Suggest correction - #4568 - 2004-06-16

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    DD: $1,400 23
Its name refers to the resemblance of its blossom end to a human umbilicus

Show #4568 - Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Ken Jennings game 11.


Josh Thorpe, an attorney from Atlanta, Georgia

Patricia Davis, a writer and editor from Encinitas, California

Ken Jennings, a software engineer from Salt Lake City, Utah (10-day champion whose cash winnings total $341,158)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We want the first and the last name.)
    $200 6
Just weeks after leaving office, he & son Kermit left on a year-long African hunting expedition
    $200 1
TV & film star Kiefer
    $200 26
It's the nickname of the sports teams at the University of Miami
    $200 21
Harwich, Mass. celebrates the harvest of this berry about 2 months before it's needed at Thanksgiving
    $200 16
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew makes a small "C" with her fingers.) The gesture here means "small word", like this word followed by "the Good Old Summertime"
    $200 8
In a nursery rhyme, she loses her sheep
    $400 7
In July 2003 he returned to the White House for a special dinner in honor of his 90th birthday
    $400 2
Latin heartthrob singer Enrique
    $400 27
A '60s TV variety show filmed in Miami featured skits using characters from this Jackie Gleason sitcom
    $400 22
Gala & Cortland are types of this
    $400 17
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew tugs on her ear lobe.) If you're stuck with a word you can't act out, you may want to resort to this sign
    $400 12
One of the few condemned English royals not axe-cuted, in 1536 she was done in with a sword
    $600 9
Though not in the best of health, in 1840 he went to New Orleans to celebrate his battle victory's 25th anniversary
    $600 3
Oscar-winning screenwriter Sofia
    $600 28
It began as SIN, the Spanish Int'l. Network, & its production facilities are headquartered in Miami
    DD: $1,400 23
Its name refers to the resemblance of its blossom end to a human umbilicus
    $600 18
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew holds up seven fingers.) If it's an Indiana Jones movie, it has to be this big screen adventure
    $600 13
Capital city situated on a plateau in the eastern Andes
    $800 10
On his 80th birthday, May 8, 1964, he became the first former president to address a regular Senate session
    $800 4
"Lord of the Rings" co-star Liv
    $800 29
Called "America's Riviera", Miami's South Beach is home to 800 buildings built in this early 20th century style
    $800 24
Ribier & Thompson Seedless are among the bestselling kinds of these
    $800 19
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew makes a streching motion with her fingers.) Someone guessed "dark", so I'm trying to get them to this word in an Arthur Koestler title
    $800 14
Sherlock Holmes faced "A Scandal in" this former Central European kingdom
    $1000 11
In February 1930 illness forced him to resign as U.S. Chief Justice; he died a month later
    $1000 5
Jewelry designer Paloma
    $1000 30
The Fontainebleau Hotel was the HQ for this political event that took place in Miami in early August 1968
    $1000 25
A symbol of fertility in mythology, it's been called "Nature's most labor-intensive fruit"
    $1000 20
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew makes "air quotes".) Next, I'll act out one of these, from the Latin for "word"--maybe "Murder will out" or "All rivers run into the sea"
    $1000 15
Ancient British queen who fought the Romans

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Ken Patricia Josh
$3,000 $1,600 $2,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ken Patricia Josh
$10,000 $1,400 $3,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

THE 60s
    $400 6
It's the oldest age you can be & still be a sexagenarian
    $400 11
An American seal hunter named John Davis is believed to be the first person to set foot on this continent
    $400 26
In 1961 The Highwaymen urged him to "row the boat ashore, hallelujah"
    $400 1
Now making news in the lower 48, at age 9 he was the host of his own Canadian radio show
    $400 16
In a 2003 CNN poll, this former first lady was voted "The Most Admired Woman in America"
    $400 21
"He that is unmarried careth... how he may please the Lord; but he that is married careth... how he may please" her
    $800 7
Mark McGwire's Sept. 8, 1998 homer, this record number for the season, went a paltry 341 feet
    $800 12
Related to Old Norse, Islenska is the official language of this island country
    $800 27
Bob Dylan's first LP had 2 original songs: "Talking New York" & "Song to Woody", a tribute to this folk singer
    $800 2
Peter Shaffer's play "The Royal Hunt of the Sun" concerns Pizarro's conquest of this South American empire
    $800 17
Using faulty poll figures, Literary Digest predicted his defeat for President in 1936; the Digest folded in 1937
    DD: $3,800 22
19th c. humorist Artemus Ward called this Utahan "dreadfully married... the most married man I ever saw"
    $1200 8
A TV anthology series was based on the book "What Really Happened to the Class of" this
    DD: $1,200 13
With temperatures as low as -94 F., Oymyakon in this large region is the world's coldest inhabited place
    $1200 28
In 1968 she reached the Top 10 for the first & only time with "Both Sides Now", a song written by Joni Mitchell
    $1200 3
After retiring from medicine in 1840, he began work on his thesaurus in London
    $1200 18
A recent "Youth Wired" poll by this online service revealed that nearly 20% of American kids go online every day
    $1200 23
William Congreve wrote, "Grief still treads upon the heels of pleasure: married in haste, we may" do this
    $1600 9
Number of years in Queen Victoria's record reign or number of yards in Tom Dempsey's record NFL field goal kick
    $1600 14
The "Freeze Yer Gizzard Blizzard Run" is an annual event held in International Falls in this U.S. state
    $1600 29
This Calypso singer won 3 folk Grammys in the 1960s, including one for his 1965 album with Miriam Makeba
    $1600 4
In 1725 Peter the Great sent this Dane to explore the Pacific coast
    $1600 19
The first of these held in the U.S. was in 1790 & revealed a total population of nearly 4 million
    $1600 24
In "The Rainbow", he wrote, "If I am to become an angel, it'll be my married soul, and not my single soul"
    $2000 10
In music, it's also known as a hemidemisemiquaver
    $2000 15
The Gulf of Finland, which freezes over for several months during winter, is the easternmost arm of this sea
    $2000 30
Glenn Yarbrough, formerly with The Limeliters, had his only Top 40 hit with this title song of a 1965 Steve McQueen film
    $2000 5
Seen here is "The Garden of Love" by this Flemish old master
    $2000 20
A 2004 Gallup poll showed this East Asian country has the highest negative rating among Americans--83%
    $2000 25
Shakespearean character speaking here

"...the world must be peopled. When I said I would die a bachelor, I did not think I should live 'till I were married. Ah, here comes Beatrice. By this day, she's a fair lady!"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ken Patricia Josh
$32,200 $5,000 $6,600
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

First designed as a surgical disinfectant, in 1895 it was available to dentists & by 1914 was sold OTC

Final scores:

Ken Patricia Josh
$35,000 $3,300 $3,199
11-day champion: $376,158 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Ken Patricia Josh
$28,400 $5,000 $6,600
38 R
(including 2 DDs),
5 W
6 R,
1 W
11 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $40,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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