Suggest correction - #9110 - 2024-05-24

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    $2000 28
In "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", Native American actor Will Sampson played this character who escapes an asylum

Show #9110 - Friday, May 24, 2024

Amar Kakirde game 3.


Anna Marie Cunningham, a market research account manager from Sellersville, Pennsylvania

Has Karbalai, a public health advisor from Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Amar Kakirde, a graduate student from Lake Hiawatha, New Jersey (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $24,599)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 18
In this novella John Steinbeck wrote that "Curley was flopping like a fish on a line"
    $200 24
Bono's band
(2 squares)
    $200 30
It's often noted that you don't need a valid state one to compete in a NASCAR race; officer, here's my Rusty Wallace novelty one
    $200 2
April 24, 1800:
Early on, only the president & vice president had borrowing privileges
    $200 15
Maiden name of Elizabeth, who got her author son James Cooper to add it as a middle name so it would be preserved
    $200 17
I was there in 2007 when this original lead singer for Van Halen reunited with the band for a concert tour
    $400 29
Shakespeare started a sonnet with a simile, "Like as" these "make towards the pebbled shore, so do our minutes hasten to their end"
    $400 23
Employer-provided wage & tax statement
(2 squares)
    $400 1
Based on a 1936 decision, the first 3 of its 9 digits dealt with geographical coding
    $400 26
Jan. 3, 2009, with the mining of the Genesis block
    $400 9
He said he used his mother's maiden name because double S names work for artists--Matisse, Poussin, Rousseau
    $400 12
I'll never forget this trio's 1986 Raising Hell tour that saw the Beastie Boys & LL Cool J open
    $600 20
"Like Summer Tempests Came His Tears" is a chapter of this book in which Mr. Toad gets some bad news
    $600 21
No. 7 on Time's "Top 10 End-of-the-World Prophecies"
(3 squares)
    $600 28
In 2023 Alan Alda auctioned off these identifiers he wore around his neck on "M*A*S*H"
    $600 6
This force:
Nov. 10, 1775, a month after the Navy it rides with
    DD: $500 10
Maiden name of the political mom seen here
    $600 13
I rang in 2000 with this Vermont band as they lit the morning sky, incorporating "Sunrise" from "Also Sprach Zarathustra" in a jam
    $800 19
He jolted critics with a "Prufrock" simile: "The evening is spread out against the sky like a patient etherized upon a table"
    $800 22
Online type of "authentication"
(7 squares)
    $800 27
In 1933 a blindfolded kidnap victim deliberately left these all over the cabin where he was held by Machine Gun Kelly
    $800 7
Sept. 13, 1957:
The first group meeting of this organization for those with a problem at the track or the tables
    $800 11
Born in the USSR, he was just a little woodpusher when he adopted a Russified version of his mother's maiden name, Gasparyan
    $800 14
I survived the legendary deluge at Glastonbury in 1997 & heard an epic version of "Creep" by these Brit rockers
    $1000 3
In his "Farewell, My Lovely", a man about 6'5" in a yellow tie is "as inconspicuous as a tarantula on a slice of angel food"
    $1000 4
Enclosed Earth-like research facility in Arizona
(10 squares)
    $1000 5
In 1935 a criminologist & an ophthalmologist used the pattern of blood vessels in this eye part as an identifier
    $1000 8
July 26, 1848:
This university with alumni like Bud Selig & Frank Lloyd Wright
    $1000 25
This Atlanta Historically Black College for women bears the maiden name of John D. Rockefeller Jr.'s mother
    $1000 16
I didn't sleep after I saw the "Rust Never Sleeps" tour by this man and Crazy Horse in 1978

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Amar Has Anna Marie
$2,100 $2,800 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Amar Has Anna Marie
$4,500 $4,000 $1,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: Each response is two places.)
    $400 26
Armed forces are eager to get their hands on the Bayraktar TB2 unmanned aerial vehicle, more commonly called this
    $400 1
Of Maori heritage, Temuera Morrison, has played both Jango Fett & this cloned son of Jango in the "Star Wars" franchise
    $400 30
In 1609 Henry Hudson landed on what's now this NYC amusement park island, possibly named for its numerous rabbits
    $400 16
Local name for the "emerald isle" & one of the Great Lakes
    $400 18
The last non-royal to lie in state in Parliament was this former prime minister who died in January 1965
    $400 20
A part of speech is in this word for long-winded
    $800 25
Paper wasps are often mistaken for these colorful wasps, but the paper wasps dangle their legs in flight instead of tucking them under
    $800 29
The 2002 film "Windtalkers" starred Adam Beach as a soldier who uses this language as code during World War II
    $800 13
In the 1920s the real-life Untouchables frequently busted up these illicit saloons named for quiet conversation
    DD: $4,400 2
A South American capital city founded by Pizarro & a largely desert country of western Africa
    $800 9
This time when ministers get grilled by the opposition would be a good quiz show title
    $800 19
In 1906 this compound word for an incessant talker was considered a disease that "may stop kissing while on auto trips"
    $1200 23
In tennis a drop shot & this lofted shot make a lethal combination, as practiced by Carlos Alcaraz
    $1200 24
When this actress won a Golden Globe for "Killers of the Flower Moon" she began her speech in the Blackfeet language
    $1200 10
After an 1877 surrender, he made repeated pleas to the U.S. government for the return of the Nez Perce to their ancestral home
    $1200 15
The "table" city southeast of Phoenix & the seat of Iowa State University
    $1200 4
Smoking is prohibited in Parliament but the entrance to the chamber has a box for this smokeless tobacco
    $1200 8
"Colloquial", "eloquent" & this word that means talkative all derive from Latin for "to speak"
    $1600 22
The G650 & G650ER are business jets from this manufacturer
    $1600 27
Zahn McClarnon played Officer Big on this Hulu show set in rural Oklahoma
    $1600 11
Cesar Chavez & this woman were instrumental in creating the United Farm Workers of America labor union
    $1600 14
A river that flows through Florence & a Mediterranean port city of Algeria
    $1600 5
Neither the House of Commons nor the House of Lords can pass laws without the presence of this ornamental club
    $1600 7
It means rambling nonsense with or without "skite" added
    $2000 21
Known for stealing food from other birds in midair, this type of bird shares a name with a speedy 3-mast ship of yore
    $2000 28
In "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", Native American actor Will Sampson played this character who escapes an asylum
    $2000 12
In the 1850s Black historian William Cooper Nell wrote this man was "the first martyr in the Boston Massacre"
    $2000 17
The onetime capital of New Granada & one of the southernmost Caribbean islands
    DD: $2,000 6
The Houses of Parliament are located in this London borough
    $2000 3
"Tristram Shandy" calls these tangential departures from the main subject "the sunshine... the life, the soul of reading"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Amar Has Anna Marie
$15,300 $6,800 $1,400
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Preserved in a single manuscript called Cotton MS Vitellius A XV, this epic begins with the word "Hwæt", often translated as listen

Final scores:

Amar Has Anna Marie
$16,800 $10,799 $0
3-day champion: $41,399 2nd place: $3,000 3rd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Amar Has Anna Marie
$15,800 $11,200 $1,400
19 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
19 R
(including 1 DD),
7 W
(including 1 DD)
5 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $28,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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