Suggest correction - #9162 - 2024-09-17

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    $600 22
Refined & sophisticated, or at an advanced stage of cultural & social development

Show #9162 - Tuesday, September 17, 2024


Will Yancey, a lecturer of history from Banquete, Texas

Alisa Kindsfater, an English teacher from Enola, Arkansas

Aiden Orzech, a teacher from Thornhill, Ontario, Canada (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $27,599)

Jeopardy! Round

"IZE" & "EERS"
    $200 8
Low visibility at the city of Kokura on August 9, 1945 caused a B-29 bomber to change its course & fly to this city
    $200 30
The Phillies' old home Baker Bowl had a RF wall just 280' from the plate, helping Chuck Klein set a league record--43 these in 1929
    $200 29
In 1975 the FCC was a good buddy to users of this radio system, reducing the license fee from $20 to $4
    $200 28
In 1884 Dow Jones created its first index consisting of 11 stocks, mainly railroads, but also this telegraph company--STOP.
    $200 1
He was still in Harvard Med School when he sold the movie rights to "The Andromeda Strain"; yeah, he never did practice
    $200 20
To set 2 watches to precisely the same time
    $400 7
He decided against a New World empire after his brother-in-law Charles Leclerc died of yellow fever in Haiti in 1802
    $400 26
Mac's Tavern in Old City was co-founded by Kaitlin Olson & Rob McElhenney, who hang out at a different bar on this TV show
    $400 15
Arr! In the 1960s these unlicensed stations broadcast from ships off the British coast to fans tired of the straitlaced BBC
    $400 27
Before moving to the Vatican, Pope Francis was archbishop of this city of his birth
    $400 2
He studied accounting at Mississippi St., law at Ole Miss, then changed careers & wrote 49 straight No. 1 bestsellers
    $400 21
This term for a trio of close associates comes from an 1844 novel
    $600 4
General Lee decided on a charge to take Cemetery Hill on July 3, 1863 during this battle
    $600 10
Architect Julian Abele couldn't have known his steps at the Philadelphia Museum of Art would one day bear this character's name
    $600 12
Todd Storz, owner of KOHW in Omaha, is credited with pioneering this numerical hit radio format in the 1950s
    $600 17
Someone who has nephophobia shouldn't have his head in these
    $600 3
Back from Burma in the 1930s, this Brit took his pen name from the reigning king & a local river
    $600 22
Refined & sophisticated, or at an advanced stage of cultural & social development
    $800 5
Before deciding to cross this stream, Julius Caesar apparently saw an apparition with a trumpet
    $800 11
Philly is not just the City of Brotherly Love, it's the city of this guy from Center City & his band Special Sauce
    DD: $3,200 13
Robert Plant made a pledge to Portland's KBOO after hearing a DJ promise never to play this song if listeners donated
    $800 19
Roy Frowick, who began designing women's wear in the 1960s, dropped his first & last names & went by this middle name
    $800 9
She got her M.A. in linguistics, went to China for the first time in 1987, put 3 short stories in novel form & had "luck" with that
    $800 23
It's a lightweight, puckered fabric of linen or cotton
    $1000 6
Around 539 B.C. this ruler permitted the Jewish exiles of Babylon to return to their homeland
    $1000 25
(Jason Kelce presents the clue.) In 2023, my brother Travis & I had our first of what I can only assume will be many Billboard No. 1 hits with "Fairytale Of Philadelphia", including the line, "You promised me", this famous street "was waiting for me"
    $1000 14
In 2008 the Justice Department approved the merger creating this satellite radio behemoth
    $1000 18
With the exception of Ceres, the 4 other recognized dwarf planets all lie in this "belt" beyond Neptune's orbit
    $1000 16
Him: "Once I found myself on the other side of the ocean, I see where I came from; I am the grandson of a slave and I am a writer"
    $1000 24
To form a solid made of atoms in symmetry, like feldspar or quartz

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Aiden Alisa Will
$0 $0 $7,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Aiden Alisa Will
$2,600 $400 $12,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 3
Married to Harry Truman, the former Elizabeth Virginia Wallace went by this
    $400 19
January temperature averages are in the 70s in this Chilean capital, but bring a coat in July, when the figure is in the 30s
    $400 26
Flo's V-8 cafe, which serves the "finest fuel in 50 states", is the only gas station in Radiator Springs in this 2006 Pixar film
    $400 29
Franklin D. Roosevelt had some 30 "fireside" ones with the American people
    $400 30
In a work by Chrétien de Troyes, this knight is a little too friendly with the wife of his homie King Arthur
    $400 28
Orion sells a 5-minute type of this safety product to signal distress on the side of a highway
    $800 4
Claudia was the real first name of the 20th century first lady who went by this nickname
    $800 18
This desert runs north-south for 100 miles at its longest point, if you "Botswana" know
    $800 20
In this 2010 film Angelina Jolie plays a CIA agent accused of being a Russian spy
    $800 25
Called "Mr. Chicago", Irv Kupcinet was this type of gabby columnist for the Sun-Times for decades
    $800 27
In "Ivanhoe" Robin Hood says he is occasionally "displeased by the freedom of" this buddy's advice
    $800 13
The name of this indie band was based on a story Win Butler heard about a conflagration in an amusement hall
    $1200 5
The 2 Mrs. Wilsons were Ellen & her
    $1200 15
Belene, Bulgaria's biggest island, splits this river in 2 on its way to the Black Sea
    $1200 8
Cameos in this 1991 Dustin Hoffman film included Jimmy Buffett as a shoe-stealing pirate
    $1200 1
This kind of one-on-one conversation is French for head to head
    $1200 12
In one tale this partyin' god gets his boy Hephaestus drunk & has him agree to free Hera from a chair
    $1200 14
"Tonight's The Night" was used in ads for this brand of artificial log
    $1600 6
Mrs. John Quincy Adams, our only English-born first lady had this first name
    DD: $3,600 16
"Walking the Length of" this country "in a Weekend" took a journalist along the Rhine to its southern border with Switzerland
    $1600 10
Walt Disney saw Fess Parker's small role in this 1954 film about giant ants & picked him to play Davy Crockett for his TV series
    $1600 2
In competitive debate, it's a speech that refutes the other team's arguments & rebuilds one's own
    DD: $3,000 23
Our time has Damon & Affleck; Greek legend had Damon & him, whose bond led the tyrant of Syracuse to spare them
    $1600 21
It's the explosive name of the conspiracy foiled in England, now commemorated in November with bonfires
    $2000 7
The first lady with this first name died in Canton, Ohio in 1907
    $2000 17
Named for a world leader & not Harriet, Tubmanburg is a city in the west of this nation that's slightly larger than Ohio
    $2000 9
Director Fritz Lang's first talkie, it featured Peter Lorre as a serial child killer
    $2000 11
It means the person with whom you're speaking; add "Y" to describe a temporary legal decree
    $2000 24
The Egyptian god Anubis is often depicted as the Johnny-on-the-spot of this lord & judge of the underworld
    $2000 22
Celtic for "end of summer", this pagan fire festival was a precursor to All Hallows' Eve

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Aiden Alisa Will
$11,000 $5,400 $13,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

This 12-year-old began his first book saying, "Look, I didn't want to be a half-blood"

Final scores:

Aiden Alisa Will
$22,000 $10,800 $4,399
2-day champion: $49,599 2nd place: $3,000 3rd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Aiden Alisa Will
$11,000 $8,400 $14,400
18 R,
3 W
11 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
21 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $33,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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