Suggest correction - #3180 - 1998-05-29

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    $1000 7
Natalie's sister, she was Plenty O'Toole in "Diamonds Are Forever"

Show #3180 - Friday, May 29, 1998

Lara Robillard game 4.


Lo Bonfadini, an administrative assistant from Fort Lewis, Washington

Mark Johnson, a social studies teacher from Woodland Hills, California

Lara Robillard, a director of health policy from Arlington, Virginia (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $38,800)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Oh boy, there's a light subject!)
    $100 1
Independence, Missouri
    $100 6
Group heard here with a 1979 song: ("Walking On The Moon")
    $100 11
In 1997 Evanston, Illinois briefly banned these 15-minute breaks in its elementary schools
    $100 13
It means one lap left, not truce
    $100 26
Donald Duck's middle nephew alphabetically
    $100 14
If you order a G & T in a bar, you'll probably get this drink
    $200 2
Quincy, Massachusetts
    $200 7
In "Space Oddity" he sang, "Planet Earth is blue and there's nothing I can do"
    $200 12
In 1993 NYC's schools opened 11 days late after emergency inspection of this building material
    $200 16
A red flag is a sure sign to do this
    $200 27
It's the tallest land mammal north of Antarctica
    $200 15
Figuratively speaking, a deceived person is led "down" this "path", or perhaps "up" it
    $300 3
West Branch, Iowa
    $300 8
In 1992 members of Queen held a tribute concert for this late lead singer
    $300 18
As their name indicates, these schools were established to "attract" students from across the city
    $300 17
A flag of this color doesn't tell the drivers to play chicken, it's just a caution flag
    $300 28
He was Liz Taylor's first husband
    $300 21
The perfect plaid for singer Campbell
    $400 4
Plymouth Notch, Vermont
    $400 9
Appropriately named English drummer heard singing here: "When you wish upon a star..."
    $400 19
From Latin for "summon", they're certificates giving public funds to send kids to private schools
    $400 22
Get this flag & you have finished the race
    $400 29
Number of yards in a mile times the number of feet in a yard
    $400 23
Butt of course: this kind of muscle may be minimus, medius or maximus
    $500 5
Greeneville, Tennessee
    $500 10
The Dead Kennedys sang "One-Way Ticket To" this smallest planet
    DD: $500 20
"Catholic" means broadminded, but Catholic schools are this type, which also means narrowminded
    $500 25
When waved, a flag of this color lets you begin mile 1
    $500 30
The 4 U.S. states that begin with the word "New"
    $500 24
A coarse material made from jute, or the kind of sack made from it

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Lara Mark Lo
$900 $1,000 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Lara Mark Lo
$5,100 $1,200 $1,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 5
In 1992 Santo Domingo's Quinto Centenario celebration honored this explorer's discovery
    $200 1
The color Shirley Eaton was painted all over her body
    $200 26
These dark patches on the sun's surface appear & disappear in regular cycles
    $200 8
They "scream" & TV movies are "ripped" from them
    $200 16
Arthur C. Clarke followed his book "The Nine Billion Names of God" with this other numerically titled tale
    $200 21
Length in yards you have to dash to cover an American football field goal line to goal line
    $400 6
Every August this country is home to the Reggae Sunsplash
    $400 2
James Bond's old flame, Teri Hatcher, was put out in this 1997 film
    $400 27
From the Greek for "yoke", it's a cell formed by the union of 2 gametes
    $400 9
Look it up; it's the total of the fixed costs of running a business
    $400 17
Her 1997 book "Violin" features a phantom violinist
    $400 22
The Olympic record for tossing one of these is 73 feet, 8 3/4 inches in 1988
    $600 11
El Yunque, the only truly tropical rain forest in the U.S. national forest system, is on this island possession
    $600 3
This "License To Kill" co-star seen here now has a license to practice "Law & Order":
    $600 28
Creature seen here, in full bloom
    $600 10
Shark with the know-how to "tool around" the sea
    $600 18
Be thankful we're not going to list all the characters in his "Gravity's Rainbow"; there are over 400
    $600 23
The greatest length of the Jewish one of these is 385 days
    $800 12
It's T&T to the natives but Desmond Tutu called this nation the rainbow country
    $800 4
She set the style for girls to come with her body of work as Honey Ryder in "Dr. No"
    $800 29
Son of a gun! This female seed-bearing part of a flower consists of a stigma, a style & an ovary
    $800 14
Acrobatic phrase meaning "hopelessly"; it describes someone who's hopelessly "in love"
    DD: $1,000 19
This 1993 Robert Altman film was based on a few tales of Raymond Carver
    $800 24
You're at sea if you know this length is 1 mean minute of arc on the meridian
    $1000 13
The Dutch side of this island uses 110 volts, the French side, 220
    $1000 7
Natalie's sister, she was Plenty O'Toole in "Diamonds Are Forever"
    $1000 30
Announced on February 14, 1946, this first electronic digital computer had 18,000 vacuum tubes
    $1000 15
Lots of people look up to these... well, okay, lots of dead people
    $1000 20
The upshot is he won the Howell's Medal for his "Wapshot Scandal"
    DD: $1,000 25
This distance used in astronomy is abbreviated pc & is equal to 19.2 trillion miles

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Lara Mark Lo
$15,300 $3,000 $3,600
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Name shared by the leaders of 2 nations that remain in a mutual state of war in 1998

Final scores:

Lara Mark Lo
$10,300 $500 $1,100
4-day champion: $49,100 3rd place: NordicTrack Ellipse Exercise Machine 2nd place: Trip to Loew's Coronado Bay Resort, Coronado, California

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Lara Mark Lo
$15,100 $3,000 $3,600
31 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
15 R,
3 W
11 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $21,700

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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