Suggest correction - #9288 - 2025-03-12

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    $600 6
"First state of the universe", which was pretty much utter this

Show #9288 - Wednesday, March 12, 2025


Brian Nieves, a substitute teacher from Gambrills, Maryland

Kristen VanBlargan, a writer from Brooklyn, New York

James Corson, a nuclear engineer from Frederick, Maryland (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $42,000)

Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: Sorry.)
    $200 26
The area of China known as the Pearl River this is home to more than 70 million people
    $200 27
In 2015 her "To Kill a Mockingbird" was back on the bestseller list along with "Go Set a Watchman"
    $200 30
A British recipe for s'mores calls for digestive biscuits rather than these
    $200 29
The second part of the title of this Angelina Jolie action adventure is "Tomb Raider"
    $200 28
Believers & skeptics alike are invited to attend the annual UFO Festival in this New Mexico City, held since 1996
    $200 25
"The drink of the gods"... sweet!
    $400 19
This word for a section of marshy, sluggish water came into English via Louisiana French
    $400 13
"'F' Is for Fugitive" was the first of her Alphabet Mysteries to make the New York Times bestseller list
    $400 23
It's the super awesome name for sausages, especially when they're paired with mash,
    $400 20
George Clooney played Danny Ocean in the remake of "Ocean's Eleven"; this crooner played the role in the 1960 original
    $400 21
Catch 'em while you can, sheep parading down Main Street in Ketchum during the Trailing of the Sheep Festival in this state
    $400 24
"Origin", perhaps biblically
    $600 1
Opened in 1900, the Chicago Sanitary & Ship Canal was built to divert sewage away from this much bigger body of water
    $600 3
1959 saw some big bestsellers, including "Doctor Zhivago" & this Leon Uris novel with a biblical title
    $600 10
London chef Pierre Koffmann is legendary for his dish of trotters, less elegantly known as these, with a sweetbread stuffing
    $600 5
Kirsten Dunst played this title iconic & ill-fated queen from her marriage at 14 through her capture & imprisonment by revolutionaries
    $600 9
A festival in Hampton, Virginia named for this British pirate includes a reenactment of his last battle
    $600 6
"First state of the universe", which was pretty much utter this
    $800 11
The Moray this is an inlet of the North Sea; the Solway this, of the Irish sea
    DD: $1,000 4
John Updike put his most famous character to bed in this 1990s bestseller that won a Pulitzer Prize
    $800 22
It's not exactly the same, but it is the British version of molasses
    $800 14
Sebastian Stan played Donald Trump learning the ropes of real estate & public relations in this 2024 film
    $800 18
Fittingly, this city at the tip of Illinois hosts a multi-day extravaganza celebrating all things Superman
    $800 15
"Master craftsman"; some folks have designs on this job
    $1000 12
This Pacific sea is home to hundreds of species of the stuff that gives it its name, both hard & soft kinds
    $1000 2
2024 Nobel Prize winner Han Kang hit the U.S. bestseller list with this novel whose title refers to Yeong-hye, who renounces meat
    $1000 17
What we call eggplant the Brits call this, which is actually the French name
    $1000 7
A renowned New York playwright travels to California to write for the movies in this Coen brothers dark comedy
    $1000 8
It sounds like a marsupial but it's a music & arts festival held annually in Manchester, Tennessee
    $1000 16
"Conversation", or "to speak alternately"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

James Kristen Brian
$3,200 $1,000 $3,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

James Kristen Brian
$4,600 $1,200 $5,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 25
As you'd guess, "Light Horse" Harry Lee was a masterful commander of this kind of force, but "Lee's Legion" had infantry too
    $400 26
18th c. actor David Garrick was adept at these two opposites & is shown between the muses of both
    $400 27
This man was a real wily buster--telling the Cyclops he's "nobody" & the one-eye guy reports, "Nobody poked me"? Brilliant!
    $400 30
In 1966 the creator of an early one of these "bot"s was startled when his secretary asked him to leave so she could talk with it
    $400 29
On HBO, this actress played paranoid as well as germaphobic in leading "The Regime" as Chancellor Elena Vernham
    $400 28
The Saltstraumen maelstrom is one in Norway
    $800 24
Alexander Kerensky lived 50+ years in exile including teaching at Stanford after losing power to this Russian faction in 1917
    $800 16
Sarah Bernhardt was unafraid to take on male roles, like this Shakespeare prince
    $800 7
In folklore this tricky kitty eats an ogre, while in "Shrek" the same-named character befriends one
    $800 17
Launched by Kodak in 1965, this eight-millimeter format was used in the early, early films of Sam Raimi & Guillermo del Toro
    $800 22
Louis Huang, on this ABC sitcom: "Okay, we apologize if some of you felt sexually harassed by our last sexual harassment training"
    $800 23
From the Old English for "twist" or "bend", it means to wriggle in embarrassment or pain
    DD: $6,000 2
Giuseppe Mazzini's 1830s movement, Giovine Italia, called this in English, inspired La Jeune Suisse & Mloda Polska
    $1200 13
Sessue Hayakawa became the first Asian American movie matinee idol, aided by a 1914 movie titled this type of Pacific storm
    $1200 6
An 1888 book by D.R. McAnally called this type of mythical creature "a mischief maker, the Puck of the Emerald Isle"
    $1200 9
2017 brought the launch of Nadi X (from Sanskrit for "flow"), bluetooth-enabled pants for this activity to fix problem poses
    $1200 21
In 2024 Kathy Bates had legal issues on this CBS drama, but being related to the same-named Andy Griffith guy was not one of them
    DD: $5,800 10
In a 1930s interview Lead Belly urged folks to "stay" this, "keep their eyes open"; now it's common slang
    $1600 1
He was once a revolutionary but his 2nd stint as pres. of Nicaragua, since 2007, has looked more like a dictatorship
    $1600 14
A sex symbol of the silent film era, Theda Bara played roles like Carmen, Cleopatra & this dancer of the Seven Veils
    $1600 4
In folklore Bruin is a bear lured into a log with the promise of honey by this foxy trickster
    $1600 8
In the '90s, Taher Elgamal at this navigator browser co. developed the encryption protocol SSL, letting e-commerce explode
    $1600 19
To his horror, this "Weekend Update" man was forced to call out a man you never, ever want to call out--Kendrick Lamar
    $1600 11
This nickname for the A-10 Thunderbolt II aircraft refers to a swine from the savannah
    $2000 3
The Gov. of Guerrero hid in a crate from Margarita Neri of this eponymous group of early 1900s Mexican rebels reborn in the 1990s
    $2000 15
Maud Gonne was an Irish activist, suffragist & muse of W.B. Yeats, playing his Cathleen ni Houlihan at this Dublin theatre
    $2000 5
In a West African tale, this trickster spider god kills the king's jester & as a consequence, has to wear the jester's corpse on his head
    $2000 18
This 4-letter tech that tells cops on U.K. crime shows who was almost anywhere anytime debuted outdoors in Bournemouth in 1985
    $2000 20
Personas of the alien on this animated show include Ricky Spanish, Abigail Lemonparty & Yeager Chillax
    $2000 12
Hyphenated term for the phosphorescent light over swampy areas

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

James Kristen Brian
$18,800 $14,000 $6,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

In an 1833 story by her, an alchemist's assistant drinks a potion giving eternal life but ends up seeing all he loves die

Final scores:

James Kristen Brian
$28,800 $18,801 $11,200
2-day champion: $70,800 2nd place: $3,000 3rd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

James Kristen Brian
$14,200 $13,800 $12,600
20 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
16 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
18 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $40,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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