Suggest correction - #3126 - 1998-03-16

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    $500 30
When I asked God his name, he said, "I Am" this; a little repetitive, but I get it

Show #3126 - Monday, March 16, 1998


Suzanne Parker, a language arts teacher originally from Russellville, Kentucky

Christopher Ruth, a musician and songwriter from New London, Connecticut

Merle Milder, a housewife from Edison, New Jersey (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $10,600)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
Big events in 1835: Mr. & Mrs. Clemens had a bouncing baby boy, Samuel, & this comet circled by
    $100 11
Both the male & female tsetse fly drink this; only the female mosquito & horsefly do
    $100 6
In 1977 the group led by Randy Owen named itself after this, their home state
    $100 26
Dear diary, if you've got to work for your father-in-law, I guess tending these animals isn't so bad
    $100 16
Some folks make wine from this familiar weed, while others cook its leaves like spinach
    $100 21
Noah's boat, if he painted it black
    $200 2
In 1915 he called San Francisco from New York City & spoke with Dr. Thomas A. Watson
    $200 12
A water snail has these at the base of its tentacles; a land snail has them at the top
    DD: $500 7
(Hi, I'm Trisha Yearwood.) I once opened concerts for this superstar whose 1990 CD "No Fences" is the biggest-selling country album of all time
    $200 27
After all I've done for my people, now they want to stone me & go back to this country
    $200 17
They're the melted fat & juices left over after bacon is fried
    $200 22
A thief who steals tomes from the library
    $300 3
In 1807 this former VP was tried & acquitted on a charge of treason
    $300 13
The sea urchin's mouth has 5 teeth it uses to munch on this sushi wrapper
    $300 8
On Dec. 12, 1996 he received his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame with wife Lisa Hartman by his side
    $300 28
My stomach & my people were both grumbling before the Lord sent us this bread
    $300 18
Many cooks chop these palm fruits & add them to nut bread
    $300 23
A fruity bread spread that really reeks
    $400 4
On May 30, 1911, with a time of 6:42:08, Ray Harroun won the first running of this
    $400 14
Of a whatdah, whydah, or whodah, the one that's an African bird
    $400 9
By George! He performed his own stunts & roping in the 1992 film "Pure Country"
    $400 29
So I struck this instead of asking it for water; that shouldn't keep me out of the promised land
    $400 19
In America, add some hot sauce to Angels on Horseback & Voila! You've got this "diabolical" treat
    $400 24
Mr. Doody, when he looks frumpy
    $500 5
This general addressed a joint session of Congress April 19, 1951
    $500 15
This large carnivore's only enemies are humans & adult walruses
    $500 10
Her tell-all autobiography was not titled "Delta Dawn", but "Nickel Dreams", after a song by Mac McAnally
    $500 30
When I asked God his name, he said, "I Am" this; a little repetitive, but I get it
    $500 20
Popular in Japan, this large white Asian radish may be pickled or served in salads
    $500 25
Faux gateau

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Merle Christopher Suzanne
$400 $2,700 -$400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Merle Christopher Suzanne
$1,700 $5,100 -$600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 21
With the success of this book about Chili Palmer & the John Travolta film, Elmore's thinking sequel
    $200 7
When dining in Chile you may try pastel de choclo, a meat pie topped with mush made from this meal
    $200 1
This bald detective was known for his lollipops & the line "Who loves ya, baby?"
    $200 6
In Arthur Miller's "The Crucible" Abigail Williams accuses Elizabeth Proctor of this crime
    $200 14
We wonder where the time wendt for George Wendt, who played this barfly on "Cheers"
    $200 25
From 1948 to 1963 Benjamin Franklin was depicted on its obverse, the Liberty Bell on its reverse
    $400 22
Elmore sets many of his stories in Miami or this Michigan metropolis, his home
    DD: $2,400 11
You can visit this author's home at No. 6 Place des Vosges, not too far from Notre Dame
    $400 2
The 1970s saw "Police Story", "Police Surgeon" & this woman as "Police Woman"
    $400 8
Tom Wingfield, the narrator of this man's "The Glass Menagerie", calls it a "memory play"
    $400 15
Turning 50 on March 31, he's a year younger than his predecessor, Dan Quayle
    $400 26
In October 1973 this Cher hit replaced Grand Funk's "We're An American Band" at No. 1
    $600 23
One of the top Western novels of all time, Paul Newman starred in the 1967 film version
    $600 12
After touring the Old Castle in Gruyeres in this country, you may visit the dairy that makes Gruyere cheese
    $600 3
William Conrad as Cannon guested on this Buddy Ebsen series
    $600 9
This playwright achieved international fame with his 1897 play "Cyrano de Bergerac"
    $600 16
This man from Pin Point, Georgia joined the U.S. Supreme Court in 1991
    $600 27
(Wrestling) Hold illustrated here:
    $800 24
From a novelette in Dime Western Magazine, the "3:10 To" this place was a train
    $800 19
If you're on a shopping spree in this city on the Spree, head for the Kurfurstendamm
    $800 4
One of the many insurance investigators was this Polish-American played by George Peppard
    $800 10
In this David Mamet play, Don Dubrow plans to steal a rare & valuable nickel
    $800 17
He was 9 when he began playing The Beaver; he turns 50 on June 2
    $800 28
For the radioactive element Thorium, it's about 14 billion years
    $1000 20
Tiger Balm Gardens in this "Lion City" of Asia is a theme park that celebrates Chinese folklore
    $1000 5
CBS reran this 1970-71 series in 1973 & 1975 after its star Burt Reynolds made it big in the movies
    $1000 13
In this author's "Fences" Troy Maxson complains that black men don't get to drive garbage trucks
    DD: $2,000 18
As her surname indicates, this soprano has had her share of wars with opera companies & other singers
    $1000 29
In publishing, this type of photograph consists of a pattern of dots varying in size to simulate grays

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Merle Christopher Suzanne
$3,300 $11,900 $1,200
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Artist who said, "On the floor I am more at ease, I feel nearer, more a part of the painting"

Final scores:

Merle Christopher Suzanne
$3,000 $17,199 $2,399
2nd place: Trip to Kauai Coconut Beach Hotel, Hawaii New champion: $17,199 3rd place: Pair of Wittnauer Montego Watches

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Merle Christopher Suzanne
$3,300 $13,000 $1,200
12 R,
1 W
30 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
(including 1 DD)
7 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $17,500

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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