Suggest correction - #5199 - 2007-03-29

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    $800 27
A Texas field of these flowers is seen here

Show #5199 - Thursday, March 29, 2007


Steven Price, a bartender and actor originally from Perkasie, Pennsylvania

Arlynda Boyer, a grant writer from Staunton, Virginia

Samantha Ross, a student from Hillsdale, New Jersey (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $14,000)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Each correct response will be a word that can be formed from the letters in the word "jeopardy".)
    $200 3
In the 1950s, Sgt. Friday's partners on this show included Sgt. Ben Romero, Sgt. Ed Jacobs & Officer Frank Smith
    $200 26
Croatia occupies the northwestern section of this peninsula
    $200 9
Use it to paddle your own canoe
    $200 16
Merton College was one of the first entities that become this famous British university
    $200 1
After the long flight to Tokyo, I better grab a cup of "kohhi", this, to stay awake for the kabuki show
    $200 21
It's the state song of the beautiful State of Ohio
    $400 4
The opening of his anthology series showed the silhouette of this director filling a line drawing of his profile
    $400 27
In contrast to their Orthodox cousins, the majority of Croatians are of this Christian denomination
    $400 10
Cordage of braided strands of hemp
    $400 17
This Jesuit Washington, D.C. university is home to the Woodstock Theological Center
    $400 2
We're not sure if yelling "kaji", this, in a Japanese movie theater is illegal, but I still wouldn't do it
    $400 22
It's the state song of the beautiful state of Nebraska
    $600 5
For the 1958-59 season, 7 of the top 10 series were Westerns, with this one set in Kansas ranked No. 1
    DD: $1,500 28
Better-known name of the man born Josip Broz in Kumrovec, Croatia May 7, 1892
    $600 11
To poke or jab with something pointed; it's done to cattle, for example
    $600 18
Seen here is the sports team logo of this university, whose stars have included Sidney Moncrief & Lance Alworth
    $600 6
(I'm Harry Smith.) In January 2005 I covered the aftermath of one of these disasters whose name is from the Japanese for "harbor wave"
    $600 23
(Jon of the Clue Crew reads from Macy's Warehouse.) In 2006, this cable channel's float in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade depicted the history of New York
    $800 7
Shows named for & starring these 2 movie pooches debuted in the fall of 1954
    $800 29
Stretching almost 800 miles, the Sava River forms much of the border between Croatia & this country to its south & east
    $800 12
To gather a harvest with a sickle or scythe
    $800 19
John Wayne attended this L.A. university in the 1920s & also played on its football team
    $800 14
Parting is such sweet sorrow, my butterfly, but it's time we say this word, Japanese for "good-bye"
    $800 24
This capital city of Luxembourg lies on a plateau into which the Alzette & Petrusse rivers flow
    $1000 8
In 1959 Barbara Hale won an Emmy for playing secretary Della Street on this long-running courtroom drama
    $1000 13
General term for any primate of the subfamily Hominoidea
    $1000 20
Glass artist Dale Chihuly is a graduate of this design college abbreviated RISD
    $1000 15
You might want to sip the sake when it's served "atsui", meaning this has been done
    $1000 25
This Stephen Sondheim musical that graced Broadway in 1994 was based on the Italian film "Passione d'amore"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Samantha Arlynda Steven
$0 $2,400 $6,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Samantha Arlynda Steven
$400 $5,300 $7,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: ...and we'll be featuring clips from a new series that premieres this weekend on Showtime.)
    $400 2
In one episode, Henry VIII & this woman have a little dinner conversation

"You have not answered my nephew's letters."
"Just because your nephew's the king of Spain, does he think I have nothing better to do?"
    $400 11
In automaking:
Rolls & ____
    $400 21
The title hotel in Arthur Hailey's novel "Hotel" was inspired by the Fairmont in this Louisiana city
    $400 26
With black roots, but pink & white flowers, Helleborus niger is the "rose" named for this holiday
    $400 16
Among those who called him beau: Dinah Shore, Sally Field, Loni Anderson...
    $400 6
This 2-word phrase refers to a morally upright person
    $800 3
This daughter of Henry later married Spain's king; here she meets another royal

"Are you the Dauphin of France?"
"Then I want to kiss you."
    $800 12
In journalism:
____ & Bernstein
    $800 22
The Cloud Hotel is pivotal to the plot of this man's first novel, "Other Voices, Other Rooms"
    $800 27
A Texas field of these flowers is seen here
    $800 17
In 2006 she turned heads when she showed up at beau Justin Timberlake's CD release party as a brunette
    $800 7
This home of the Kansas City Chiefs is considered the loudest outdoor arena in the NFL
    $1200 1
Henry's gift to the French king helped inspire this nursery rhyme whose first word is "Sing"
    $1200 13
In the world of fashion:
____ & Gabbana
    $1200 23
The Hotel du Cap on Cap d'Antibes was immortalized as the Hotel des Etrangers in his novel "Tender is the Night"
    $1200 28
Betty's blue & twickel purple are varieties of this flower, the name of which is also a bluish-purple color
    $1200 18
In 2005, Oprah admitted that she & this beau had a daughter... a cocker spaniel named Sophie
    $1200 8
The protagonist of this Sinclair Lewis novel goes to the island of St. Hubert to fight an epidemic
    $1600 4
Here Henry VIII gets the pacifistic view from this author friend

"You didn't say much at council last night."
"About what?"
"Going to war with France."
"As a humanist, I have an abhorrence of war."
    $1600 14
Tragic lovers during the Middle Ages:
____ & Heloise
    DD: $2,000 24
Chapter VI of this 1926 novel begins: "At five o'clock I was in the Hotel Crillon waiting for Brett"
    $1600 19
Not to kiss & tell, but Shannon Tweed has been happily unmarried to this rocker for more than 20 years
    $1600 9
This starchy tuber produces a fine powder used as a thickening agent for puddings & sauces
    $2000 5
This smoothie, an advisor to the king, is seen here in typical mode

"What happened in Urbino--the butchering of our ambassador--was most unfortunate, especially for me. Your Excellency is well aware of my sentiments towards your country."
    $2000 15
In biology:
____ & Crick
    $2000 25
Maxim de Winter meets his future 2nd wife at the Hotel Cote d'Azur in Monte Carlo in this Daphne du Maurier novel
    $2000 20
She once said of companion Maurice Tempelsman, "I truly hope my notoriety doesn't force him out of my life"
    $2000 10
This motor car company's prestige grew when, in 1909, President Taft ordered 2 models for the White House

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Samantha Arlynda Steven
$4,000 $16,100 $13,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

Vipers & Whited Sepulchers were Jesus' terms for this group, whose name comes from a word for "separatist"

Final scores:

Samantha Arlynda Steven
$0 $5,300 $16,400
3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $16,400

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Samantha Arlynda Steven
$4,000 $17,200 $13,400
9 R,
4 W
20 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
19 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $34,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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