Suggest correction - #3481 - 1999-10-25

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    $500 25
"More honored in" this "than in the observance"

Show #3481 - Monday, October 25, 1999

Eddie Timanus game 4.


Ann Darby, a retired investment banker from Cranford, New Jersey

Alancia Wynn, a family practice physician from Alexandria, Virginia

Eddie Timanus, a sportswriter from Reston, Virginia (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $40,100)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 16
This U.S. university was founded October 28, 1636
    $100 2
The February 28, 1983 finale of this military sitcom was the most-watched episode in TV history
    $100 21
Every "dog will have" this
    $100 26
The 1st important Ottoman capital was Bursa, now in this country
    $100 11
What a kick! This forward has scored a world-record 111 goals in international play
    $100 1
With John F. Kennedy in command, this boat was sunk by the Japanese August 2, 1943
    $200 17
In late October 1922, he became premier of Italy
    $200 3
A 1996 episode of this series was titled "Dick is From Mars, Sally is From Venus"
    $200 22
"Frailty, thy name is" this
    $200 29
It was the section of an Ottoman household that housed the 4 wives permitted by law
    $200 12
He played astronaut Jack Swigert in "Apollo 13"
    $200 7
In "Star Wars" Luke Skywalker gets an important holographic message from the innards of this robot
    $300 18
Martin Sheen played Bobby Kennedy in this 1974 TV movie about a crisis in Cuba
    $300 4
This "Seinfeld" character described himself as a "Short, stocky, slow-witted bald man"
    $300 23
"Neither" one of these, "nor a lender be"
    DD: $500 30
Built up by Bayezid II, this branch of the Ottoman military first proved itself in wars against the Venetians
    $300 13
On "The Dukes of Hazzard" Sheriff Coltrane was this crooked politician's right-hand man
    $300 8
It's a common name for the dog detail of a police department
    $400 19
This Middle Eastern president was assassinated while reviewing a military parade October 6, 1981
    $400 5
This NBC sitcom's last episode featured Janeane Garofalo as a grown-up Mabel Buchman
    $400 24
This person "doth protest too much"
    $400 28
In 1534 the Ottomans captured this city, as some wanted Gen. Schwarzkopf to do in 1991
    $400 14
Nickname of the chubby schoolboy who comes to an unfortunate end in "Lord of the Flies"
    $400 9
In 1994 Calvin Klein introduced this unisex scent
    $500 20
On October 21, 1520 this sailor entered the Chilean strait that today bears his name
    $500 6
Lead TV character who worked as a salesman at Gary's Shoe Emporium
    $500 25
"More honored in" this "than in the observance"
    $500 27
This word for the governor of an Ottoman province was also the last name of actor Turhan
    $500 15
One of John Candy's last films was this comedy about the U.S. declaring war on its neighbor to the north
    $500 10
Matthew Scott got the USA's first hand transplant after losing his hand to one of these illegal firecrackers

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Eddie Alancia Ann
$1,000 $1,500 $500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Eddie Alancia Ann
$2,300 $1,500 $200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We'll give you the song, you have to identify the movie)
    $200 22
The Red Sea's Dahlak Archipelago was once famous for its production of these gems
    $200 1
"My Heart Will Go On"
    $200 6
The Golden Fleece sought by this young Greek prince hung from a tree in the land of Colchis
    $200 16
The peacock is actually a type of this fowl-like game bird which includes golden & ring-necked species
    $200 11
10 years after this novel, Harriet Beecher Stowe was shocking again with "Lady Byron Vindicated"
    $200 19
A monoglot is a person who only knows one of these
    $400 23
The Bismarck Archipelago got its name when it was annexed by this European country in 1884
    $400 2
"Gonna Fly Now"
    $400 7
For daring to compare herself to Athena, this Gorgon maiden was changed into a monster
    $400 17
The yapok, a species of this Western Hemisphere marsupial, has webbed feet for swimming
    $400 12
John Murray, Lord Byron's publisher, also put out this woman's "Emma" & "Mansfield Park"
    $400 20
Singularly, it's a quick turn; in this plural form, they are pranks that are usually "high"
    DD: $200 28
This cape is the southern extremity of the Tierra Del Fuego Archipelago
    $600 3
"Moon River"
    $600 8
He was known as the "God of the Vines" or the "God of Wine"
    $600 18
Unlike other lizards, it makes a distinctly audible sound & has specialized feet allowing it to run across a ceiling
    $600 13
Virginia Woolf used this technique to convey the "river"like flow of a character's thoughts
    $600 21
If you're forswunk, you're this; & probably underpaid, too
    $800 4
    $800 9
Thetis dipped her baby son Achilles into this river to make his body impervious to wounds
    $800 26
The name of this long-snouted large pig-like mammal of Latin America is from a Brazilian Tupi Indian word
    $800 14
Hannah Arendt's book on Adolf Eichmann presented her theory known as "The Banality Of" this
    $800 24
To decrepitate is to do this, not snap or pop
    $1000 5
"Somewhere Out There"
    DD: $3,700 10
The name of this woman created out of clay by Hephaestus means "all gifted"
    $1000 27
The lion is the only natural enemy of this "Cape" bovine, the most dangerous of Africa's big game animals
    $1000 15
Offred is this title character whose "tale" is told in a Margaret Atwood novel
    $1000 25
A canephorus is a sculpture of a maiden bearing one of these on her head

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Eddie Alancia Ann
$11,200 $2,700 $200
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

The seal of this cabinet department has an anvil on it

Final scores:

Eddie Alancia Ann
$16,400 $1,700 $222
4-day champion: $56,500 2nd place: Trip to Club Med, Mexico 3rd place: Ricardo Beverly Hills Big Sur Collection Luggage

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Eddie Alancia Ann
$8,500 $3,200 $400
22 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
14 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
7 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $12,100

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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