Suggest correction - #9107 - 2024-05-21

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    $2000 18
It's a bend in the shoreline that forms an open bay, like the Great Australian one

Show #9107 - Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Grant DeYoung game 5.


Chris D'Amico, a verifications specialist from Lakewood, Ohio

Sam Spar, a CPA originally from Burlington, Vermont

Grant DeYoung, a grocery clerk from Prescott, Arizona (4-day champion whose cash winnings total $81,203)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 27
...But not so fast, said Australia, which said no to putting this royal on the $5 bill after he got a big promotion in 2023
    $200 28
Due to a "great" this, Nov. 9, 1965, the Times had to use the presses of the Newark Evening News to get its paper out the next morning
    $200 29
Phantom Ranch, the only lodging below the rim of this natural wonder, can be reached on foot, by mule or raft on the Colorado River
    $200 30
First class tickets to this capital of India? Wow! Check out the 340-room Rashtrapati Bhavan, the presidential palace
    $200 15
As a noun it refers to a property put up for sale; as an adjective, it describes an unsteady ship
    $200 21
A spunky New York City street urchin gets adopted by a wealthy man
    $400 26
Though dad only got to live in the White House for less than 5 months, he got a full stay 24 years later
    $400 25
In 2017 Jodi Kantor & Megan Twohey broke the story of the sexual harassment that would bring this film producer down
    $400 24
In 1954 Steve & Gayle Henson bought the Sweetwater Ranch near Santa Barbara, renamed it this & began making their salad dressing
    $400 22
You got 5 "A"s, so courtesy of Aunt Janie, enjoy an A5 coupe from this German luxury brand
    $400 14
These 2 words that combine to form a playground device both imply unsteadiness
    $400 16
A milkman in the village of Anatevka faces modern challenges to his traditional ways
    $600 10
Genghis' kid Ögödei was chosen over other sons to lead this empire, which would later expand across all Persia & China
    $600 7
It's been the 7-word motto of the New York Times since 1896
    $600 5
John Parker began his ranching dynasty in Hawaii in 1816 when he was given 2 acres on the slopes of this, the state's highest peak
    $600 23
Aren't you one of the Cry Babies, fans of this alliterative female artist? She'll be taking a break from tour to play you some songs
    $600 13
Nothing to do with Scottish fashion, being "off-" this 6-letter word means uneven
    $600 18
Albus Potter teams up with Scorpius Malfoy in a spellbinding journey through time & space
    $800 11
Britannica says this man "Fils possessed a good measure of his father's literary fecundity", but their work was very different
    $800 8
Working for the Times, Sydney Schanberg & Dith Pran's collaboration in Cambodia led to a Pulitzer Prize & this 1984 film
    $800 6
This movie cowboy & his wife Dale raised Palomino Tennessee Walkers on his Double R Bar Ranch near Victorville, California
    $800 3
Grammy & Grampy bought you this California co., the first to hit the $3 trillion valuation mark in 2023... how thoughtful
    DD: $1,000 1
Industrial workers of the world, give us this unsteady word for a member of that group
    $800 19
Cinderella, Jack, of beanstalk fame, & others all learn to be careful what they wish for
    $1000 12
They're the 3 first names (or initials, fine) of J.S. Bach's most famous son, whose work bridges his father's time & Mozart's
    $1000 9
In 1972 the Times won a Pulitzer Prize for the publication of this top secret study of America's involvement in Vietnam
    $1000 17
The only home D.H. Lawrence & his wife ever owned was their ranch near this New Mexico town known as an artists' colony
    $1000 4
For your wall, we shelled out 8 figures for 1962's "L'Arc de Triomphe" by this artist who lived mostly in Brussels, not Paris
    $1000 2
Compared to the left circle, the right shape is this, also an adjective for warfare, pitting outnumbered insurgents against armies
    $1000 20
A princess has bedding-based sleeping trouble

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Grant Sam Chris
$200 $400 $2,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Grant Sam Chris
$3,800 $600 $3,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 28
In "The Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love", 2 Cuban brothers end up playing their song with this sitcom bandleader in 1956
    $400 21
Join the band & name this alloy of copper & zinc
    $400 29
"Advertise honestly" & "be transparent" are 2 standards an enterprise must meet to earn accreditation from this group
    $400 26
"Bartlet's Third State of the Union" was a Season 2 episode of this series
    $400 30
Designed by Edmund Beckett Denison, the Tower Clock usually known as this began keeping time May 31, 1859
    $400 27
Deviled eggs, pasta salad & fried chicken are popular foods for this type of outdoor outing
    DD: $3,000 23
Salman Rushdie's "The Ground Beneath Her Feet" merges rock & roll with the myth of this lyre-playing hero
    $800 20
Oct. 16, 1846 marked the first public demonstration of a patient inhaling this anesthetic during surgery
    $800 24
Girls with Game 50 is a celebration of this organization's 1974 decision to let girls play with boys; 22 have played in its World Series
    $800 25
Angus Cloud's character Fezco on this HBO drama about troubled teens was slated for one or 2 episodes but became a fan favorite
    $800 22
Activist William Wilberforce was cheered in Parliament as an act abolishing this trade became law in 1807
    $800 1
This 8-letter adjective describes the timid little kitten seen here
    $1200 6
This "numeric" Emily St. John Mandel book finds the "Traveling Symphony" playing tunes in a post-apocalyptic America
    $1200 3
It describes a substance that turns red litmus paper blue & is slippery to the touch
    $1200 13
The U.S. Marine Corps directs this organization that collects & distributes gifts for kids at Christmas time
    $1200 12
In 1998, she played the title role on "Moesha" & had a No. 1 hit with the song "Have You Ever"
    $1200 9
Dramatically improving sanitation, engineer Joseph Bazalgette designed & built a network of these under London
    $1200 2
It took a spark of ingenuity to fashion the prehistoric arrowhead seen here from this hard rock
    $1600 7
Members of the title band in this Taylor Jenkins Reid bestseller include Karen Karen on keyboards & Pete Loving on bass
    $1600 4
It's another name for the chemically inactive noble gases
    DD: $4,000 14
The 7 women who founded this breastfeeding advocacy group in 1956 chose a name that combines English & Spanish
    $1600 15
The gang on "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" hangs out at this pub
    $1600 10
Artist John Tenniel was famous for his book illustrations & his political cartoons in this humor magazine first published in 1841
    $1600 17
In philosophy it's the belief that everything is meaningless & nothing really matters
    $2000 8
Bennie was in a punk band long ago, but now is a record producer in her book "A Visit from the Goon Squad"
    $2000 5
A type of compound formed when an alcohol reacts with an acid; it may get "poly"
    $2000 19
In 1924 Robert La Follette ran for U.S. president representing it
    $2000 16
His TV career includes voicing Sonic the Hedgehog in the '90s as well as playing a certain TV neighbor
    $2000 11
This best-dressed man of early 19th century England called his tailor John Weston "irreproachable for... button-holes"
    $2000 18
It's a bend in the shoreline that forms an open bay, like the Great Australian one

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Grant Sam Chris
$12,400 $3,400 $12,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

Louise & Lisa Burns, twins featured in this 1980 film, told a magazine, "We're naturally spooky!"

Final scores:

Grant Sam Chris
$12,799 $5,399 $25,100
2nd place: $3,000 3rd place: $2,000 New champion: $25,100

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Grant Sam Chris
$14,000 $3,400 $12,600
22 R
(including 2 DDs),
9 W
(including 1 DD)
5 R,
0 W
17 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $30,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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