Suggest correction - #2124 - 1993-11-25

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    $200 8
This conqueror's half-brother Odo, bishop of Bayeux, probably commissioned the Bayeux Tapestry

Show #2124 - Thursday, November 25, 1993

1993 Tournament of Champions final game 1.


Tom Nosek, an aerospace engineer from Torrance, California

Bev Schwartzberg, a teacher originally from Amherst, Massachusetts

Marilyn Kneeland, a retired teacher and Seniors Tournament winner from San Diego, California

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
At an Oxford, England track meet on May 6, this distance was covered in a record 3:59.4 seconds
    $100 11
It's the generic term for pink or blush wines
    $100 21
John Paul II visited this U.S. city in August of 1993, & President Clinton visited him there
    $100 6
Ringo & this Beatle joined George on the single "All Those Years Ago"
    $100 26
These cheetah features are not retractile, unlike those of other big cats
    $100 16
It's what you call the punched holes on a sheet of postage stamps
    $200 2
On April 1, the Senate voted to grant simultaneous statehood to these two territories
    $200 12
A Bloody Maria is the same as a Bloody Mary except it has tequila instead of this liquor
    $200 22
Like this immediate predecessor, John Paul II declined coronation
    $200 7
Ringo Starr was born with this name on July 7, 1940 in Liverpool
    $200 27
Of the ant bear, the sloth bear or the koala bear, the only one that really belongs to the bear family
    $200 17
It can describe a row of bushes that form a border, or it can mean to stall, as if hiding behind one
    $300 3
This Indian prime minister called for a cease-fire in Indochina
    $300 13
Distilled in Kentucky, Jim Beam is a brand of this
    $300 23
On October 2, 1979 at this New York site, he asked, "Are the children to receive the arms race from us?"
    $300 8
George said this song was inspired by "O Happy Day", but others suggest "He's So Fine"
    $300 28
This term for the hair below a Clydesdale's knees is the same as the word for a bird's plumage
    DD: $1,200 18
This synonym for dunce originally referred to the piece of wood on which hats & wigs were made
    $400 4
On January 21, Ike turned in a budget with a projected $2.9 billion deficit, & Mamie launched this sub
    $400 14
Traditionally, the 2 ingredients that make a drink a flip are sugar & this
    $400 24
In 1964 he was promoted from auxilliary bishop to archbishop of this Polish city
    $400 9
For Ringo, it was Ring-O; for George, Dark Horse
    $400 29
Some of these two-humped camels still roam the Gobi Desert
    $400 19
Term for the partial story between 2 main stories of a building, or, a low balcony in some theatres
    $500 5
He retired at 87 as conductor of the NBC Symphony Orchestra
    $500 15
This green melon-flavored liqueur from Japan sometimes is used to make a margarita
    $500 25
He visited this Haitian neighbor in 1992 in celebration of Columbus' visit there 500 years earlier
    $500 10
George & Ringo co-wrote this song that Ringo took to No. 1 in 1973
    $500 30
The long flap of skin that hangs beneath the throat of this largest deer is called a bell
    $500 20
One who seeks contributions, or another term for a lawyer

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Marilyn Bev Tom
$500 $1,900 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Marilyn Bev Tom
$1,600 $1,600 $1,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: A tribute to youth, I suppose.)
    $200 6
Like this Italian, American astronomer Seth Nicholson discovered 4 moons of Jupiter
    $200 26
The feast of Saint Nicholas falls on the 6th of this month
    $200 13
Christopher Anderson gives readers "Satisfaction" with his recent biography of this Rolling Stone
    $200 19
A feature of this New Mexico park is The Giant Dome, a 62-foot-tall stalagmite
    $200 8
This conqueror's half-brother Odo, bishop of Bayeux, probably commissioned the Bayeux Tapestry
    $200 1
His tale of "A Christmas Carol" was published when he was 31
    $400 7
This PBS host determined that the high temperatures on Venus are caused by the greenhouse effect
    $400 27
In the Northern Hemisphere this month begins approximately 10 days after the winter solstice
    $400 14
This former child star is the subject of a 1988 book subtitled "Actress To Ambassador"
    $400 20
This national park lies within northern Arizona's Painted Desert
    $400 9
First name shared by the woman who married Sir Walter Raleigh & the woman who knighted him
    $400 2
At 37, this Ohioan was the oldest of the 7 astronauts chosen for the Mercury flights
    $600 18
Karl Schwarzschild has a type of this named after him; Schwarz is a clue
    $600 28
A magazine issued every fortnight would usually have this many issues a year
    $600 15
She was the subject of a 1979 biography subtitled "Waxmaker Extraordinary"
    $600 21
To see Bridalveil Falls & Illilouette Falls, travel to this national park in California's Sierra Nevada
    $600 10
In 1718 Alexis Petrovich was accused of plotting to kill this czar, his father
    $600 3
"A Streetcar Named Desire" earned this actress her 2nd Oscar, at 38
    DD: $3,000 17
His observatory on the Scandinavian island of Ven lacked a telescope; it hadn't been invented yet
    $800 29
These 2 consecutive months have a fly & bug named for them
    $800 24
"Bugsy's Baby" is the story of this gang moll recently portrayed by Annette Bening
    $800 22
A gift from John D. Rockefeller, Jr. helped establish this park in North Carolina & Tennessee
    $800 11
When this dandy was born in 1778, his father was private secretary to Lord North
    $800 4
When he gave his "Cross Of Gold" speech at the 1896 Democratic National Convention, he was 36
    $1000 16
Members of this family found a division in Saturn's rings & ran the observatory in Paris
    $1000 30
If you were to change today from this calendar to the Gregorian, you'd have to add 13 days
    DD: $2,000 25
A 1791 book on the life of this Englishman is often considered the greatest biography ever written
    $1000 23
This national park occupies several small islands & part of Maine's coast
    $1000 12
Justin II succeeded his uncle, Justinian I, as ruler of this empire in 565
    $1000 5
This Russian chemist was 35 when he published the first version of the Periodic Table

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Marilyn Bev Tom
$5,400 $9,400 $9,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

At age 13 in 1926, he was accepted as a novice at the abbey of Kykkos; he later taught there

Final scores:

Marilyn Bev Tom
$8,400 $15,400 $19,200

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Marilyn Bev Tom
$5,400 $9,600 $7,400
14 R,
2 W
26 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
16 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $22,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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