Suggest correction - #9263 - 2025-02-05

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    $200 24
Some truck drivers battle sleepiness with this chemical, the mainstay of NoDoz, Vivarin & 5-hour Energy

Show #9263 - Wednesday, February 5, 2025

2025 Tournament of Champions semifinal game 2.


Amy Hummel, an ER doctor from Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Mark Fitzpatrick, a content manager from Riverside, Connecticut

Isaac Hirsch, a customer support team lead from Burbank, California

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 30
This 4-letter word that ends with 3 vowels can mean "see you later"
    $200 28
Dug up in France, in 2019 one of these from WWI was mistaken for a potato & sent to a chip factory before police detonated it
    $200 26
Hey there, the song "Delilah" off Queen's album "Innuendo" was named after this man's cat
    $200 24
Some truck drivers battle sleepiness with this chemical, the mainstay of NoDoz, Vivarin & 5-hour Energy
    $200 22
Selina Meyer, on this HBO sitcom: "I will destroy you in ways that are so creative, they will honor me for it at the Kennedy Center"
    $200 20
OK, one more time: with an apostrophe, this 3-letter word is a contraction; without, a possessive
    $400 29
Also a style of pasta with sautéed vegetables, this word means "spring" in Italian
    $400 27
Researchers in England say a 14th c. woman faked her death to flee life in one of these institutions & pursue "carnal lust"
    $400 25
In a 1900 story a motley crew stumbles upon this character, frozen in position for more than a year
    $400 23
Compounds of this element, atomic number 17, can give lifeguards respiratory problems
    $400 21
On the next "Arrested Development"... Jeffrey Tambor was dad to this actor; he, in turn, was dad to Michael Cera
    $400 19
Confused by these 2 adverbs? Use the one with an "A" when you mean more distance, the one with a "U" when you just mean more
    $600 7
Italian for "20 miles", it's the name of a town in Italy & of actor Milo, of Italian heritage
    $600 1
In 2019, Britain's Coastguard detained a replica of this 70-meter--sorry, 150-cubit vessel, saying it wasn't seaworthy
    $600 10
This gym was founded in Venice Beach by a bodybuilder & Navy veteran; I saw it in "Pumping Iron"
    $600 4
Sylvia Mackey is the mother of the 88 Plan, which provides aid to retirees who had this job & suffer from dementia
    $600 13
Ilana Glazer, reacting to a man who wants to get married on this comedy: "I'm only 27. What am I, a child bride?"
    $600 16
This "voice" should be avoided when possible--wait, let me make that active! Avoid this "voice" when possible
    $800 8
Denominazione means "designation" & is the D in this 3-letter designation on good bottles of Nebbiolo
    $800 2
This Down Under airline apologized after accidentally showing a sexually explicit film to all passengers on a Sydney-Tokyo flight
    DD: $3,200 11
According to a study published in 2016, this venomous pit viper was responsible for 39% of snake bites on U.S. kids
    $800 5
Falls are always a concern for a shingler, a subspecialty of this job
    $800 14
Benjamin Arthur tagged in as Jake "The Snake" Roberts while Bradley Constant played a "Young" him
    $800 18
(Brian Jordan Alvarez presents the clue.) Want to write a good term paper? You need to nail this introductory statement that sets forth your argument & provides a road map for the rest of your essay; it's from Greek for "proposition"
    $1000 9
The middle of this word for a song played between the acts of an opera sports a pair of Z's
    $1000 3
In 2020 a man asked an Iowa court to let him settle a dispute with his wife via a duel using this Japanese-named sword
    $1000 12
This guy behind only missed one state in the 2008 presidential election: Indiana
    $1000 6
That Siamese in for a checkup may have an asymptomatic Bartonella infection & give the vet this febrile disease
    $1000 15
As Revolutionary War soldier Nigel Chessum, John Hartman falls in love with the man who killed him on this CBS comedy
    $1000 17
In "speaking is easy", "speaking" is one of these, a verb form acting as a noun

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Isaac Mark Amy
$2,800 -$200 $2,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Isaac Mark Amy
$5,000 $1,200 $4,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 30
In 2010, Ban Ki-moon visited U.N. HQ in this Caribbean nation, where victims of a quake included Ban's special representative
    $400 29
"The End" by The Doors plays; a jungle bursts into flames & fades into Captain Willard in Saigon
    $400 28
First name of Pushkin's hero Mr. Onegin; in Russian, he's Yevgeny
    $400 27
The Rat Islands & the Fox Islands are part of this volcanic chain that separates the Bering Sea from the Pacific Ocean
    $400 26
Adopted in 1917, the flag of this state sports a white buffalo on a dark blue field along with the words, "Equal Rights"
    $400 25
It can mean to impress or to embellish a piece of clothing with sequins or rhinestones
    $800 21
Dag Hammarskjöld died on a 1961 mission to bring peace to this formerly Belgian region of Africa
    $800 20
Drew Barrymore talks on the phone to a mysterious voice while making popcorn
    $800 10
Elwood Curtis is sentenced to a reform school in this Colson Whitehead novel
    $800 22
There once was a clue from Limerick, a port city of West Central Ireland, on this river's Atlantic estuary
    $800 23
This organization gives adult volunteers the Silver Buffalo Award; the first went to Robert Baden-Powell
    $800 24
An informal way to address a male judge or mayor
    $1200 3
The first UNSG from Asia, he had a background in journalism & was a devout Buddhist
    DD: $5,000 17
The Paramount Pictures mountain fades into a Peruvian peak
    $1200 9
This ordinal-named novella by Graham Greene was published after the release of its 1949 film adaptation
    $1200 6
The northernmost capital city in Africa, it's home to the Al-Zaytunah Mosque, which dates from the 8th century
    $1200 11
Joining as an expansion team in 1970, this franchise has featured stars like left winger Rick Martin & goalie Dominik Hasek
    $1200 14
These European show horses are noted for their iconic white coats & Roman noses
    $1600 2
Running afoul of her, the Clinton administration's top diplomat, cost Boutros Boutros-Ghali a chance for a second term
    $1600 18
After an egg yolk births a second yolk, Demi Moore's star on the Walk of Fame begins to age
    $1600 8
A crime fiction magazine published continuously since 1941 bears the name of this fictional author/detective
    DD: $4,400 5
The Genghis Khan Statue Complex is found about 35 miles west of this city of 1.5 million
    $1600 12
This David Mamet play is set on a Friday at Don's Resale Shop; the title refers to a valuable nickel
    $1600 15
Malcolm X adopted the name el-Hajj Malik el-this, in part for the name of a tribe from which Black Americans were said to descend
    $2000 1
A former European prime minister & U.N. secretary-general since 2017, he's led efforts to address climate change & its impact on prosperity
    $2000 19
Animated Muses on a Grecian vase come to life & mention the title demigod before singing a gospel-tinged myth primer
    $2000 7
John Ford said his film "Stagecoach" was inspired by "Boule de Suif" by this French short story writer
    $2000 4
This southernmost Mexican state was linked with Guatemala in colonial times; it was more recently a center of unrest
    $2000 13
The Cape buffalo thrives in Africa in part because it's immune to nagana, the bovine form of sleeping sickness caused by this fly
    $2000 16
In the Bible, during this king's great feast, he sees writing on the wall & Daniel is brought in to interpret

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Isaac Mark Amy
$13,600 $18,400 $5,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

The first man to observe bacteria & protozoa had a name containing the Dutch word for this much bigger creature

Final scores:

Isaac Mark Amy
$17,600 $9,599 $1
Finalist 2nd place: $10,000 3rd place: $10,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Isaac Mark Amy
$21,800 $15,600 $5,600
28 R,
3 W
(including 2 DDs)
16 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
9 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $43,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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