Suggest correction - #9247 - 2025-01-14

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    $2000 16
What the North called the Battle of Bull Run, the South called this for a town in Virginia

Show #9247 - Tuesday, January 14, 2025

2025 Champions Wildcard quarterfinal game 2.


Evan Dorey, a data analytics director from Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Stevie Ruiz, an assistant front office manager from Montauk, New York

Davey Morrison, an actor and filmmaker from Provo, Utah

Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: I hope your three are as excited about the prospect of that as I am.)
    $200 25
Harrison Ford in "Air Force One"
Bill Pullman in "Independence Day"
    $200 24
It is d'Artagnan who reminds the Three Musketeers that this 6-word phrase "is our motto"
    $200 22
Quoting from this 1845 poem, "'Prophet!' said I, 'thing of evil!--prophet still, if bird or devil!--"'
    $200 21
More than half of Iceland's population lives in or near this capital city
    $200 29
Chionophobia is an extreme fear of this cold substance
    $200 30
Yea, this "biblical" Ford shall be 12'6" high & contain 500 horses, & a sling & a stone shalt not slayeth it; it 100% slayeth on its own
    $400 16
Will Ferrell in "Blades of Glory"
Jon Heder in "Blades of Glory"
    $400 23
A proverb says, "A new broom" does this
    $400 13
This "Beloved" author was the first Black woman to win the Nobel Prize for Literature
    $400 20
Like Norway's, the Icelandic coastline has many of these deep inlets carved by glaciers
    $400 28
Sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia is the scientific term for this sensation when you consume something very cold & wish you hadn't
    $400 27
Not monkeying around, Jeff Dane donated this beast which "ain't got stuff on me", to the International Monster Truck Museum & Hall of Fame in 2023
    $600 3
Jack Nicholson in "Chinatown"
Russell Crowe in "The Nice Guys"
    $600 12
"At" this kind of table, "there's no dispute of place"
    $600 5
At the end of this 1922 novel, Leopold Bloom describes his day to his wife Molly
    $600 7
She ranks as the country's most famous personality & it seems that everyone there has a story about this former Sugarcube
    $600 8
The winter sport biathlon combines these 2 activities into one event
    $600 14
An '83 Chevy bore the name of this weapon of legend, but it ends in -er vs. -ur, of which we do not approve
    $800 1
Sally Hawkins in "The Shape of Water"
Matt Damon in "Good Will Hunting"
    $800 10
You might want to reconsider this type of biblical retribution; it "will leave everyone blind"
    $800 4
Queen Guinevere attends a New Year's feast in the Middle English poem about this title sir & the Green Knight
    $800 11
Soak in the geothermal sea water of this attraction, one of Iceland's most popular; it's also the name of an '80s film
    $800 9
A word from the Sámi language gives us this name for the zone of cold, treeless ground found north of the Arctic Circle
    $800 15
A Camaro body? Why not? Also, why not give it the name of this Roy Scheider helicopter film? Boy, that was some heavy '80s goin' on!
    $1000 2
Rick Moranis in "Ghostbusters"
Ben Affleck as Christian Wolff (the title profession)
    DD: $3,000 19
No backsies with this phrase, iacta alea est in Latin
    $1000 6
Emily Dickinson was known as "The Belle of" this city as well as "The Nun of" it
    $1000 17
One of the world's oldest parliaments, it makes our heart sing, it makes everything groovy, c'mon...
    $1000 18
The historic cradle of Russia, this river can be icebound & often impassable in some areas for as long as 5 months a year
    $1000 26
The original car crusher was this vehicle created by Bob Chandler that put the monster in monster truck

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

davey! Stevie Evan
$3,400 $1,200 $3,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

davey! Stevie Evan
$3,800 $2,200 $9,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 25
Half-horseman, pass by! Hercules killed Nessus, this type of creature, but Nessus' blood would later prove fatal to our boy
    $400 5
She's the DK in DKNY, a line launched in 1989
    $400 28
This half of an exploring duo was Thomas Jefferson's personal secretary & aide-de-camp; later, gov. of the Upper Louisiana Territory
    $400 29
This "Man in Black" had a 1968 hit with "Rosanna's Going Wild", the year his daughter Rosanne turned 13
    $400 30
Poppies & primroses are this type of persistent plant whose name also begins with a "P"
    $400 26
Hidden or supernatural
(6 letters)
    $800 24
Hercules labor-ed to catch the mad bull who fathered the Minotaur with King Minos' wife on this island
    $800 1
This clothing designer has also launched a fragrance called Daisy & a bookstore cleverly called Bookmarc
    $800 6
In his first State of the Union speech, President Lyndon Johnson declared a "War on" this condition
    $800 10
The movie "Easy Rider" used this tune that mentions "heavy metal thunder"
    $800 27
Ask Mr. Alpert--a plant that doesn't produce wood is usually referred to as one of these
    $800 20
Cranial nerve to smell ya later
(9 letters)
    $1200 19
Hercules spent a year trying to capture this creature of Arcadia, sacred to Artemis, who was less than pleased
    $1200 2
"I.M." is the memoir of this American designer who has been on "Sex & the City" & our show, too
    $1200 14
Spain called dibs on this Pacific island in 1565 &, with some persuasion from the U.S.S. Charleston, gave it to the U.S. in 1898
    $1200 9
Back in 1989, this rapper had a big hit letting us know "I need $50 to make you holler, I get paid to do the Wild Thing"
    DD: $2,800 18
The agave is this type of plant whose name comes from the Latin for "juice"
    $1200 11
King of the fairies or moon of Uranus
(6 letters)
    DD: $4,600 7
Hercules had a hand in the Trojan War, as his slaying of Laomedon made this man Troy's king
    $1600 3
Ground Y & Y's for Men are brands from this designer, who does Yves Saint Laurent one "Y" better
    $1600 15
More than 5,000 perished in the hurricane that struck this Texas island community in September 1900
    $1600 8
Rihanna & Bryson Tiller teamed with this DJ/performer/producer for the 2017 smash "Wild Thoughts"
    $1600 21
In some species this process by which a seed sprouts is ushered along by exposure to light of proper wavelengths
    $1600 12
Straight-up hatred
(5 letters)
    $2000 17
Hercules had to go on a mythological panty raid to relieve this warrior queen of the fierce Amazons of her girdle
    $2000 4
Billionaire philanthropist known for her preppy Bohemian designs, this woman here wears a few hats
    $2000 16
What the North called the Battle of Bull Run, the South called this for a town in Virginia
    $2000 23
Meshell Ndegeocello went to Indiana to record a cover of "Wild Night" with this guy from Seymour
    $2000 22
One or more carpels make up this part of a flower with all the female reproductive bits
    $2000 13
An oven for drying hops
(4 letters)

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

davey! Stevie Evan
$8,800 $7,000 $20,600
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

"Bilady, Bilady, Bilady", its national anthem, replaced a more militaristic one following a 1979 peace treaty

Final scores:

davey! Stevie Evan
$0 $5,199 $20,600
3rd place: $5,000 if eliminated 2nd place: $5,000 if eliminated Automatic semifinalist

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

davey! Stevie Evan
$11,800 $7,000 $18,600
15 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R,
2 W
21 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $37,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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