Suggest correction - #3065 - 1997-12-19

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    $100 10
The nip before you're tucked in

Show #3065 - Friday, December 19, 1997


Jim Peterson, a cartoon writer originally from Rock Island, Illinois

John Kilby, an owner of a notary service originally from Brewer, Maine

Monica Erichsen, an educational assistant from Everett, Washington (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $2,800)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: What we all long for!)
"CAP" & "GOWN"
(Alex: One or both may be in the clue)
    $100 9
Puebla, Zacatecas & Jalisco
    $100 1
On a turtle, it's made up of a carapace & plastron
    $100 21
William Figueroa's moment came in 1992 when he spelled this word for Dan Quayle
    $100 5
This 1957 Kerouac novel begins in New York City & ends thousands of miles later south of the border
    $100 26
This organization publishes a bimonthly magazine titled "American Birds"
    $100 10
The nip before you're tucked in
    $200 11
Queensland, Victoria & New South Wales
    $200 2
Only gorillas & these other primates walk on their knuckles
    $200 22
In 1968 Valerie Solanas shot & wounded this man who said everyone will be famous for 15 minutes
    $200 6
This "Howl" poet spent the last days before his death on April 5, 1997 writing poems
    $200 27
A California board maintained by producers of these dried plums has "regular" meetings
    $200 12
A train may follow this when a woman makes tracks down the aisle
    $300 17
Bahia, Parana & Sao Paulo
    $300 3
Sapsuckers are a type of these birds that extract insects from trees by strokes of their bills
    DD: $600 23
Hello, her name became a household name in early 1997:
    $300 8
Gregory Corso's poem "Bomb" was printed in the shape of this type of cloud
    $300 28
This third U.S. president was the third president of the American Philosophical Society
    $300 13
A plum achievement or a plume achievement
    $400 19
Tripura, Sikkim & Punjab
    $400 4
Biologist Johannes Schmidt located the Sargasso Sea breeding area of this "elongated" freshwater fish
    $400 24
In the 1970s a purported will made by this man left millions to former gas station operator Melvin Dummar
    $400 16
His "Naked Lunch" provoked an obscenity trial in 1962
    $400 29
The Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society is a legal agency of this religious group
    $400 14
From the window of your beachfront home you may see one of these foam-topped waves
    $500 20
Kogi, Oyo & Lagos
    $500 7
These small, slender mammals often kept as pets were domesticated from the European polecat
    $500 25
Oliver Sipple gained fame in 1975 by grabbing Sara Jane Moore's arm as she tried to shoot this man
    $500 18
The poetry of Gary Snyder reflects the 10 years he spent in Japan studying this religion
    $500 30
"Blue Hawaiians" & the "Teddy Bear Patrol" are fan clubs of this rock star
    $500 15
Nickname of Teddy Roosevelt's daughter, Mrs. Longworth

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Monica John Jim
$1,400 $1,600 $800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Monica John Jim
$2,500 $4,500 $1,700

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 6
Its largest city is named for angels & was named for a mythical treasure-filled land
    $200 19
President Clinton's torn tendon in this joint represents a common sports injury of middle age
    $200 16
Janis Joplin's nickname
    $200 1
There was no ceremony for this; it was just formalized when a man & a woman formed a household
    $200 20
Ikra is the Russian name for this fishy delicacy, which Ivan serves with toast or blini
    $200 9
2-preposition nickname for Australia
    $400 7
In 1998 the Diamondbacks will begin to play Major League Baseball for this state
    $400 22
A drug modeled on snake venom may halve heart attacks among patients with this chest pain
    $400 17
Name shared by Mick & Bianca Jagger's daughter, a David Caruso film & a green gemstone
    $400 2
In ancient times this river branched into 5 & maybe up to 16 routes into the Mediterranean; today it has 2
    $400 21
To make ahkroshkah soup, Ivan needs kvass, a beerlike beverage made from a dark rye type of this
    $400 12
In the Drifters song, it's the place where out of the sun, we'll be having some fun
    $600 8
Located on the Continental Divide, Glacier National Park is in this state
    $600 27
Kwashiorkor, meaning "Deposed from the breast", is a deficiency disease treated with the dried type of this
    DD: $600 18
Her 1st play with Ossie Davis ran for only 9 performances, but their marriage has lasted for decades
    $600 3
A 3"-tall ivory figure found in Abydos is the only known image of this Great Pyramid king
    $600 23
Harcho, a spicy soup from the Caucasus, is made from this meat that's older than lamb
    $600 13
Prepositional term for an 1861-65 war
    $800 10
Geographic features of this state include the San Juan Islands & the Strait of Juan de Fuca
    $800 28
In Weber's Test of Hearing, one of these vibrating instruments is placed on the forehead
    $800 26
You don't have to be a "luna"tic to like this Wilkie Collins novel that was filmed in 1934
    $800 4
The name of this land to the south of Ancient Egypt may be from the word nub, "gold", or nob, "slave"
    $800 24
Ivan makes this chicken dish, named for Ukraine's capital, so the butter squirts out when you cut it
    $800 14
Term for a double play started by the third baseman, or a voyage past the tip of South America
    $1000 11
It has only 9 places with 5,000 or more people, including Kenai, Ketchikan & Sitka
    $1000 29
This inflammation of the membranes that cover the brain can be epidemic
    $1000 30
This screenwriter claimed that his initials, I.A.L., stood for Interscholastic Algebra League
    $1000 5
Ancient Egypt's capital for centuries, its ruins supplied the stones used to build Cairo
    $1000 25
Thin slices of tender beef go into this entree named for a count & served in a rich sour cream sauce
    DD: $500 15
A state of high emotion, or Dolly's position in the photo seen here:

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Monica John Jim
$6,900 $9,600 $2,900

Final Jeopardy! Round

It was the first, first, first, first film to use Cinerama's single-projector system

Final scores:

Monica John Jim
$9,601 $5,399 $2,900
2-day champion: $12,401 2nd place: Trip to Napa Valley Lodge, Napa, California 3rd place: Pair of Wittnauer Montego Watches

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Monica John Jim
$6,600 $10,100 $2,900
20 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
23 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
14 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $19,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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