Suggest correction - #9188 - 2024-10-23

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    $600 19
In "Macbeth" the song of the witches that begins "Double, double toil & trouble" mentions this pot used to cook potions

Show #9188 - Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Will Wallace game 2.


Brett Kelly, an actor from Surrey, British Columbia, Canada

Sophia Maymudes, a software engineer from Seattle, Washington

Will Wallace, a game design director from Austin, Texas (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $18,799)

Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: Thanks to inflation.)
    $200 29
Known for its cliffs, this town is the closest English port to the mainland of Europe
    $200 13
This district is bounded by Esplanade Avenue to the northeast & North Rampart Street to the northwest, cher
    $200 5
She greeted listeners with the 2015 song "Hello" & got a monster hit
    $200 30
Abbreviated S.D.R., it's the 3-step fire safety technique that can be used if your clothing catches fire
    $200 17
"El nombre de la rosa"
    $200 22
This witch in "The Wizard of Oz" tries to thwart Dorothy & is almost certainly aquaphobic
    $400 28 This Brazilian beach "was a launching pad for the skimpy tanga bikini"... maybe you'll meet a "girl from" there
    $400 27
The U.S. Army's QMS is a school for these logistics experts
    $400 6
"Goodbye, Norma Jean" is a 1976 biopic about her
    $400 23
The title of Johann Strauss' 1869 waltz "Wein, Weib und Gesang" translates into this trio in English
    $400 16
"El pony colorado"
    $400 18
Long used by witches as a symbol of protection, it has points representing earth, air, fire, water & spirit
    $600 12
Marine life coats local reefs red which mixes with white sand at, of course. Pink Beach on Komodo Island in this nation
    $600 14
Not buyin' his significant other's sob story at all, Travis Tritt sang, "Here's a quarter, call someone who" does this
    $600 9
In a 1987 movie these 3 words repeatedly follow, "Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father..."
    $600 4
Introducing environmental legislation, Senator Jeff Merkley said, "Many of us know & live by" these 3 R's
    $600 1
"La comedia de las equivocaciones"
    $600 19
In "Macbeth" the song of the witches that begins "Double, double toil & trouble" mentions this pot used to cook potions
    DD: $2,000 24
Buttes in the Sacramento Valley were named for this man in 1949, 100 years after his name came to fame
    $800 15
The Moon goes through these stages of visibility; oddly the half moon one is called both last quarter & third quarter
    $800 10
"This Is Spinal Tap" gave birth to a meme when the title rock band shouts "Hello" this Midwestern city while lost on the way to the stage
    $800 7
In "Julius Caesar", Mark Antony requests that this trio of listeners "lend me your ears"
    $800 2
"El ruido y la furia"
    $800 20
It takes a gathering of at least 3 witches to form one of these to practice witchcraft, & typically up to 13
    $1000 25
Some cliff notes--Montezuma Castle National Monument dates to 1100, has 20 rooms & is in this state's Yavapai County
    $1000 26
In Genesis 19, men of Sodom & "all the people from every quarter... called unto" this famous nephew about to become a widower
    $1000 11
The title of that 1960s hit often sung tauntingly at sports venues is "Na Na Hey Hey" these 3 words
    $1000 8
It's the 3-word motto of the United States Military Academy
    $1000 3
"Mil soles espléndidos"
    $1000 21
It's the term for a witch's helpful guardian spirit & may take the form of a pet or even a non-physical entity

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Will Sophia Brett
$3,000 $3,400 -$600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Will Sophia Brett
$4,400 $6,200 -$1,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 27
Grover Cleveland, at an 1886 dedication: "Light shall pierce the darkness... until" this "enlightens the world"
    $400 7
Betty Buckley introduced the song "Memory" on Broadway as Grizabella in this musical
    $400 26
Practitioners of the "scheme" named for this Italian include Bernie Madoff, Reed Slatkin & Tom Petters, who ran a $3.7 billion one
    $400 28
In John Dryden's translation of the "Aeneid", it was of "monstrous height" with "sides... plank'd with pine"
    $400 25
They're the tailless amphibians of the order Anura--wait, do they have legs? I guess they must, for the French to eat
    $400 10
An early variety of movie theater that charged 5 cents for admission
    $800 21
His 1920 telegram accepting a Nobel Prize said, "The cause of peace & the cause of truth are of one family"
    $800 6
(Sheryl Lee Ralph presents the clue.) I originated the role of Deena Jones on Broadway, alongside Loretta Devine & Jennifer Holliday as Lorrell & Effie in this musical with a lot of soul that follows a trio of singers & their rise to stardom
    $800 16
Made a national memorial in 1959, this presidential mausoleum is in Riverside Park, overlooking the Hudson
    $800 12
A masterpiece of ancient sculpture shows the Trojan priest Laocoon & his sons being squeezed to death by "sea" these
    $800 24
The souslik or European ground type of this is yellowish & lacks the proud tail of American types
    $800 1
Kerry Christensen is a master of this style of singing changing from natural voice to falsetto & then back again
    $1200 18
At his second inaugural on March 4th, 1865, Abraham Lincoln eloquently called for malice toward none & this for all
    $1200 3
Angela Lansbury, Bernadette Peters & Patti LuPone are among the actresses who have played Mama Rose in this musical
    $1200 11
In titles, it's his name that precedes "Assisted Living", "The Marriage Counselor" & "A Madea Homecoming"
    DD: $2,000 23
In the title of a Shakespeare work, he is a son of King Priam & she is the daughter of Calchas
    DD: $2,600 13
An artist/soldier created the French Army's first camouflage unit & its insignia, this animal
    $1200 2
It's an early form of manuscript, like the pictographic Maya one seen here
    $1600 19
He wrote, "A grove of giant redwoods or sequoias should be kept just as we keep a great and beautiful cathedral"
    $1600 4
In 2014, for her portrayal of Billie Holiday, this actress won a record-breaking 6th Tony Award
    $1600 17
A law describing the relationship of resistance, current & voltage as well as a unit of electrical resistance are named for this German
    $1600 29
The "Iliad" ends with the lighting of this warrior's pyre after several days spent gathering wood
    $1600 14
Because they give yummy milk that's 8% butter fat there are millions of the domestic type of these animals worldwide
    $1600 8
It's a rock consisting of magnetite, thus naturally magnetic & used as a primitive compass
    $2000 20
Truman, on criticism from this general: "When an egotist is punctured, a lot of noise and whistling always accompanies the escaping air"
    $2000 5
These two Broadway legends seen here have rhyming first names
    $2000 22
It only took about 30 years after discovering Georg Steller's this aquatic mammal in the 1700s for humans to make it extinct
    $2000 30
This goddess of discord threw an apple intended for the fairest of the goddesses, leading to the Trojan War
    $2000 15
It's not a mouse, it's not a mole, it's its own type of critter & makes distinctive runways connecting its burrows
    $2000 9
Phylum of marine invertebrates that includes sea urchins & starfish

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Will Sophia Brett
$10,800 $2,800 $0
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

This day involving the Holy Spirit & the Apostles is sometimes described as the "birthday" of the Church

Final scores:

Will Sophia Brett
$10,000 $2,594 $0
2-day champion: $28,799 2nd place: $3,000 3rd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Will Sophia Brett
$10,800 $9,400 $0
14 R,
1 W
21 R,
8 W
(including 3 DDs)
4 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $20,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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