Suggest correction - #9234 - 2024-12-26

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    $1200 22
UVA says outdoor gait training may help treadmill users who suffer from these pains in the lower legs caused by repetitive stress

Show #9234 - Thursday, December 26, 2024

Laura Faddah game 6.


Brad Grusnick, a voice actor from Aurora, Illinois

Carole Portas Keane, an education researcher originally from Jersey City, New Jersey

Laura Faddah, a manager from Memphis, Tennessee (5-day champion whose cash winnings total $58,400)

Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: Those are the first and last letters of each response.)
    $200 10
This stately river is formed by the confluence of the Allegheny & the Monongahela Rivers
    $200 1
Hardeen, whose exploits are advertised here, had this more famous brother in the same line of work
    $200 5
Once classically Big Eight, this Big Ten U. boasts Warren Buffett, Willa Cather & John J. Pershing as alums
    $200 24
You got tipsy & stained the carpet; blot the area, then pour the Grey Goose--this liquor in your cocktail--onto the blot
    $200 18
"They did their best, shoddily iddily iddily diddily...! Gotta be nice!"
    $200 4
Your signature, or a president of the Continental Congress
    $400 11
Designated the fifth ocean, it surrounds Antarctica
    $400 15
Last name of Katharine, seen here; an educator & suffragist, she became a celebrity like her two brothers
    $400 6
The Steven Spielberg Building is at the School of Cinematic Arts at this Pac-12... I mean, of course, Big Ten college
    $400 23
After your morning Joe, dry out these 2-word remnants that contain nitrogen, then put 'em in a bowl to deodorize the fridge
    $400 16
"I could pull a better cartoon outta my a... Hey! Whoa! Wasn't that great, kids?!"
    $400 25
It can mean to remove built-in limitations from an electronic device as well as an escape from the slammer
    $600 12
This large lake formed by the building of Hoover Dam is at the center of a national recreation area
    DD: $2,400 19
There's a reason you don't hear much about the 5th century ruler Bleda; this meaner brother & co-ruler offed him in 445
    $600 7
The Phil & Penny Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific Impact is at this Pac-12... I mean, of course, Big Ten college
    $600 20 is among the resources chiming in on cleaning your cutting board with half of one of these
    $600 2
"Well, for once, the rich white man is in control!"
    $600 26
Idiomatic moment at which a creative endeavor like a TV show starts to decline in quality
    $800 13
The Gulf of Corinth separates this peninsula from central Greece
    $800 29
Last name of Ed, a Western lawman with his brother Bat; Ed was killed by a drunken cowboy at age 25
    $800 8
One theory says this once-independent U.'s "Happy Valley" got its name in the Depression, when the school's stability kept hard times away
    $800 21
A tip from Whirlpool on cleaning one of its dishwashers starts with putting a glass of this in the lower rack
    $800 3
"Brothers & sisters are natural enemies! Like Englishmen & Scots! Or Welshmen & Scots!... or Scots & other Scots!"
    $800 27
Moveable lever to control your efforts in "God of War"
    $1000 14
This bay noted for its high tides separates Nova Scotia & New Brunswick
    $1000 30
The career of this actor was going great guns until April 14, 1865, when his brother took center stage; he'd retire temporarily
    $1000 9
This school that said goodbye to the ACC is part of a state system that includes Bowie State & Towson Universities
    $1000 22
It's okay to scour a cast iron skillet, but afterward you may have to restore this protective layer of oil, not of thyme & bay leaf
    $1000 17
"Oh come on, Edna! We both know these children have no future...! (nervous laugh) Prove me wrong, kids! Prove me wrong"
    $1000 28
Down Under word for a sheep, mate

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Laura Carole Brad
$2,000 $1,200 $800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Laura Carole Brad
$4,000 $3,400 $2,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 26
One reason for the purchase was to provide a route for this across the southern U.S.; it wasn't completed until 1881
    $400 5
You can almost smell Ignatius Reilly's hot dogs wafting over this "boozy" Big Easy Street in "A Confederacy of Dunces"
    $400 20
These eye parts shrink up to .4 millimeters per decade, helping explain why it gets harder to see in dim light as you age
    $400 30
Terra firma reached after a voyage & where trash ends up
    $400 11
Visiting one of these 3-letter dry gardens also called karesansui; you can feel your state of mind relaxing
    $400 6
In a Brothers Grimm tale, we learn that her eventual wedding "was planned with great splendor & majesty"
    $800 25
In Spanish, the purchase is "Venta de La Mesilla" after a town now in this state, a few miles from Las Cruces
    $800 1
Barbara Kingsolver sets "Demon Copperhead" in the southern part of these mountains
    $800 21
A 2024 study found that a massive earthquake 2,500 years ago abruptly shifted the course of this river near the Bay of Bengal
    $800 16
To scatter, like flowers, & one of the simple machines that has threads
    $800 12
Snowboarding, maybe in Jackson Hole in this state where the views are awesome
    $800 7
She & game show host Allen Ludden tied the knot in 1963; she was Allen's "Golden Girl" for 18 years of wedded bliss
    DD: $3,000 27
James Gadsden negotiated with this Mexican pres. whom Texans had met in battle; the purchase helped get him ousted from office
    $1200 2
In "The Sun Also Rises" Jake & co. visit this Spanish city for the Running of the Bulls
    $1200 22
UVA says outdoor gait training may help treadmill users who suffer from these pains in the lower legs caused by repetitive stress
    DD: $1,600 17
Treat with pharmaceuticals & engage in a practice to achieve calmness & enlightenment
    $1200 13
Playing this game that you can enjoy on the lawn; it evolved from a French one called paille-maille
    $1200 8
This rocker married model Karen Elson soon after she was in his 2005 video "Blue Orchid"
    $1600 28
Settlers who were now Americans rather than Mexicans wondered, would the deal reduce raids by these people, Cochise & co.
    $1600 3
One of his "Leatherstocking Tales", "The Prairie" is set on the Great Plains
    $1600 23
Genetic analysis of Ötzi the Iceman, a 5,300-year-old mummy from the Alps, shows he had dark skin & MPB, this form of hair loss
    $1600 18
Faced with courage & cried like a donkey
    $1600 14
Seeing a NASCAR race; we're gonna head out to this Alabama superspeedway & hope for a little shake & bake
    $1600 9
Promising he was never, never gonna give her up, he wed fellow singer Glodean James in 1974
    $2000 29
The Gadsden Purchase covered almost 30,000 square miles, much of it in this desert straddling Mexico & the USA
    $2000 4
"Hotel Pastis: A Novel of" this French region is by Peter Mayle, who also wrote "A Year in" it
    $2000 24
A species of desert moss may help to colonize Mars, as it can survive extreme temps & the deadly rays known by this Greek letter
    $2000 19
Widespread & a defensive wall around a castle
    $2000 15
A picnic in Rome, perhaps at this villa named for an Italian family that boasted Pope Paul V as a member
    $2000 10
A whiz on the gridiron & with the books, he married Marion Stearns in 1946 before putting on Supreme Court robes in 1962

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Laura Carole Brad
$20,400 $6,400 $9,200
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

"Catch It" was a tagline for this 1970s film whose iconic soundtrack became one of the bestselling albums of all time

Final scores:

Laura Carole Brad
$21,000 $9,400 $9,200
6-day champion: $79,400 2nd place: $3,000 3rd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Laura Carole Brad
$20,000 $4,600 $11,600
21 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
12 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
16 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $36,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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