Suggest correction - #2904 - 1997-03-27

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    $600 6
On September 25, 1789 the first Congress, meeting in this city, submitted the Bill of Rights to the states

Show #2904 - Thursday, March 27, 1997


Kathi Weiss, a clinical social worker from Fort Wayne, Indiana

Spencer Parker, a recent college graduate from East Brunswick, New Jersey

Joel Rayburn, an Army captain originally from Crescent, Oklahoma (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $5,701)

Jeopardy! Round

'90s MUSIC
(Alex: 1990s, not 1890s)
    $100 6
Alex Haley's first major work was "The Autobiography Of" this black militant leader
    $100 11
In 1991 an updated version of his "Give Peace A Chance" was released with new lyrics by his son Sean
    $100 18
It's what a turophile is; if you are one, you're in the right category
    $100 1
By the 6th century this group had joined with the Angles to found kingdoms in Britain
    $100 24
The feeding tray alone won't hold your baby safely in one of these; strap it in!
    $100 16
"Charlie Hustle"
    $200 7
Many of the Dublin locales he personally frequented are featured in his book "Ulysses"
    $200 12
At her death in 1995, her song "Fotos Y Recuerdos" was No. 4 on Billboard's Latin chart
    $200 19
Quark is a soft, unripened cheese that may be substituted for this baked potato topping which it resembles
    $200 2
Ponce de Leon's 1513 quest was to find this legendary spring; they didn't have facelifts back then
    $200 27
It may be fitted with an explosive charge to blow the occupant well clear of the plane
    $200 17
"Leo the Lip"
    $300 8
In its original language, this Jules Verne novel is known as "Vingt mille lieues sous les mers"
    $300 13
Julia Roberts' ex, in 1996 he released his sixth album, "The Road to Ensenada"
    $300 20
Gruyere is named for a district in this country's Fribourg Canton, where it was first produced
    $300 3
This daughter of Chief Powhatan became a Christian & married an Englishman in 1614
    $300 28
A folding armchair with a canvas seat & back is named for this movie personage
    $300 21
"Tom Terrific"
    $400 9
"Buffalo Girls" & "The Evening Star" are among this "Lonesome Dove" author's recent novels
    $400 14
Her 1993 album "Friends Can Be Lovers" features a duet with cousin Whitney Houston
    $400 25
This "Agricultural Worker" cheese is a variety of cottage cheese that's pressed into a loaf
    $400 4
In 1519 he sailed from Cuba to conquer the Aztec empire
    $400 29
Backsaver makes this type of chair that tilts until your feet are above your head, promoting circulation
    $400 22
"Joltin' Joe"
    $500 10
In 1914, 146 of this late American's poems were published by her niece under the title "The Single Hound"
    $500 15
In Tim McGraw's country hit, it's the line that follows "I like it, I love it"
    $500 26
Hopfenkase, which is flavored with hops, comes from the Westphalia region of this country
    $500 5
Some call this son of Pepin & king of the Franks the Father of Europe
    DD: $500 30
Sculptor Daniel Chester French sat this 19-foot marble man in a curule chair
    $500 23
"Mr. Cub"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Joel Spencer Kathi
$2,000 $600 $200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Joel Spencer Kathi
$2,800 $2,100 $800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 4
Every accused citizen is guaranteed the right to a "speedy and public" one of these
    $200 26
In the 1800s decorative trays were often made from this molded, pulped paper substance
    $200 21
Representing a crab, it's the faintest of all the Zodiac's constellations
    $200 11
Dearborn, Mich. was named for Gen. Henry Dearborn & this Maine capital was probably named for his daughter
    $200 16
Lowell Ganz & Babaloo Mandel collaborated on this director's "Night Shift", "Splash" & "Parenthood"
    $200 1
Truman Capote based "In Cold Blood" on real events & called it this kind of novel
    $400 5
The principal author of The Bill of Rights, he proposed many of the 10 amendments
    $400 27
This opaque white glass is named for its resemblance to a certain dairy product
    $400 22
Hubble studies indicate that these star systems, like the Milky Way, may total 50 billion
    $400 12
This Washington peak was named for a British minister to Spain, not for a saint
    $400 17
Melissa Mathison, who wrote this 1982 Steven Spielberg fantasy classic, is married to Harrison Ford
    $400 2
Term for dog breeds, like the poodle, once used for hunting but now bred for other purposes
    $600 6
On September 25, 1789 the first Congress, meeting in this city, submitted the Bill of Rights to the states
    $600 28
Nymph motifs & whiplash curves are characteristic of this "new art" style popular around 1900
    $600 23
Tycho, one of these on the moon, can be seen without a telescope
    $600 13
It's the only state capital named for a German chancellor
    $600 18
William Faulkner was one of the adapters who struggled with the plot of this novelist's "The Big Sleep"
    $600 3
Type of pact signed by Germany & the USSR 9 days before the start of WWII
    DD: $1,000 7
The Bill of Rights is based mainly on this state's declaration of rights, written by George Mason
    $800 29
Punto alla rosa, or rose point, is a flowery type of this delicate openwork fabric
    $800 24
One of these discovered by Giovanni Donati in 1858 has a tail about 45 million miles long
    $800 14
The name of this Maryland suburb is Hebrew for "house of mercy"
    $800 19
Paul Schrader said he was lonely when he wrote this movie starring Robert De Niro as loner Travis Bickle
    DD: $1,000 9
A rebel, specifically an English Protestant who doesn't follow the Anglican church
    $1000 8
The 2nd Amendment says a "well-regulated" one of these is "necessary to the security of a free state"
    $1000 30
Gustav Stickley was known for designing mission style furniture, which was usually made of this hardwood
    $1000 25
Deneb, a star of the first magnitude, marks the tail of the swan in this constellation
    $1000 15
Named for an iron foundry, it's the home of Dollywood
    $1000 20
This controversial writer of "Showgirls" & "Basic Instinct" was formerly a journalist
    $1000 10
Term for systems of geometry that deny certain postulates of the "father of geometry"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Joel Spencer Kathi
$6,400 $9,100 $3,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

The ancient city of Byzantium occupied the site of what is now this city

Final scores:

Joel Spencer Kathi
$9,101 $12,801 $1,800
2nd place: Wallace Silverware Place Setting & Michael C. Fina Fine China Set New champion: $12,801 3rd place: Amana Washer & Dryer

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Joel Spencer Kathi
$6,400 $8,900 $5,300
19 R,
2 W
21 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
14 R,
3 W
(including 2 DDs)

Combined Coryat: $20,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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