Suggest correction - #5037 - 2006-07-04

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    $800 9
"Don't ever take sides with anyone against" this "again. Ever"

Show #5037 - Tuesday, July 4, 2006


A.K. Subramanian, a high school history teacher from Villa Park, California

Michelle Bondurant, a medical coordinator originally from Greensboro, North Carolina

Susannah Brooks, a communications assistant from Madison, Wisconsin (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $56,001)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 6
Longfellow wrote, "Tell me not" that "life is but an empty" this
    $200 1
This legendary jockey was known as "The Shoe"
    $200 11
The rock type of this is easily distinguishable from the Maine; all 10 of its legs are about the same size
    $200 12
Harry Truman promised America this type of "Deal"
    $200 19
In the 1950s famous ones were Doreen, Sharon, Bobby, Cheryl, Annette, Karen & Cubby
    $200 26
An attention-seeking person prone to taking off his or her clothes in public
    $400 7
This troubled poet, an alumna of Smith College, used the pseudonym Victoria Lucas
    $400 5
(Hi, I'm Tim Dwight.) At Iowa I was one of these, like the sneaky scout in "The Last of the Mohicans"
    $400 16
There are over 4,000 varieties of this crustacean; tonight we recommend the stone, blue or Jonah types
    $400 13
The Third Republic was this nation's government from 1870 to 1940
    $400 20
On the 1970 film "Woodstock" Martin Scorsese was an "A.D.", which stands for this
    $400 27
A person from Harrisburg or Philadelphia
    $600 8
Byron wrote, "Who killed" this poet? "'I,' says the quarterly, so savage and tartarly; 'Twas one of my feats'"
    $600 4
L.A. Ram defensive end David Jones was better known by this nickname
    $600 17
You'll be as rich as Rockefeller if you know Swift once penned, "He was a bold man that first ate" this bivalve
    $600 14
John Glenn's capsule on his famous 1962 flight was called this, which an old saying called the "best ship"
    $600 21
By definition, in the woodshop a turner fashions objects on one of these
    $600 28
Fancy name for a drummer
    $800 9
He wondered, "If winter comes, can spring be far behind?"
    $800 3
(Hi, I'm James Worthy.) In the 1980s my L.A. Lakers got this "entertaining" nickname, also the name of a cable television network
    $800 24
The quahog type of this is usually served on the half shell or minced in hot chowders
    $800 15
In 2000 Tarja Halonen became the first female president of this nation
    DD: $800 22
Pronounced one way, it's an archer; the other, it's the guy with the oar closest to the boat's front
    $800 29
From the Latin for "mask", it's a single act of mimicking the voice or manners of another
    $1000 10
In "New Hampshire" he wrote, "Do you know, considering the market, there are more poems produced than any other thing?"
    $1000 2
First name of Mr. Boyer, the Yankee 3B who played against his brother Ken in the 1964 World Series
    $1000 25
This bivalve mollusk has 2 fan-shaped shells that can be used to serve dishes like coquilles St. Jacques
    $1000 18
This 13th president's wife Abigail loved books & began a library at the White House around 1850
    $1000 23
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew reports from a barrel-making shop in Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, NH.) From planks of wood, a cooper makes these curved pieces that form the sides of a barrel
    $1000 30
The technical term for a scientist who studies snakes & other reptiles

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Susannah Michelle A.K.
$2,200 $400 $1,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Susannah Michelle A.K.
$3,800 $2,000 $2,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 6
In 1880 he became director of the United States Marine Band, in which his father Antonio had once played trombone
    $400 8
"It's a Sicilian message. It means Luca Brasi sleeps with" these
    $400 16
Not so much wan, an obi is a decorative sash tied around this robe
    $400 1
The Madonna type of this plant was once used at Easter but often failed to bloom in time; the Bermuda type replaced it
    $400 19
In an 1883 book, Mark Twain described this river as "rolling its mile-wide tide along, shining in the sun"
    $400 26
A large feather
    $800 7
A little firebird told us that the father of this composer was one of the leading Russian operatic basses of his day
    $800 9
"Don't ever take sides with anyone against" this "again. Ever"
    $800 17
Konnichiwa means this; The Doors might have sung, "Konnichiwa, I love you, won't you tell me your name?"
    $800 2
This large, starchy tuber used to make poi can be poisonous if not properly prepared
    $800 20
Custer National Cemetery lies near this Montana river
    $800 27
Doctor's direction for drug use
    $1200 11
Go for Baroque & name this composer of "Music for the Royal Fireworks"
    $1200 10
"Never hate" these, "it affects your judgment"
    $1200 18
A maiko is this type of geisha novitiate; Mickey had a similar title in "Fantasia"
    DD: $1,000 3
Though called one, the sago isn't a member of this tree family
    $1200 21
The name of this river that flows into Chesapeake Bay is Algonquin for "where goods are brought in"
    $1200 28
Ceramic material
    $1600 12
He's the composer putting on airs in the following
    $1600 14
"Michael, we're bigger than" this corporation
    $1600 24
"Kampai!" is one of these exclamations, like "Prosit!" for the Germans or "Slainte!" for the Irish
    $1600 4
Species of this small, green nonflowering plant include the hairy cap & the stair-step
    $1600 22
This river joins the Allegheny in Pittsburgh to form the Ohio River
    $1600 30
Attorney-client benefit
    $2000 13
This Italian operatic composer's infant daughter Virginia died in 1838, just after her brother Icilio was born
    $2000 15
"I don't like violence, Tom. I'm" one of these
    $2000 25
The plucky gal seen here strums her instrument with a bachi, this in English; it's from the Greek plessein
    $2000 5
(Kelly of the Clue Crew shows some leaf shapes on the monitor.) Leaf shapes include lanceolate, ovate & this one, also with the "a-t-e" ending, that's shaped like a cook's flipping & spreading tool
    DD: $2,000 23
It's the river mentioned in the title of Indiana's state song
    $2000 29
Puritan maiden Mullins

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Susannah Michelle A.K.
$12,600 $9,400 $5,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

On October 16, 1964 at Lop Nor this nation detonated its first nuclear device

Final scores:

Susannah Michelle A.K.
$6,399 $6,500 $0
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $6,500 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Susannah Michelle A.K.
$14,600 $11,200 $5,000
21 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R,
3 W
(including 2 DDs)
11 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $30,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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