Suggest correction - #9117 - 2024-06-04

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    $200 22
The German pastries here are Schnecken, meaning these animals with coiled shells; eating the actual creature is more of a French thing

Show #9117 - Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Adriana Harmeyer game 5.


Travis Kissire, a deputy public works director from Boise, Idaho

Christina Paul, a Foreign Service officer from Davie, Florida

Adriana Harmeyer, an archivist from West Lafayette, Indiana (4-day champion whose cash winnings total $91,800)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 16
This subtropical marsh region of Florida has the largest mangrove forest in the continental United States
    $200 17
    $200 6
If you're looking for updates on the March sisters, try "Good Wives" by this 19th century American woman
    $200 13
Since 2022 this NYC Grand Slam tennis tournament has used a system called Hawk-Eye instead of humans to call balls in or out
    $200 22
The German pastries here are Schnecken, meaning these animals with coiled shells; eating the actual creature is more of a French thing
    $200 1
NOAA calls it "precipitation... of water less than 0.5 mm in diameter"
    $400 23
These tall trees of the myrtle family are native to Australia, where they are also known as gums & stringybarks
    $400 18
    $400 7
Flannery O'Connor titled a collection of short stories "A Good Man Is" these 3 words; preach, sister
    $400 27
In 2007 this NL squad became the 1st team with 10,000 losses; in 2008 they won the World Series behind Cole Hamels & Ryan Howard
    $400 14
At bars in Lisbon, small plates are called petiscos; in Madrid, the small dishes are called this
    $400 2
A magical sorcerer; it was also slang for "excellent" in the 1920s
    $600 24
This tree in the cashew family is grown for its edible green nuts
    $600 19
Uzi Vert
    $600 8
P.G. Wodehouse continues his tales of Bertie Wooster in "Very Good" this guy, Bertie's manservant
    $600 28
(Pro Football Hall of Famer Bill Cowher presents the clue.) I coached the first 6th-seeded team to win the Super Bowl, even though this quarterback of my Steelers threw for half as many yards as the Seahawks passer
    $600 12
On "Searching for Italy", Stanley Tucci's Turin tour included bagna càuda, like the one here; it means this, which you step into
    $600 3
A wisp of hair curling askew; Garnier sells an "anti"-this serum
    $800 25
Quebecol is a compound derived from the sap of this tree
    $800 20
A smile,
an egg,
the books
    $800 9
Angelic Aziraphale & demonic Crowley are friendly rivals in this comedic tale of pending apocalypse by Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett
    $800 29
A bit like sci-fi's Anywhere Door or Phoenix Gate, it opened on Oct. 15, 2018 to whisk college athletes to a new school
    DD: $1,000 11
Colcannon is a traditional Irish dish made with potatoes & this veggie that puts the "col" in the name
    $800 4
This seasoned pork sausage is popular in Mexico
    $1000 26
A slight breeze will cause the leaves of this aspen to tremble, thus its name
    $1000 21
the stock market, uninvited guests
    $1000 10
Pearl S. Buck won a Pulitzer for this novel set in China
    $1000 30
Then with Oklahoma City, this master of the triple-double became the first back to back MVP of the NBA All-Star Game since the 1950s
    $1000 15
Smoked herring eaten as these, previously shunned as the breakfast of a bygone Britain, is making a comeback
    $1000 5
It's Sid Meier's video game series where you start at the dawn of history & can get to the Space Age

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Adriana Christina Travis
$4,000 $600 $2,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Adriana Christina Travis
$6,200 $600 $3,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 30
He astounds Detroiters on his first drive in his 500-pound brakeless "Quadricycle"
    $400 4
Boxing gave us this idiom for the best & closest spot to watch the action of any kind
    $400 12
Choose letters wisely on this New York Times game that feted its 1,000th puzzle by lighting up the Empire State Building
    $400 21
Having no added binder, this drawing material made of burnt vines or twigs is easily manipulated with the artist's finger
    $400 18
West of Lafayette, Port Charles lies on a deepwater channel in this state
    $400 22
In a 2014 film Russell Crowe as this title character sees storms on the biblical horizon & goes to see his granddad Methuselah
    $800 29
Massachusetts becomes the first state to pass a law regarding minimum these
    $800 5
This term for a stockpile of cash is more often applied to money to wage a political campaign than a military one
    $800 13
K is for this brand that offers k-rounds coffee pods
    DD: $1,000 15
Picasso called this Post-Impressionist known for his "Bathers" series the "father of us all"
    $800 16
The Sui Seung Yan, meaning "born on the water", are the boat people that add to the local color of this rhyming Chinese port
    $800 23 debunked the premise of this 2013 TV movie, saying marine life could not be swept up by the title storm
    $1200 6
The last of 340,000 troops are hastily evacuated from this seaport
    $1200 7
This tradition when you meet the pope is a snide expression meaning to show extreme subservience to anyone
    $1200 14
Be careful--a fake Windows update could be this, named for the fee you'll have to pay hackers
    $1200 2
This American expatriate modeled for Edgar Degas, including his painting "At the Milliner's"
    $1200 1
Piraeus is not only this capital city's main port, it is a terminus for railway passengers
    $1200 24
Dennis Quaid sounded the alarm on climate change in this 2004 movie that saw the world plunged into a new ice age
    $1600 27
French & Sardinian troops defeat the Austrians at this Italian town soon to give a purplish-red color its name
    DD: $3,800 8
Sticky foot pads called pulvilli are needed if you want to literally be this & listen to others' conversations while unseen
    $1600 19
In 2009 Patrick O. Brown took a sabbatical from Stanford & began work on what would become this brand of plant-based burgers
    $1600 3
This 1948 painting depicts a young woman trying to crawl up a hill to her farmhouse
    $1600 11
A major European port, this second-largest Dutch city straddles both banks of the New Meuse
    $1600 25
Bogie attests, "One Rocco more or less isn't worth dying for" in this tempest-tossed John Huston thriller
    $2000 28
This Pacific kingdom gains its independence from Great Britain
    $2000 9
Janis Joplin's last concert was fronting a band with this 3-word name, meaning all out & including a synonym for to dance
    $2000 20
Blockchain technology was intended to keep transactions this, meaning no individual has control, all do
    $2000 10
Head of a Bandit is one of the surviving sculptures by this double "C" Frenchwoman who destroyed much of her own work
    $2000 17
Literally "White Bay", this alliterative Argentine city is a major port of Buenos Aires province
    $2000 26
This Tarantino Western finds its title characters taking refuge from a nasty blizzard in a Wyoming cabin

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Adriana Christina Travis
$17,400 $2,400 $4,800
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

This character in a series of popular books begun in 1934 promises, "I'll stay till the wind changes"

Final scores:

Adriana Christina Travis
$24,400 $0 $9,599
5-day champion: $116,200 3rd place: $2,000 2nd place: $3,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Adriana Christina Travis
$17,400 $3,200 $8,600
27 R,
2 W
6 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
10 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $29,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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