Suggest correction - #9267 - 2025-02-11

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    $600 19
Term for the authorization given by the League of Nations for a country to govern a former German or Turkish territory

Show #9267 - Tuesday, February 11, 2025

2025 Tournament of Champions final game 3.


Neilesh Vinjamuri, a software engineer from Lionville, Pennsylvania

Isaac Hirsch, a customer support team lead from Burbank, California

Adriana Harmeyer, an archivist from West Lafayette, Indiana

Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: You'll name the work.)
    $200 17
Credited with saving more than 1,000 lives in the 1940s, this man was buried at a Catholic cemetery on Mount Zion
    $200 2
A traveling salesman wakes to find he has a carapace & numerous legs, alarming his family
    $200 23
In Japan you use the broad end of these utensils to pick up food from a communal dish
    $200 30
In 2024 a zoo in China was accused of deceiving visitors by dying dogs black & white & trying to pass them off as these
    $200 24
After making a very early exit off this show, political commentator Jon Lovett titled a podcast ep "Outwit, Outplay, Out First"
    $200 12
You don't want to be in the coils of the green type of this Amazon dweller, the world's heaviest snake at up to 550 lbs. & 30 feet long
    $400 16
He said his "greatest blunder" was the insertion of the cosmological constant into his theory of general relativity
    $400 4
Birth rates drop, a theocracy takes over the United States, & fertile women are forced into servitude
    $400 22
As a noun, it's a wire utensil for beating eggs; as a verb, it means to move quickly
    $400 29
An advocate for LGBTQ rights & pay equity, in 2022 she became the first soccer player to score a Presidential Medal of Freedom
    $400 25
Episodes of this series that began in 2009 include "Glamazon Prime", "Snatch Game" & "Good God Girl, Get Out"
    $400 20
A police officer in Paris, it's from French for "men-at-arms"
    DD: $1,000 1
Gloria Steinem said this 1972 Democratic candidate for pres. "first took the 'white-male-only' sign off the White House"
    $600 5
2 young men get summer jobs tending sheep on the slopes of a Wyoming peak, grow close & meet up over the years
    $600 21
A taste of home cookbook of "Soups, Stews & More" mentions this utensil & 300+ recipes on its cover
    $600 9
The American Lung Association was founded in 1904 to combat this disease
    $600 26
Previously wed for 32 years, Joan Vassos took this title role, nay, responsibility, choosing among 24 suitors in 2024
    $600 19
Term for the authorization given by the League of Nations for a country to govern a former German or Turkish territory
    $800 8
In 1947 nationalist hero Aung San was assassinated at the Secretariat Building in this city
    $800 6
A title Greek girl insists on burying her rebel brother & gets entombed in a cave; the gods avenge her
    $800 14
A sieve is good for getting the clumps out of flour; you can use this hole-y bowl-shaped utensil for straining pasta or rinsing lettuce
    $800 10
This term for an animal that mostly eats meat is also the name of a diet where humans mostly eat meat & animal products & no carbs
    $800 27
Some viewers agreed with a judge on this tattooing skill competition that a season 4 cat was "nothing other than an atrocity"
    $800 18
Used as an aid to meditation, it's a symbolic representation of the spiritual universe
    $1000 7
In 1993, this South African was president of the African National Congress Women's League
    $1000 3
A president is grief-stricken when his son dies of typhoid fever; the son's spirit lingers in a purgatory before moving on
    $1000 13
Pizza cutters are for more than just pizza! Chop herbs & make strips of pastry for this fancy top for a pie crust
    $1000 11
This -ology kind of sounds like the study of a fun summer place but it's actually the art of bell ringing
    $1000 28
If you wanted to see folks eat live beetles or get lowered into a pit of rats, this early 2000s Joe Rogan show was for you
    $1000 15
It's a synonym for dilemma or predicament

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Adriana Isaac Neilesh
$5,400 -$400 $2,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Adriana Isaac Neilesh
$7,200 $2,800 $4,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: Bet he gets up to some crazy adventures.)
    $400 16
Trajan's Bridge, which spans the Danube, is found in this country named for the people Trajan ruled
    $400 8
He's seen here with his musician fiancée of almost six years as of late 2024
    $400 30
Grain, cheese & dust are types of these tiny (really, really tiny!) arthropods
    $400 29
Until 1935 this body didn't have its own building; it met in the Old Senate Chamber, & members ate lunch in the Robing Room
    $400 28
Relating to a time between ancient & modern--Weird Al warned he'd "get" this "on your heinie" in "Amish Paradise"
    $400 27
MGM sent a man they call an arranger--I could do as well with any bricklayer from this city of Schubert, Strauss & Schusser
    $800 11
This longest suspension bridge in the U.S. connects scenic Staten Island to Brooklyn
    $800 4
This "Avatar" actress recently added back the tilde to her last name, missing since a kindergarten teacher refused to use it
    $800 20
SCN is short for this crop's "cyst nematode", a roundworm that may be kept in check by rotating the crop with corn
    DD: $6,400 25
The oldest committee in the House, it's been charting revenue policy since 1789
    $800 26
An avian term for a person who thirsts for a scrap, it was used of congressmen elected before the Scrap of 1812
    $800 22
So, young man, you studied with that Schoenberg fellow at this university in Westwood? Better to learn in a honky tonk on Central Ave.
    $1200 9
The Dongjak Bridge was built to span the Han River in this capital city
    $1200 2
The role of Aaron Burr won him a Tony & a Grammy
    $1200 17
Many rotifers have regal tufts of cilia that draw water into their mouths; the structure goes by this name, like a layer of the Sun
    $1200 14
The mission statement of this Cabinet department begins, "With honor and integrity, we will safeguard the American people"
    $1200 1
This 9-letter adjective for someone itching to fight comes from Latin for "of war"
    $1200 12
Ach! I belch better than you play this single-reed woodwind that evolved from the chalumeau; out with you!
    $1600 10
You could cross the Pons Neronianus over this river; its remnants have emerged during a drought 2,000 years later
    $1600 3
In a line from the always impression-able Al Pacino, these 5 words follow "Just when I thought I was out"
    DD: $14,800 19
Some mini cnidarians that can regenerate parts of their bodies have this mythic name, like a creature fought by Hercules
    $1600 6
Created in 1939, the Executive Office of the President is overseen by this person, a position created in 1946
    $1600 21
Throwing hands & then eating together? That's not friendly fire but the alliterative friendly this slang word for a fight
    $1600 13
I am scoring a historical drama set at the French court of Louis XV of this royal house; we will not have a "catchy swing number"
    $2000 15
Now a World Heritage Site, the perhaps unimaginatively named Ironbridge spans this river, Britain's longest
    $2000 7
This New Zealand-born actress has won raves as Shauna, one of the grown-up crash survivors in "Yellowjackets"
    $2000 18
AKA a water bear or moss piglet, this poster child of charismatic microfauna has survived exposure to the vacuum of space
    $2000 5
Until 1967 & the 25th Amendment, VP succession to the presidency was based on precedent named for this man, the first to do it
    $2000 24
A snack & a body part are in this idiom about someone always ready to take offense
    $2000 23
On the screen, the children frolic; in the studio, the violins play this way, plucking their strings! That is the magic of Schusser

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Adriana Isaac Neilesh
$14,000 $1,600 $30,000
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Asked by a student about the Loch Ness Monster, she said a time portal below could allow a prehistoric creature to pass through

Final scores:

Adriana Isaac Neilesh
$14,000 $1,300 $30,000
2nd place: 1 match point 3rd place Winner: 2 match points

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Adriana Isaac Neilesh
$13,600 $8,000 $16,800
20 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
14 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)
20 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $38,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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