Suggest correction - #4570 - 2004-06-18

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    $600 28
3 basic sugar types are granulated, brown & this one named for a profession

Show #4570 - Friday, June 18, 2004

Ken Jennings game 13.


Ellen Cook, a freelance writer and editor from Las Vegas, Nevada

Bret Bradigan, a newspaper publisher from Ojai, California

Ken Jennings, a software engineer from Salt Lake City, Utah (12-day champion whose cash winnings total $410,158)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
Chamber Live, an interactive addition to this scary part of Madame Tussaud's, is unsuitable for the very nervous
    $200 6
Over to Elmo, who reports on the "Tickle Me Satchmo" doll honoring this "Hello, Dolly!" musician
    $200 26
3 types of these are gas, electric & convection
    $200 21
On January 20, 1980
103,985 fans packed into this Pasadena stadium for Super Bowl XIV, the largest Super Bowl crowd ever
    $200 11
In 2003 controversy erupted after Redbook magazine used a composite photo of her on its July cover
    $200 16
Another name for a handbag or purse
    $400 2
You may want to "seek" this London park named for the Abbot of Westminster's manor
    $400 7
Longtime roommates Bert & Ernie interview these 2 characters played by Lemmon & Matthau in 1968
    $400 27
3 basic types of this ingredient are table, Kosher & sea
    $400 22
While with the 49ers, this receiver set single game records for most yards (215), receptions (11) & points (18)
    $400 12
She's also buried (sorry, entombed) at Riverside Dr. & 122nd St.
    $400 17
One who accepts & pays off bets
    $600 3
The Chelsea district begins at this square famous in the '80s for its "Rangers"
    $600 8
Next, Cookie Monster gets up close & personal with the "Head Baker & Spokes-Elf" of this company
    $600 28
3 basic sugar types are granulated, brown & this one named for a profession
    $600 23
The only no-loss team to reach the Super Bowl, they won Super Bowl VII & finished with a perfect 17-0 record
    $600 13
This woman wed a diplomat after WWII, moved to Paris & went on to the Cordon Bleu School & TV fame
    $600 18
Used in preparation of copy for publication, it contains rules for punctuation & typography
    $800 4
A raven that escaped from this historic site in 1981 was last seen at a pub called the Rose & Punchbowl
    $800 9
In "Gonzo's Book Corner", our blue man snoop reviews this gonzo journalist's "Great Shark Hunt"
    $800 29
3 basic types of this ingredient are all-purpose, cake & bread
    $800 24
This Panthers QB's 85-yard TD pass to Muhsin Muhammad on Feb. 1, 2004 was the Super Bowl's longest ever play from scrimmage
    $800 14
To this writer seen here, we say, "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah"
    $800 19
In an 1895 speech he accepted some segregation in his "Atlanta Compromise"
    $1000 5
This fashionable London district is so-named for the markets & festivities once held there in the first week of May
    $1000 10
Hi ho, this CNN Finance host who replaced Willow Bay in 2001 here, sitting in for Kermit the anchorfrog
    DD: $800 30
3 basic types of milk are fresh, sweetened condensed & this one that sounds like it's no longer there
    $1000 25
The Super Bowl's MVP Award is named for this man who served as the NFL's commissioner from 1960 to 1989
    $1000 15
In a smart move, he arranged a marriage between his daughter Julia & Pompey the Great
    $1000 20
William the Conqueror's census of 11th century England

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Ken Bret Ellen
$6,200 -$1,200 $0

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ken Bret Ellen
$9,400 $3,000 $1,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 11
Ants are descended from these narrow-waisted stinging insects
    $400 1
Ben Affleck & Jennifer Lopez
    $400 21
Every cloud has a silver lining, but not every driver has a Silver Cloud, launched by this co. in 1955
    $400 23
This "Where Are You Now, My Son" singer was noted for her anti-income tax & anti-war protests
    $400 16
Ahoy! This symbol of a cereal is the commander of the S.S. Guppy
    $400 6
Masterly concern of an MC
    $800 12
At 5/8" in length, the Gallinipper is one of the largest of these pests whose name is Spanish for "little fly"
    $800 2
Ben Stiller & Jennifer Aniston
    $800 22
The Touareg, a pastoral people of North Africa, might like to drive the Touareg made by this company
    $800 24
David Dellinger & other activists figured this event in Chicago in 1968 would make a good site for a protest
    $800 17
Denmark's Gorm dynasty began with Gorm; next was Harald Bluetooth, then Sven Fork-this facial feature
    $800 7
Varieties of these in a drum set include crash & ride
    $1200 13
Unlike the honey bee, this very large bee doesn't die when it stings; it can sting numerous times
    $1200 3
Ben Kingsley & Jennifer Connelly
    $1200 28
The 1948 Torpedo sedan was built by this unconventional automaker played on film by Jeff Bridges
    DD: $2,200 25
Senator J. William Fulbright said his sponsorship of this resolution was one of his biggest political mistakes
    $1200 18
When Billy Batson said this word, he got the wisdom of Solomon & the speed of Mercury
    $1200 8
In 1950 Chuck Cooper became the first African American drafted by an NBA team, this one
    $1600 14
Acheta domesticus, the house species of this, is the one "on the hearth" in literature
    $1600 4
Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner
    $1600 29
In 2004, just in time for spring break, Chrysler introduced a convertible version of this cruisemobile
    $1600 26
This former New York Times journalist's Vietnam books include "The Best and the Brightest" & "Ho"
    $1600 19
(Sarah of the Clue Crew walks a dog at Yale University.) Handsome Dan is No. 15 in the line of Yale mascots, including one who was cared for by this man, later Jimmy Carter's Secretary of State
    $1600 9
This island is 60 miles west of Syria & 40 miles south of Turkey
    DD: $2,600 15
About 30% of all animal species are these insects which include the whirligig & weevil families
    $2000 5
Ben Affleck & Jennifer Grey
    $2000 30
Said to be Elvis' favorite of all his cars, a 1973 Blackhawk made by this company is on display at Graceland
    $2000 27
This man who often faced Kissinger across the bargaining table died in Hanoi in October 1990
    $2000 20
In 1937 Fred Noonan disappeared along with this person
    $2000 10
The most abundant of the rare-earth metals, it has the chemical symbol Ce

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ken Bret Ellen
$27,000 $9,800 $7,000
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1582 the man born Ugo Buoncompagni proclaimed this solar dating system still used today

Final scores:

Ken Bret Ellen
$30,000 $14,000 $4,200
13-day champion: $440,158 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Ken Bret Ellen
$25,400 $10,000 $7,000
33 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
14 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
8 R,
0 W

Combined Coryat: $42,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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