Suggest correction - #9204 - 2024-11-14

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    $400 19
"Le's do it now. Le's get that place now" were Lennie's last words to George in this Steinbeck novella

Show #9204 - Thursday, November 14, 2024


Stephanie Asalone, a former 401(k) processor originally from St. Marys, Pennsylvania

Steven Czekala, a retired dentist from Oakland, California

Evan Dorey, a data analytics director from Toronto, Ontario, Canada (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $29,200)

Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: The letters "U-P" begin each response.)
    $200 21
The Cardinals beating the Cowboys 28-16 was a big one in 2023
    $200 30
The Trouper or Apollo rocking recliner, trying to help guys become the company name
    $200 27
The name of this data-storage format came from the color of the laser used to read the discs
    $200 6
In the game of Scrabble, Qs & Zs have the highest value, this many points for each
    $200 25
You can soar above the 11,842 lakes of 10 acres or more in this not quite accurately nicknamed state
    $200 28
Ellie & Joel were back in their awful world in "Part II" of this video game, which Rolling Stone dubbed "an absolute (bleeping) banger"
    $400 16
Usually preceded by "one-", it's outdoing or keeping ahead of a friend or rival
    $400 3
The 2024 Ioniq 5, with an electric 300 miles of range
    $400 19
The River Ray in Wiltshire empties into this much larger one just east of the town of Cricklade
    $400 26
If spelunking is your hobby, you like to study & explore these, like Vietnam's Hang Son Doong
    $400 24
We're beginning our descent into this city; out your window, you may be able to see Coit Tower & Ghirardelli Square
    $400 29
The New York times called this Broadway show inspired by a movie musical a "natural high" with a "knockout" Karen Olivo as Satine
    $600 1
Hurricanes do it to trees; people do it when they leave a longtime home & move away
    $600 4
"Assassin's Creed" in all its many forms, but "U" knew that
    $600 11
Roentgenogram is another name for an image produced with the use of these
    $600 7
Imitating larval & intermediate forms, nymphs & emergers are 2 of the main types used in this variety of angling
    $600 15
It's about 3 hours by car from Pocatello to Sun Valley in this state, but what the heck! Let's fire up the Piper Cub!
    $600 18
This 2023 film was a "Minus" in title only: IndieWire said, "The king of monsters is back--and better than ever"
    $800 2
In the Bible the first line of Job explains that he was from Uz, & that he was "perfect and" this
    $800 5
Americone Dream & Boom Chocolatta! Cookie Core
    $800 12
Watch your step at the Cayman Islands resort city named for these animals
    $800 8
A Winter Olympic sport since 1998, it uses what was originally called a "snurfer" when invented in 1965
    DD: $800 17
If you fly west out of Columbia, Missouri to Denver, basically above I-70, you'll cross this state in its entirety
    $800 22
She gets raves as Sydney on "The Bear", & gives 'em online: "Florence Pugh... can punch me in the neck. I'd die for her"
    $1000 10
The highest social class, or the topmost layer of the Earth's lithosphere
    $1000 14
Neosporin & Paxlovid
    $1000 13
Emmanuel Radnitzky was the real name of this photographer, painter & filmmaker who had key roles in Dada & Surrealism
    $1000 9
Earn points by collecting cards of the same rank into groups called melds in this card game with a name from Spanish for "basket"
    $1000 20
Why just o'er? Why just land? We're going to put our seaplane down on this 730-square-mile Florida lake & do a little fishing
    $1000 23
Collider said this 2023 murder movie "features the best animal performance of the year" (its pooch won the Palm Dog at Cannes!)

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Evan Steven Stephanie
$3,400 $2,800 $2,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Evan Steven Stephanie
$5,600 $3,000 $3,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 30
The Pythian Games were held every third year of the Olympiad at this Oracle city to honor Apollo
    $400 19
"Le's do it now. Le's get that place now" were Lennie's last words to George in this Steinbeck novella
    $400 28
The Marketts kapowed their way into the Top 20 with the theme from this '60s TV series set in Gotham
    $400 27
Tuskegee Airmen flew under the command of Benjamin O. Davis Jr., the first Black person in the 20th century to graduate from this academy
    $400 5
In 2008 Christian Siriano won the fashion competition on this TV series & launched his own collection that same year
    $400 14
Weather-sounding process to develop creative ideas through free thinking & collaboration
    $800 23
The Parthenon features this style of column, the oldest & simplest of the Greek orders
    $800 20
In chapter 1 of this novel, the narrator says, "People are always asking, did I know about Tyler Durden"
    $800 8
Makes sense:
The Raelettes backed this late, great icon
    $800 13
This Cold War pilot was shot down over the USSR in 1960 & now rests at Arlington
    $800 4
She created the DVF Awards in 2010 to honor women who have demonstrated leadership, strength & courage in the causes they support
    $800 24
Adjective for the parts of a proposed deal that are not open to discussion or modification
    $1200 15
In 421 B.C. a general named Nicias negotiated an end to this war; 6 years later, Athens & Sparta were back at it
    $1200 18
Popular books of the '40s included this novel about a girl & her family living in a tough part of NYC's Williamsburg area
    DD: $2,000 9
Freddie Gorman, a letter carrier by day, contributed to the lyrics of this song that delivered a No. 1 hit for The Marvelettes
    $1200 12
Astronaut William Anders, who saw a gorgeous orb coming up & took a photo called this, died at 90, piloting a small plane
    $1200 1
A body suit was the basis for this New York designer's first collection under her own name back in 1985
    $1200 6
Specific profession of filmmaker Errol Morris
    $1600 16
The palace of this Cretan city had basement rooms that served as kind of the strategic wheat reserve
    $1600 21
1969's "The House on the Strand" was one of the last novels by this "Rebecca" author
    $1600 10
Robbie Montgomery was an original member of this unheralded girl group that backed Tina Turner on hits like "Proud Mary"
    $1600 26
This "Wiley" one-eyed pilot published "Around the World in Eight Days" after a voyage aboard the Winnie Mae
    $1600 2
This Italian designer became a global name after Richard Gere wore his suits in "American Gigolo"
    $1600 7
A prisoner held this way is not allowed any contact with the outside world
    $2000 17
This Greek "Father of Tragedy" fought in the Battle of Marathon, which he included in an epitaph he wrote for himself
    $2000 22
Maxine Hong Kingston said of this 1931 classic, which she read in 9th grade, "it humanized Chinese people"
    $2000 11
Though dark-haired, Johnette Napolitano was the lead singer of this group that in 1990 sang about Joey
    DD: $500 29
According to this French author/flier, a pilot "strives to outwit the forces of nature... truth for him is what lives in the stars"
    $2000 3
In 1980 this designer created controversy with provocative jeans ads that featured 15-year-old Brooke Shields
    $2000 25
Uncapitalized, it can mean "containing coal"; capitalized, it's a geological period of many vast swamps

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Evan Steven Stephanie
$14,400 $9,800 $8,100

Final Jeopardy! Round

Fittingly, this team was born on November 1, 1966, the day the franchise was awarded

Final scores:

Evan Steven Stephanie
$8,800 $2,399 $14,100
2nd place: $3,000 3rd place: $2,000 New champion: $14,100

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Evan Steven Stephanie
$14,400 $9,800 $9,600
21 R,
2 W
14 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)
11 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W

Combined Coryat: $33,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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