Suggest correction - #3831 - 2001-04-09

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    $300 28
Michigan &

Show #3831 - Monday, April 9, 2001

Ryan Moore game 4.


John Becker, a publications editor from Oakdale, Minnesota

Lesley Cordell, a history teacher from Seattle, Washington

Ryan Moore, a dot-com start-up partner from Venice, California (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $23,800)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We'll give you two states; you have to name the state that borders them.)
    $100 8
California &
New Mexico
    $100 17
Some believe that it was built on England's Salisbury Plain to predict eclipses, equinoxes & solstices
    $100 12
Film in which William Hurt, Glenn Close & friends reminisce about the U. of Michigan in the '60s
    $100 22
In the first 2 years of the Nobel Peace Prize, 3 individuals from this peaceful country won
    $100 1
A mustache style gets its name from this sinister Chinese villain
    $100 6
There are about 120,000 of these on your body & each growing about 1/100 of an inch a day
    $200 27
Florida &
South Carolina
    $200 18
Inscribed with a decree praising Ptolemy V, it was named for the city near which it was found in 1799
    $200 13
It's the rebellious title of the 1954 flick seen here
    $200 23
Karl Branting & Klas Arnoldson are among those from this country, where Nobel made his home, to win
    $200 2
Someone on the run from the cops
    $200 7
It's the humerus name for the point on the elbow where your ulnar nerve runs close to the surface
    $300 28
Michigan &
    $300 19
In the 1998 animated film "Antz", she provided the voice of Princess Bala, the daughter of the queen ant
    $300 14
His sex education in "Eyes Wide Shut" was continued from the teen classic "Losin' It"
    $300 24
In 1954 & 1981 the Peace Prize went to the U.N. High Commission for these displaced people
    $300 3
A brilliant deep pink color tinged with purple
    $300 9
On your body, this weighs about 6 pounds & covers about 17 square feet
    $400 29
Alabama &
    $400 20
The major piece of equipment in this sport is a 42 1/2 pound, disk-shaped stone with a handle attached to it
    $400 15
It's the 1970 documentary on The Rolling Stones' notorious Altamont concert
    DD: $1,000 25
With Rabin & Peres, he rounded out a trio of 1994 Nobel Peace Prize winners
    $400 4
In an engine it allows internal combustion without a carburetor
    $400 10
This largest part of the brain controls thought & learning
    $500 30
Vermont &
    $500 21
The Black Stone at the corner of this structure in Mecca is kissed by all Muslim pilgrims who can gain access to it
    $500 16
As the title character in this gory 1985 flick, Jeffrey Combs makes a serum that brings the dead to life
    $500 26
Jody Williams, heading an international campaign to ban these weapons, won in 1997
    $500 5
First name of clergyman & old-time radio broadcaster Sheen
    $500 11
You'll find millions of alveoli in these paired organs

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Ryan Lesley John
$300 $2,300 $800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ryan Lesley John
$1,300 $2,600 $1,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

ART 101
(Alex: We'll give you the model, you give us the make.)
    $200 1
Let's drink to this equivalent of Dionysus depicted here by Caravaggio
    $200 11
This author's bestseller "Presumed Innocent" became a movie starring Harrison Ford
    $200 26
GM's Suburban &
    $200 6
This Asian country is the oldest remaining monarchy; legend says its dynasty dates from 660 B.C.
    $200 21
This shock jock has the highest-rated series on E!
    $200 16
Snoopy's breed
    $400 2
An artist may "clean" up a watercolor with one of these broad, thin layers of color
    $400 12
"Stella Got Her Groove Back" with the help of this actor, whose stage name comes from the nickname Scott-Taye
    $400 27
RAV4 &
    $400 7
This country's head of state belongs to the house of Bourbon
    $400 22
Restaurant critic Gil Chesterton & sportscaster Bob "Bulldog" Briscoe have also worked at KACL on this sitcom
    $400 17
His Top 10 hits include "Rainy Night In Georgia" & the duet "Baby (You Got What It Takes)" with Dinah Washington
    $600 3
Die Brucke, a 20th century German movement, means this, & was meant to be one to the future
    $600 13
In 1806 this author became clerk to the Court of Session in Edinburgh
    $600 28
CR-V &
    $600 8
A founding member of the U.N., it also gave the U.N. its first Secretary-General, Trygve Lie
    $600 23
Phil Hartman played vain anchor Bill McNeal on this '90s sitcom
    $600 18
This hero rode Pegasus
    $800 4
French word for a category of art, like landscape, or for a painting of scenes of everyday life
    DD: $1,000 14
Make the "decision" to name this man seen here
    $800 29
    $800 9
This sultanate gained full sovereignty & independence from Britain January 1, 1984
    $800 24
After 1 year we said "goodbye" to this sitcom with McLean Stevenson as a call-in talk show host
    $800 19
David Bowie played Andy Warhol in the 1996 movie about this graffiti artist
    $1000 5
In Greek sculpture the other basic difference between kouroi, which were nude, & korai, which were clothed
    $1000 15
On his first Antarctic expedition, he & his men reached a latitude of 82 degrees 17 minutes S., 500 miles from the South Pole
    $1000 30
Grand Vitara
    $1000 10
The Faroe Islands are a self-governing part of this monarchy
    $1000 25
On a Fox sitcom, he played a wisecracking talk show host on Detroit's WZUP
    DD: $900 20
Gaborone is the capital of this southern African country

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ryan Lesley John
$7,000 $4,400 $3,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1859 he was knighted for offering his ships for service in the Crimean War

Final scores:

Ryan Lesley John
$5,200 $0 $1
4-day champion: $29,000 3rd place: Fisher Sound Stage component home theater 2nd place: a trip to Caesar's Empire, Lake Tahoe

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Ryan Lesley John
$6,900 $5,400 $3,000
16 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
20 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
12 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $15,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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