Suggest correction - #9282 - 2025-03-04

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    $800 2
Fought in spring & summer of 1953, one of the final actions of the Korean War was the pair of battles for this "meaty" hill

Show #9282 - Tuesday, March 4, 2025

2025 Jeopardy! Invitational Tournament semifinal game 3.


Ray Lalonde, a scenic artist from Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Juveria Zaheer, a psychiatrist from Whitby, Ontario, Canada

Raymond Goslow, a library technology consultant from Marietta, Georgia

Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: You tell us sizes of what.)
    $200 25
In this 1900 rebellion, members of the Righteous & Harmonious Fists put up their dukes against Westerners & Chinese Christians
    $200 26
In 1925 the Netul River of northwest Oregon was renamed to honor these 2 men who'd passed by 120 years earlier
    $200 29
ballroom grand
    $200 27
A dating app named for this profession seeks out "rural singles, cowboys, cowgirls, ranchers... & country folk"
    $200 28
Or the antihero's! Before "Breaking Bad", Walter White was a high school teacher of this subject, which did come in handy
    $200 30
This Nissan SUV sounds like a fleet of warships
    $400 16
A soldier & Crusader, he spent only a handful of months in England during his reign from 1189 to 1199
    $400 22
Named for the wife of its first governor, the Diamantina River rises in this Aussie state also named for a woman
    $400 24
    $400 21
Lily is the name of the character you can try to impress on this language-learning app
    $400 20
Mahershala Ali hit the road to play some classical music in the 1960s South in this film
    $400 23
A trendy fellow, perhaps listening to indie music & devoted to pour-over coffee
    $600 3
Ottoman sultan from 1520 to 1566, one of his nicknames was the "Lawgiver"
    $600 18
It rises from Lake Tear of the Clouds in the Adirondacks & winds 315 miles to a harbor on the Atlantic
    $600 8
    $600 19
This social media app that began as an internal Twitter project by then CEO Jack Dorsey hit 30 million users in January 2025
    $600 15
...took this cop & family man for a spin(off), from "The Walking Dead" to "The Ones Who Live"
    $600 14
If your parents went to a fraternity or sorority & you want to go to the same one, you're considered one of these
    $800 2
Fought in spring & summer of 1953, one of the final actions of the Korean War was the pair of battles for this "meaty" hill
    DD: $3,200 9
Quinobequin to the natives, it was called the Massachusetts by explorers, then renamed in 1614 for a then-prince
    $800 7
    $800 5
In 2023 this video-editing company released by TikTok's developer obtained 200 million monthly active users
    $800 4
Jobs of this character included deputy director of Pawnee's Parks & Rec Dept., governor of Indiana & (maybe?) the presidency
    $800 17
It's the extremely pleasant name for that itty bitty bouquet of flowers
    $1000 1
This son of an Irish-born father was Chile's chief liberator & its first leader after independence
    $1000 10
Named for the site where the Cree & Beaver settled a dispute, the Peace River is a branch of this largest Canadian river
    $1000 13
    $1000 6
This "Project" that offers more than 70,000 ebooks is named for a 15th century German
    $1000 11
IMDb, on this film:
A "journalist and his psychopathic lawyer travel... for a series of psychedelic escapades"
    $1000 12
An old-timey adjective referring to bawdy, vulgar speech

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Raymond Juveria Ray
$2,000 $3,600 $600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Raymond Juveria Ray
$5,200 $5,200 $1,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: Who isn't?)
    $400 25
Asked if these title seasonal objects were for sale, Robert Frost doubted he'd "sell them off their feet to go in cars"
    $400 26
Many kids' first 401(k) is putting part of their allowance in this traditionally pink item, perhaps with parental matching
    $400 27
One of the largest pieces of Egyptian sculpture at the British Museum is a bust of this great pharaoh
    $400 28
"What you gonna do with your life"? Maybe go see her 2024 to 2025 "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" Farewell Tour
    $400 29
Travis Kelce is one
    $400 30
Due to a German astrologer's dire prediction for 1524, Count von Iggleheim built a 3-story this, like a son of Lamech did
    $800 9
Robert Burns compared his love to "a red, red" this "that's newly sprung in June"
    $800 22
PINK is a registered trademark of Owens Corning as a color for this for attics or walls
    $800 13
He spent 40 years on & off sculpting a tomb for Pope Julius II
    $800 24
This onetime Black Sabbath frontman really did bite the head off a bat at a 1982 show; he thought it was a rubber toy
    $800 23
It comes before "American" in a Graham Greene title
    $800 17
The Great Cycle of the Long Count calendar named for this civilization ended in 2012; many thought the world would end, but nope
    $1200 7
A couplet from this poet goes, "A tree that may in summer wear / A nest of robins in her hair"
    $1200 12
Pink is a classic color for this fabric from the Persian "taftan", as worn to a premiere by Zoe Kazan
    $1200 3
Discovered in 1974, as many as 8,000 soldiers make up this clay army created for the tomb of an ancient Chinese emperor
    DD: $5,000 14
This 16-year-old's diary entry for Oct.18, 2006: "Oh my god I am on the Rascal Flatts tour... I'm opening up for the last nine dates"
    $1200 18
Surname of James & Emily
    $1200 11
At Ragnarök, this goddess of death supports Loki with an army of rotting corpses
    $1600 4
This Welshman wrote "Fern Hill" & name-dropped daisies in a 1933 poem
    $1600 19
A group of Minnesota ladies got a pink lady's-this named as the state flower, brushing aside a guy who suggested the dandelion
    $1600 1
This Swiss-born sculptor's work has been described as "towering granite... somehow weightless, soaring to jagged splintered summits"
    $1600 10
This 15-time Latin Grammy winner's 2025 world tour includes 5 shows in her native Colombia
    $1600 5
To support with a one-time grant or award, as one might do for a college
    $1600 6
This Frenchman prone to predicting doom said the year 1999 would bring "a great king of terror" from the sky
    $2000 8
Poetically "Under" this tree, Shakespeare wrote, "Come hither, come hither"; Thomas Hardy liked it in a novel title
    $2000 20
Raise a cocktail to this "little orchestra" celebrating 30 years of playing its postmodern pop & jazz
    $2000 2
Busted! Robert Fulton & Voltaire were among the many notables who sat for this Frenchman
    $2000 15
This band's 2024 tour came to a sudden end after singer Perry Farrell threw a mid-show punch at guitarist Dave Navarro
    DD: $4,000 21
Relating to a trio of destiny-based goddesses?
    $2000 16
This fiery Florentine martyr warned "The sword of the Lord" was coming "quickly & soon"; so, Florence, shape up!

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Raymond Juveria Ray
$21,000 $14,400 $4,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

A pair of discoveries by him in 1787 are named for stage characters, a new practice in his field

Final scores:

Raymond Juveria Ray
$13,199 $14,400 $8,400
2nd place: $10,000 Finalist 3rd place: $10,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Raymond Juveria Ray
$20,400 $18,400 $4,200
26 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)
22 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)
7 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $43,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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