Suggest correction - #9144 - 2024-07-11

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    $1600 16
Here's a history lesson: Both this Billy Joel song & his "Storm Front" album were No. 1 when Taylor was born Dec. 13, 1989

Show #9144 - Thursday, July 11, 2024

Isaac Hirsch game 7.


Liz McKenna, a school administrator from South Plainfield, New Jersey

Robert Voyles, a public librarian originally from Lindenhurst, New York

Isaac Hirsch, a customer support team lead from Burbank, California (6-day champion whose cash winnings total $141,388)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 30
Having light-colored hair & a county carnival
    $200 29
It's a rule not to clap at this point during a symphony, but conductor Pierre Monteux called that "artificial restraint"
    $200 7
This protective job has given big brains time to think: Edward Snowden (at a research center), Bill James (a pork & beans cannery)
    $200 22
Her resume includes governor of Alaska, vice presidential candidate & Bear on "The Masked Singer"
    $200 26
With many Western athletes absent, this country's wrestlers won 12 of 20 Olympic gold medals in 1980
    $200 17
In 1765 this future capital got its name to show that a boundary dispute with Massachusetts had ended peacefully
    $400 24
Rover's retort & an oak's outer edge
    $400 23
Don't leave a piano recital too soon--you might miss Prokofiev's showy "Precipitato" as one of these, not on the program
    $400 8
An old line says an unpopular politician "couldn't get elected" to this job, now with the upgraded name animal control officer
    $400 21
Japanese-born Mazie Hirono became a naturalized citizen of this state in 1959 & a senator in 2013
    $400 25
At the 1980 NCAA championships, Oregon State's Howard Harris won all 5 of his matches by "fall"--doing this to opponents
    $400 28
Derry, New Hampshire, has a peak named for a longtime resident family, including this first American in space & the fifth to walk on the Moon
    $600 15
A handy kitchen wrap & to prevent the attainment of an end
    $600 9
A popular design for concert halls has sloped terraces & is named after this type of area where a certain fruit is grown
    $600 4
In "Middlemarch" wealthy & powerful Mr. Bulstrode has this occupation, also a job in the game Monopoly
    $600 1
Condoleezza Rice's successor as Secretary of State, she visited more than 100 countries during her tenure
    $600 12
After having his spleen removed, cancer survivor Jeff Blatnick won 1984 Olympic gold in this heavier-than-heavyweight division
    $600 16
The first (& only) U.S. president from New Hampshire, he was also the youngest to serve at the time, age 48 at inauguration
    $800 20
A still area in a stream & a group of journalists who agree to share their coverage of an event
    DD: $1,200 10
It's a daytime concert, so the program will include accessible stuff for the kids like "Mars, the Bringer of War" from this suite
    $800 5
Each the main character of their own 2024 TV series, "Renegade Nell" & Dick Turpin are these robbers of the road in olde England
    $800 2
South Carolina's first female governor, she had bigger plans for 2024 but they didn't work out
    $800 13
Led by legendary coach Dan Gable, this school's Hawkeyes won the NCAA wrestling title every year from 1980 through 1986
    $800 27
In 1934 it got a bit breezy at this N.H. mountain, the highest peak of the White Mountains, with winds clocking in at 231 mph
    $1000 18
To expectorate & to impale
    $1000 11
The first violinist also has this title & gets a handshake from the conductor to show the maestro's respect for the orchestra
    $1000 6
Smith is the USA's most common occupational surname; second is this, a job that's literally a grind
    $1000 3
In 1941 this congresswoman said, "As a woman I can't go to war, & I refuse to send anyone else"
    $1000 14
Rick & Scott Steiner were '80s NCAA stars at Michigan before winning 7 WCW titles in this event in which partners touch & take turns
    $1000 19
It'll be a notch in your belt if you know this town, as always, voted right after midnight on Election Day 1984; Reagan won, 29-1

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Isaac Robert Liz
$4,200 $400 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Isaac Robert Liz
$6,400 $1,000 $0

Double Jeopardy! Round

"B" & "B"
(Ken: Each correct response will have two letter "B"s separated by one letter.)
    $400 24
Not-so-small female Laura Dern played Marmee in the 2019 movie version of this novel
    $400 28
In the Kalahari the drongo bird alerts the "manor" of this burrowing creature to predators
    $400 22
"The Joker And The Queen", one of several Taylor collaborations with this pal, appeared on his 2021 No. 1 "="
    $400 15
Daughter of Felipe, crown princess Leonor is the heir presumptive of this country
    $400 21
Whether preceding "plague" or not, it refers to inflammatory swelling, especially around your unmentionables
    DD: $2,000 7
Cynical clerk Newman Noggs has the same initials as the hero of this Dickens book he's in
    $800 27
A species of this crustacean, Tubicinella major plants itself on southern right whales
    $800 29
Of the Pentateuch (the first 5 books of the Old Testament)
    $800 19
Taylor's first No. 1, 2008's "Fearless", was knocked out of the top spot by Beyoncé's third, "I Am..." her
    $800 5
When he was assassinated in 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the heir to this empire
    $800 20
Lynx rufus is the scientific name of this North American creature that can leap up to 10 feet
    $1200 1
"Nightmare Alley" is 2 movies set in a traveling carnival; change the L's to get this 1818 novel set in a crumbling mansion
    $1200 18
On the Savannah this big bird can see real good & this equine has a keen nose, so the 2, ebony & ivory, live together in harmony
    $1200 23
Of U.S. state capitals (head east)
    $1200 4
In 2019 Taylor named this ex-Beatle whose many No. 1s include 1982's "Tug of War" as her second biggest influence, after her cats
    $1200 6
The prophet Nathan helped convince this aged biblical king to appoint the son of Bathsheba as heir to the throne
    $1200 10
A Christmas story set in Russia tells of one of these, "granny" in Russian, who meets 3 wise men
    $1600 2
"I must repair to the roulette-table", ends chapter 1 of this Dostoyevsky tale about a young man with a compulsion
    $1600 26
The cattle species of this bird dines on insects that the water buffalo stirs up while it's grazing
    DD: $2,000 8
Of the 6 U.S. presidents named James
    $1600 16
Here's a history lesson: Both this Billy Joel song & his "Storm Front" album were No. 1 when Taylor was born Dec. 13, 1989
    $1600 13
"Dark" nickname of the heir apparent of English King Edward III, who beat the French in battle at Poitiers in 1356
    $1600 11
It's a statistical measure of how likely it is that some event will occur
    $2000 3
A love rectangle & some science lessons are part of this German author & thinker's "Elective Affinities"
    $2000 25
The Galapagos giant tortoise allows some Darwin's species of this bird to eat parasites off its skin
    $2000 9
Of the body's 206 bones (it makes you cheeky)
    $2000 17
These emo titans whose four No. 1 albums include "American Beauty/American Psycho", appeared on "Speak Now (Taylor's Version)"
    $2000 14
This Byzantine emperor, the 8th to use the name, had no male heir, so he married off his daughter Zoe so she could reign
    $2000 12
This Arabic slang word means "my love" or "my darling"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Isaac Robert Liz
$18,400 $5,800 $1,200
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Until 1991 this country named for a river had a capital whose name means "lakes" in Portuguese

Final scores:

Isaac Robert Liz
$20,000 $2,401 $1,098
7-day champion: $161,388 2nd place: $3,000 3rd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Isaac Robert Liz
$18,000 $5,800 $2,000
27 R
(including 1 DD),
7 W
6 R,
1 W
7 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $25,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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