Suggest correction - #3144 - 1998-04-09

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    $400 10
The Dalai Lama, in exile since 1959, lives in the Himalayan town of Dharmsala in this country

Show #3144 - Thursday, April 9, 1998


David Case, a video archivist from West Lafayette, Indiana

Naomi Freeman, an international trade specialist from Bethesda, Maryland

Marsha Allen, an astronomer originally from St. Louis, Missouri (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $12,201)

Jeopardy! Round

1980s FADS
    $100 21
People who live at high altitudes often have thicker blood, to deliver more of this gas to body cells
    $100 12
Torn sweatshirts & legwarmers were all the rage after this 1983 Jennifer Beals movie
    $100 1
Because he speaks Latin, Flinchius knows that "gladiator" means a "man of" this weapon
    $100 4
The Nobel Committee said awarding this prize to the Dalai Lama in 1989 was not politically motivated
    $100 9
In "Take the Money and Run", this comedian bungles a bank robbery because no one can read his note
    $200 22
An ordinary "Joe" may also have this last name, for his regular purchase in the beer section
    $200 23
Thromboses & embolisms are common causes of strokes, the interruption of the blood supply to this organ
    $200 13
Sensitive men of the '70s were out; "Real Men" didn't eat this
    $200 2
Flinchius covers his eyes when the crowd determines his fate by displaying this digit
    $200 7
The Dalai Lama's most famous disciple, this actor published a book of photos of Buddhist culture
    $200 16
One of these David Letterman bits is "Least Popular Candy Bars"; No. 4 is "Good 'N' Linty"
    $300 27
In a legal case, he's the equivalent of Mr. X; in real life, he was in the band X
    $300 24
If this factor differs in a pregnant woman & her fetus, the baby's red blood cells may be damaged
    $300 14
Androgeny was exemplified by Eurythmics' Annie Lennox, & by this lead singer of Culture Club
    $300 3
Flinchius calls it his office, but it's the better known name for the Flavian amphitheater where he fights
    $300 8
The Dalai Lama is the spiritual reincarnation of this Enlightened One, formerly known as Gautama
    DD: $500 17
(Hi, I'm Paula Poundstone.) In an early stand-up routine, Bob Newhart instructs drivers of these on pulling away just as drivers reach the doors
    $400 25
Doctors are again using these worms, now to remove blood clots in fingers reattached by microsurgery
    $400 15
Based on Xavier Roberts' sculptures, these dolls were a popular item for adoption in 1983
    $400 5
Flinchius never quite got a handle on this 3-pronged weapon that was a favorite of the god Neptune
    $400 10
The Dalai Lama, in exile since 1959, lives in the Himalayan town of Dharmsala in this country
    $400 18
Buxom women losing their clothes was a staple of this comic's show, on British TV until 1989
    $500 26
Type O is the universal donor; this type is considered the universal recipient
    $500 20
Greed was good: Trump taught "The Art of the Deal", & she said, "Only the little people pay taxes"
    $500 6
With his chariot payments, Flinchius is glad this first Christian emperor failed to ban gladiator bouts
    $500 11
1997 movie seen here in which a mountain climber tutors the Dalai Lama:
    $500 19
Danny Thomas was a master of this "Take" in which he'd get startling news while eating or drinking

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 11):

Marsha Naomi David
$1,000 $1,500 $0

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Marsha Naomi David
$2,900 $2,500 $700

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 9
After beating Muhammad Ali in 1971, he spent the next several weeks in the hospital
    $200 1
Gilbert Stuart's unfinished "Athenaeum Head" portrait of this man appears on the $1 bill
    $200 7
This city's Nov. 9, 1965 blackout began at 5:27 P.M., stranding subway riders & darkening Herald Square
    $200 13
In happier times, they founded Desilu Productions
    $200 2
It's a solemn promise to tell the truth, I swear
    $400 22
He was killed in WWII, leaving the future of his family's political hopes on his brother John
    $400 3
His painting "Weeping Woman", seen here, is assumed modeled after his mistress, Dora Mar
    $400 8
Paul Revere left Boston at 10 P.M. April 18, 1775 & arrived in this city around midnight
    $400 14
In the '60s Barbra Streisand was married to this actor; their son Jason appeared in "The Prince of Tides"
    $400 15
It's a piece of land devoted to the cultivation of fruit or nut trees
    $600 23
Mafia boss Joe Bonanno was unimaginatively nicknamed for these fruits
    $600 4
A famous 1793 painting by Jacques-Louis David depicts this assassinated Frenchman in his bathtub
    $600 10
An Exxon tanker ran aground at 12:04 A.M. March 24, 1989, 25 miles from this city, its namesake
    DD: $2,000 28
Play that features the dying words heard here:
    $600 16
Everything didn't come up roses for Ernest Borgnine & this entertainer; they separated after a month
    $600 19
In music, one of these runs 8 notes, from C to shining C
    $800 24
Joe Strummer strummed & sang for this band heard here:
    $800 5
In 1894 he completed "The Day of the Gods", the painting seen here
    $800 11
Term for the night of Nov. 9, 1938 when Germany's Jewish shops & synagogues were destroyed
    $800 27
Mistress Ford & Mistress Page are the saucy spouses who trick & torment Falstaff in this comedy
    $800 17
This former wife of Neil Simon has appeared as Martin Crane's girlfriend Sherry on "Frasier"
    DD: $1,000 20
It's the type of structure seen here:
    $1000 25
The name of this U.S. senator became an -ism, meaning unfair public accusation
    $1000 6
Van Dyck did paintings of this Stuart king "On Horseback" & with Henrietta Maria & their children
    $1000 12
3-word term for the Watergate-era exodus of Richardson, Ruckelshaus & Cox on Saturday, Oct. 20, 1973
    $1000 26
Act III of this play opens inside King Priam's palace in Troy
    $1000 18
John Derek's exes include Ursula Andress & this "Dynasty" actress
    $1000 21
This fish-eating bird of prey is also known as the fish hawk

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Marsha Naomi David
$13,700 $3,300 $4,100
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We all watch it!)
Spawning a web site, videos & a magazine, this A&E series has taken on a life of its own

Final scores:

Marsha Naomi David
$8,700 $6,580 $6,600
2-day champion: $20,901 3rd place: Pair of Wittnauer International Watches 2nd place: Trip to Buena Vista Palace Resort, Orlando, Florida

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Marsha Naomi David
$12,100 $3,300 $4,600
24 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
13 R,
2 W
12 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $20,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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