Suggest correction - #5013 - 2006-05-31

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    $400 22
Whether autumn leaves turn fiery amber, vivid gold or dull brown depends on the composition of this thick liquid

Show #5013 - Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Nathan Meyers, a software developer from Medford, Massachusetts

Steve Friedman, a writer from Los Angeles, California

Eric Dolansky, a Ph.D. student in marketing from Toronto, Ontario, Canada (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $46,402)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 26
The 2 founders of Yahoo! & the 2 founders of Google all attended this California school
    $200 15
On Nov. 18, 1928 this American icon made his film debut at NYC's Colony Theatre
    $200 6
John Guare's
"Six Degrees of..."
    $200 17
Byron wrote, "Let us have" this "and women, mirth and laughter, sermons and soda-water the day after"
    $200 7
Unlike other marine mammals, the sea otter does not have this layer of fat to keep it warm
    $200 1
This folklore hero was so big, as a child he rocked in his cradle & caused a 75-foot tide in the Bay of Fundy
    $400 27
Texas Lutheran University is in Seguin; this school founded in 1873 is in Fort Worth
    $400 18
This red-caped Terrytoons rodent has been saving the day on TV since 1955, with operatic flair
    $400 12
Eugene O'Neill's
    $400 22
Whether autumn leaves turn fiery amber, vivid gold or dull brown depends on the composition of this thick liquid
    $400 8
As seen here, the sea otter wraps itself in this "marine" material to anchor itself while it rests
    $400 2
A con game, or the police squad that breaks it up
    DD: $2,800 28
Recovering from Katrina, it scheduled a makeup "lagniappe semester" starting in May 2006
    $600 19
This "fastest mouse in all Mexico" has a cousin, Slowpoke Rodriguez
    $600 13
Neil Simon's
"The Prisoner of..."
    $600 23
The Quaker State Company was founded in 1931 in a Pennsylvania city named for this liquid
    $600 9
There are about 2,500 Southern sea otters off the California coast & 50,000 Northern sea otters off this state
    $600 3
In this early American courting custom, a couple lay fully clothed on a bed & exchanged endearments
    $800 29
The North Carolina university founded in this town in 1834 is now in Winston-Salem
    $800 20
In 1975 Grape Ape & Mumbly teamed with this Hanna-Barbera cat & mouse duo but by December, the ape was out
    $800 14
Beth Henley's
"Crimes of the..."
    $800 24
The rounded area of a ship's hull, dividing bottom from sides, or the yucky water that collects there
    $800 10
4-letter term for an otter's skin, the demand for which once almost made them extinct
    $800 4
2-word term for the 30,000-pound precision-guided bombs used to destroy underground command centers
    $1000 30
It's the northernmost Ivy League School
    $1000 21
First name of young Mr. Mousekewitz, voiced by Phillip Glasser in "An American Tail"
    $1000 16
Oscar Wilde's
"A Woman of No..."
    $1000 25
The cholesterol doctors measure is called this "cholesterol", for the fluid part of whole blood
    $1000 11
Sea otters feed on clams, crabs, abalone & these creatures seen here
    $1000 5
Born Edward Z.C. Judson, he was the originator of the 19th century dime novels, many featuring Buffalo Bill Cody

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Eric Steve Nathan
$1,200 $1,800 $2,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Eric Steve Nathan
$1,000 $4,800 $6,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 3
(Kelly and Jon of the Clue Crew play with water in a laboratory; Kelly reads.) Run a comb through your hair & hold it here--the water is drawn to the comb because of this accumulation of electrical charge
    $400 21
The instrument seen here was played by this swingin' bandleader who was at home with classical too
    $400 9
During the 1968 Democratic Convention in this city, antiwar protesters clashed violently with police
    $400 23
To fight this, from the Latin for "stain", after surgery, John Charnley devised air tents to keep things sterile
    $400 16
Victories by Garibaldi in 1860 led to this largest Mediterranean island being joined to Italy
    $400 1
The quality of being able to take in liquids
    $800 7
Phosphorescence is defined as giving off light with little or none of this
    $800 22
Charlie Christian, 1916-1942, was one of the first to electrically amplify this instrument
    $800 12
In 2004 the 2 major U.S. political parties held their conventions in these 2 cities
    $800 26
In 1887 Johnson & Johnson was incorporated in part to improve upon this man's study of antisepsis
    $800 17
It was declared a protectorate February 1, 1893; a treaty to annex it to the U.S. came 2 weeks later
    $800 2
He's the moody crooner heard here

"You can bet that I've been crying..."
    DD: $5,000 8
(Jon of the Clue Crew explains the diagrams on the monitor.) For 5 out of 10 carbon-11 atoms to decay into boron-11, it takes 20 minutes, which is this measure for the carbon-11 isotope
    $1200 24
This bandleader from D.C. traveled with an electric piano, now in the Smithsonian, so he wouldn't wake hotel guests
    $1200 13
George H.W. Bush electrified the Republican Convention in this year when he declared "No new taxes"
    $1200 29
To be a cleaner of this, you may need to put on a HAZMAT suit & hope the criminal doesn't return to it
    $1200 18
Israel formally annexed this strategic upland region in 1981
    $1200 4
Scurvy is caused by a lack of this "acid" found in citrus
    $1600 10
In 1911 a physicist first observed superconductivity when he found no resistance in this slippery element at 4.2 kelvin
    $1600 25
This giant of the jazz vibraphone passed away in his 90s in 2002
    $1600 14
He gave his famous "Cross of Gold" speech at the 1896 Democratic Convention
    $1600 28
In 1898 Caleb Johnson sold this soap named for 2 types of oil used to make it; later the co. merged with Colgate
    $1600 19
Bolivia became landlocked when this country took over its only coastal territory after a 19th c. war
    $1600 5
In December 1991 he gave Yeltsin the nuclear codes
    $2000 11
(Sarah of the Clue Crew swirls water in a bottle.) I'm creating a small version of this, a mass of fluid in a swirling motion; whirlpools, tornadoes & sunspots are bigger versions
    $2000 30
There's a distinctive left-hand pattern in this style of piano playing, also a word meaning "walk"
    $2000 15
This bespectacled NBC newsman was forcibly removed from the floor of the 1964 GOP Convention in San Francisco
    $2000 27
Because of a clean-up effort, Bernard Rayner became the last to sell pigeon food in this British plaza
    DD: $2,000 20
Under the 1792 Treaty of Jassy, the Ottoman Empire agreed to Russia's taking over control of this peninsula
    $2000 6
From Turkish for "cool drink", it's a frozen dessert made from fruit syrup

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Eric Steve Nathan
$5,800 $15,800 $14,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

In January 2006 this country swore in Africa's first elected female president, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf

Final scores:

Eric Steve Nathan
$11,598 $2,799 $15,801
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $15,801

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Eric Steve Nathan
$5,800 $9,800 $14,400
12 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
19 R
(including 2 DDs),
5 W
17 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $30,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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