Suggest correction - #9197 - 2024-11-05

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    $1600 9
His move to Paris & attempts to learn French inspired this humorist's book of essays "Me Talk Pretty One Day"

Show #9197 - Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Greg Jolin game 4.


Chuck Rea, a director of software engineering originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Priscilla Gruenewald, a retired writer and editor from Nipomo, California

Greg Jolin, a system specialist and accountant from Raymond, New Hampshire (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $75,002)

Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: Do not look for it at your local bookstore.)
    $200 24
Cole Escola wrote & starred in "Oh, Mary!", which portrayed this 19th century first lady as a frustrated cabaret singer
    $200 28
Designed to prevent pilferage, like devices attached to some merchandise
    $200 30
Said to have rescued a princess from a dragon he then slew, he was canonized in 494 & became England's patron saint much later
    $200 19
A newer version of this board game allows you to solve the murder either at the mansion of the millionaire victim or on the boardwalk
    $200 5
Whether a substance sinks or floats depends on this, symbol D; if tried by ordeal in the Middle Ages, hope you have high D
    $200 29
Rather than naming this city, please call it "a major seaway port in Cuyahoga County"
    $400 14
His "Passion" earned him a Tony for Best Original Score & so did "Into the Woods" & "Sweeney Todd"
    $400 4
There are 2 hyphens in this word for someone who pretends to omniscience, & I better not hear you call me one
    $400 7
Made a saint in 1228, Francesco di Pietro di Bernardone is better known by this name that includes a place
    $400 1
The winner of the auto race card game Mille Bornes is the first to complete a journey of this many miles
    $400 17
Dying in a Pasadena hospital in 1985, he followed reports of a terrible earthquake off the coast of Mexico
    $400 11
An iconic type of apple discovered in the 1870s & named for its color & sweet taste will please replace these two words
    $600 2
(Scarlett Johansson presents the clue.) In 2010, I made my Broadway debut as Catherine opposite Liev Schreiber in "A View from the Bridge", written in 1955 by this Pulitzer-winning American playwright
    $600 10
A life-like depiction of a character, or more literally, having length, breadth & depth
    $600 20
He was canonized in 1173, a little more than 2 years after he was slain in Canterbury Cathedral
    $600 8
Sega designers initially considered making this speedy blue video game character an armadillo or a porcupine
    $600 16
Both discovered in 1610, Callisto & Io are 2 of its satellites
    $600 6
Do not name this university--"a purple-proud school north of the Windy City" will work
    $800 3
In a 2024 production of "101 Dalmatians: The Musical" at the New Wimbledon Theatre, Kym Marsh had this role, not an ASPCA fave
    $800 13
A minor role for a stage actor, or an unrecruited athlete who tries out for a college team
    $800 21
Born in this town in France, 14-year-old Bernadette had visions of the Virgin Mary, leading to her canonization by Pope Pius XI
    $800 9
In "The Game of" this, just like the real thing, the goal is to manage your money & get to retirement wealthy
    DD: $3,000 25
The 2 chemical elements bearing the names of U.S. states are tennessine & this one
    $800 22
This national park in Texas may be identified only as "a 1,200-square-mile site named for a river feature"
    $1000 15
Songs in this 1960s musical that's not afraid to get naked include "Hashish" & "Good Morning Starshine"
    $1000 18
It originally meant a race contestant who performed best while in the lead; now it just means the current leader
    $1000 27
For his work with lepers in Hawaii, work that would lead to his own death, he was canonized on October 11, 2009
    $1000 12
Abe Nathanson, the son of a fruit seller, created this a-peel-ing word game with his family
    $1000 26
Beetles, crabs & spiders are all members of this largest animal phylum whose name is from Greek words for "joint" & "foot"
    $1000 23
You may refer to this company only as "an Indianapolis-based provider of medicines founded in the year of our nation's centennial"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Greg Priscilla Chuck!
$4,000 $800 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Greg Priscilla Chuck!
$9,800 $800 $2,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 26
Born in 1542 in Linlithgow Palace, Mary was a member of this dynastic family that had ruled Scotland since 1371
    $400 25
Taxes can be regressive, hitting lower incomes harder, or this type that asks the wealthy to pay relatively more
    $400 21
Shanghai stands in for a futuristic Los Angeles in this 2013 film directed by Spike Jonze
    $400 3
This actor drew both support & backlash for his 2024 N.Y. Times guest essay calling for a new Democratic presidential nominee
    $400 18
Known as the "River of No Return", the Salmon River in Idaho is the largest tributary of this other animal-named river
    $400 16
Perhaps from French for "let's drink", it means to satirize or poke fun at
    $800 27
The Penicuik Jewels, artifacts from the jewelry-loving queen, include this type of piece, a case with a memento in it
    $800 12
In 1943 Congress mandated this process via which employers deduct taxes from workers' paychecks
    $800 4
Will Ferrell & Zooey Deschanel duetted on "Baby, It's Cold Outside" in this film
    $800 1
Lars Eighner's classic memoir of homelessness includes an essay on this alliterative act of scavenging in trash receptacles
    DD: $10,000 11
This city in Erie County is home to the Nickel City Opera
    $800 8
From a Tagalog word for "mountain", this word refers to a remote, rural area
    $1200 28
Mary's only child, with 2nd husband Lord Darnley, was born in 1566 & became king of England under this name & number
    $1200 14
A homonym of a word meaning to cut out, they're taxes on specific goods, services or activities
    $1200 5
The appearance of grumpy old Carl Fredricksen in this 2009 animated film was partially modeled after Spencer Tracy
    $1200 2
This "Joy Luck Club" author shared her observations on the English language in an essay called "Mother Tongue"
    $1200 15
Just two hours from Los Angeles, this large lake in the San Bernardino Mountains is a popular resort for skiers
    $1200 13
In 1883 settlers from Ontario founded this city 2 provinces over
    $1600 29
It was customary for this person to ask forgiveness before doing his job; Mary forgave hers Feb. 8, 1587
    DD: $1,000 20
Most of the proceeds from the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (or FICA) tax go to this program
    $1600 6
2024 film in which Ryan Reynolds endeavors to reunite imaginary friends with the now-grown kids who forgot them
    $1600 9
His move to Paris & attempts to learn French inspired this humorist's book of essays "Me Talk Pretty One Day"
    $1600 23
Bradenton is the seat of this Florida county named for an aquatic mammal
    $1600 17
In European armies of old, it was a mounted soldier armed with a musket
    $2000 22
Property & sales taxes are often this type, from Latin for "in proportion to value"
    $2000 7
It's Kurosawa's take on "King Lear"
    $2000 10
She wrote about race & identity in her 1928 essay "How It Feels to Be Colored Me"
    $2000 24
Founded during the Klondike gold rush, this city in the Yukon swelled in population to 8,000 during construction of the Alaska Hwy.
    $2000 19
These close-fitting trousers bear the name of a buffoonish commedia dell'arte character who wore something similar

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Greg Priscilla Chuck!
$30,200 $6,000 $7,400
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1935 an article popularized this term for the part of the U.S. where residents were "depending on rain"

Final scores:

Greg Priscilla Chuck!
$35,400 $8,000 $10,000
4-day champion: $110,402 3rd place: $2,000 2nd place: $3,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Greg Priscilla Chuck!
$18,800 $6,000 $8,000
27 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
10 R,
3 W
13 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $32,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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