steven Ross Bill
$9,400 $14,000 $18,000
16 R,
2 W
19 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
20 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $41,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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