Suggest correction - #3066 - 1997-12-22

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    $1000 20
A span much longer than 30 days, or a John Updike novel about an adulterous minister

Show #3066 - Monday, December 22, 1997


Joan Lankford, a registered nurse originally from Huntsville, Alabama

Larry Thompson, an actor from Smyrna, Georgia

Monica Erichsen, an educational assistant from Everett, Washington (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $12,401)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: How appropriate!)
    $100 13
In "Deep Water Passage", Ann Linnea describes kayaking all the way around this largest Great Lake
    $100 21
Nonrigid airships, like the ones used for advertising, are more commonly called this
    $100 2
June Carter co-wrote "Ring Of Fire" & later married this country giant who sang it
    $100 3
This Confederate general's horse Traveller was originally named Jeff Davis
    $100 18
During the holidays, Winter White Chocolate is one of the most popular of this chain's "31 Flavors"
    $100 1
Colby is a mild variety of this cheese
    $200 14
This tennis star's memoir "Days of Grace" was published shortly after his death in February 1993
    $200 22
Russia's Lunokhod I was the first wheeled vehicle used here
    $200 4
Song including the lines "You make my heart sing, you make everything groovy"
    $200 8
2 days after the war began, Union troops surrendered this South Carolina fort to the Confederates
    $200 19
In "We Wish You A Merry Christmas", carolers demand a "figgy" one & won't go until they get some
    $200 10
It follows step-, corporate & Jacob's
    $300 28
"Sir Charles" collects the wit & wisdom of this 1993 NBA MVP
    $300 25
In 1993 Barbara Harmer became the first woman to co-pilot this supersonic plane
    DD: $500 5
(Hi, I'm Al Roker.) As a weatherman, you might see me predicting this 1963 Martha & The Vandellas hit
    $300 9
One objective of the Red River Campaign was the invasion of this Lone Star State
    $300 20
About 1.76 billion of these striped treats are sold in the U.S. every year; most of them are used for decoration
    $300 15
His story in the Arabian Nights has the alternate title "Or The Wonderful Lamp"
    $400 29
He wrote "The Tao of Jeet Kune Do" & starred in "Fists of Fury"
    $400 26
The "Baltimore" type of this sailing ship originated in the Chesapeake Bay region in the 1800s
    $400 7
Fittingly, it's the last song on the 1967 album "The Doors"
    $400 11
In late 1864 this Union general vowed to "Make Georgia Howl" -- & he did
    $400 23
It's an English tradition to adorn this tusked animal's head with sprigs of bay, rosemary & little flags
    $400 16
It's country star Alison Krauss' instrument
    $500 30
This one-time coach of the New England Patriots discusses leadership in "Finding a Way to Win"
    $500 27
This rugged vehicle may derive its name from the abbreviation for "general purpose"
    $500 6
"Somethin' Stupid" was a 1967 duet sung by this father & daughter
    $500 12
On February 3, 1865 Lincoln met with this Confederate vice president at Hampton Roads, Virginia
    $500 24
At Christmastime you might have a "burning" desire to make a buche de noel, a cake shaped like this
    $500 17
This little bear of children's lit was named for the London locale in which he was found

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Monica Larry Joan
$0 $1,600 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Monica Larry Joan
$2,400 $3,000 $700

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 2
This strongman carried the gates of Gaza about 40 miles to a hilltop named Hebron
    $200 3
Due to its curved shape, the coastal strip where most Australians live is named for this weapon
    $200 5
Michael Douglas won an Oscar for his portrayal of scheming financier Gordon Gekko in this film
    $200 21
Think of this "Angel of the Battlefield", born on Christmas in 1821, when you look at the angel on your tree
    $200 1
Studies suggest oat bran is about as effective as the drug Colestipol at reducing blood levels of this
    $200 16
The late-afternoon period when bars feature cheap drinks & free snacks
    $400 6
This second gospel does not mention Jesus' birth; instead, it focuses on his public ministry
    $400 4
The Aussie doubles team of Woodbridge & Woodforde, AKA The Woodies, have twice won this Melbourne event
    $400 7
In this 1983 musical Barbra Streisand disguises herself as a boy to study the Talmud
    $400 22
We assume this country music blonde celebrates her Dec. 25 birthday with her sisters Louise & Irlene
    $400 9
Strains of this respiratory viral infection are named for their places of origin, like Asia & Hong Kong
    $400 17
Save your money & your galoshes for this time of need
    $600 10
He said to his friends, "Miserable comforters are ye all"
    $600 28
Japanese bombs & a 1974 cyclone have slowed the "evolution" of this city on the north coast
    $600 8
Tom Cruise, Timothy Hutton & Sean Penn played military cadets in this 1981 film
    $600 23
This late, great jazz singer was born on Christmas Day in 1907; Hi-de-hi-de-ho-ho-ho!
    $600 13
"Bee" careful: strawberries & shellfish may cause an allergic person's skin to break out in these
    $600 18
A period around which organizations plan budgets; it may not coincide with the calendar one
    DD: $2,000 11
In Acts 11 Barnabas brought this man to Antioch to assist his mission
    $800 26
This film's superb cast included Glenn Close, William Hurt & Kevin Kline
    $800 24
His birthday may have inspired him to write "Night of the Meek", a Christmas episode of "The Twilight Zone"
    $800 14
Researchers have traced a cause of retinitis pigmentosa to one of these on the X chromosome
    $800 19
A hit by Lionel Richie, or the length of time "You Shook Me" in an AC/DC song
    $1000 12
This mother of John the Baptist was a descendant of Aaron
    $1000 27
In this 1984 film, Sally Field played a Depression-era widow who struggles to save her farm
    DD: $2,000 25
This singer who lives in Key West gets festive on his Christmas birthday by singing the following:

"I'd like to spend Christmas on Christmas Island..."
    $1000 15
Older people are more susceptible to this condition defined as a drop in body temperature to below 95 degrees F.
    $1000 20
A span much longer than 30 days, or a John Updike novel about an adulterous minister

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Monica Larry Joan
$3,200 $8,400 $4,900

Final Jeopardy! Round

Although he graduated 64th out of 112 in his 1935 high school class, he was voted "Most Likely to Succeed"

Final scores:

Monica Larry Joan
$100 $6,800 $800
3rd place: Samsung His & Hers Evoca Cameras New champion: $6,800 2nd place: Six-day trip to Alaska for Iditarod Dogsled Race

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Monica Larry Joan
$5,200 $7,400 $5,400
15 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
19 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
14 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $18,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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