Suggest correction - #25 - 2024-05-08

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    $1200 6
Also a bone in the wrist, its a quadrilateral with no parallel sides
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Jeopardy! Masters game #25 - Wednesday, May 8, 2024

2024 Jeopardy! Masters quarterfinal game 5.


Amy Schneider, a writer from Oakland, California

Matt Amodio, a quantitative researcher from New York, New York

Yogesh Raut, a cognitive and behavioral scientist from Vancouver, Washington

Jeopardy! Round

(Michael Douglas: I'm Michael Douglas with clues about some Hollywood history made by generations within families.)
    200 29
This capital city on a lake called Ijsselmeer is divided by canals into about 90 "islands"
    200 30
The skirt's uneven hemline is called this, not because it's a little square of fabric, but because of the way the points fall
    200 28
A burial cloth &
to obscure or conceal
    200 24
This first first lady to live in the White House is said to haunt the East Room, where she once hung laundry
    200 26
Henry Morehouse of college fame came up with the concept of the "talented" this fraction, popularized by W.E.B. Du Bois
    200 27
(Michael Douglas delivers the clue.) On Oscar night in 2020 when her role in "Marriage Story" brought an Oscar to this actress, among those she thanked were her parents, acting legends in their own right
    400 3
Most of the 24 square miles of this republic are situated on the slopes of Mount Titano
    400 22
A close-fitting garment called a cheongsam or a qipao is also called this dress, the type of collar it has
    400 23
A part of the upper body &
to bear the blame or responsibility
    400 21
Site of the first Academy Awards in 1929, this hotel boasts none other than Marilyn Monroe as a frequent ghost
    400 20
Home to generations of brainiacs, the Institute for Advanced Study in this college town was an "Oppenheimer" filming location
    400 25
(Michael Douglas delivers the clue.) In separate films I've crossed paths with the Brolins, with James in "Traffic" & with Josh in this film sequel, "Money Never Sleeps", where it's still about the game
    600 14
This river rises in the Valdai Hills, then flows about 2,300 miles to the Caspian Sea
    600 18
This long overcoat that was new in 1867 bears the name of a historic Irish province
    600 15
A field of study &
to teach a child appropriate behavior
    600 16
Dylan Thomas' ghost reportedly still hangs out at this fabled NYC hotel on 23rd Street, his last residence
    600 17
This septet was introduced to the nation on April 9, 1959 at the Dolley Madison House, then NASA headquarters
    600 19
(Michael Douglas delivers the clue.) In a 2018 interview Mariska Hargitay said her late mother, this actress, "was this amazing, beautiful, glamorous sex symbol--but people didn’t know that she played the violin, and had a 160 IQ"
    DD: 1,000 5
A palace in this city in Provence is a reminder of its role in the Catholic church in the 14th century
    800 11
If you want to be fancy, instead of saying boat neck, you can use this French word for boat
    800 8
A list of passengers
& to make something happen by imagining it
    800 2
Pausanias, a turncoat general of this ancient city-state, was sealed up inside a temple & became a loitering spirit there
    800 13
Endicott Peabody founded the elite Groton School & officiated when this alumnus married a cousin in 1905
    800 12
(Michael Douglas delivers the clue.) Not many families have 3 generations of Oscar winners, but Angelica Huston is the third generation in her family; her father, the great director John, & her grandfather Walter both won for this 1948 film about gold prospecting in Mexico
    1000 4
A part of Portugal consists of 2 small island groups; the island of Porto Santo; & this island for which the whole archipelago is named
    1000 10
The pattern of the sweater is called this, after the place in the Shetlands where it originated
    1000 7
A very tiny amount &
to discover the causes or origins of something
    1000 1
The ghost of this "Mad" general of the Revolutionary War is said to haunt Erie County, Pennsylvania
    1000 6
On D-Day the U.S. Army Rangers led the way in scaling the cliffs of this pointe overlooking Omaha Beach
    1000 9
(Michael Douglas delivers the clue.) I've got to include my father, Kirk Douglas; in his 60+ year career, he's played such memorable roles as Spartacus, Vincent van Gogh & in 1957 a French colonel in World War I who attempts to defend three of his men facing a court-martial in this classic Kubrick film

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Yogesh Matt Amy
5,400 2,200 4,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: You'll name the character.)
"A" THEN "Z"
(Ken: Each correct response will have those two letters somwhere within it; the "A" will come first.)
    400 30
Shaping country music in its infancy was this family that included Mother Maybelle &, later, daughters Helen, June & Anita
    400 26
"What's taters, precious, eh, what's taters?"
    400 25
A California national park is named for these trees whose flowers are pollinated by the yucca moth
    400 29
Alex Trebek's alma mater, the University of Ottawa claims to be the world's largest that's bilingual in these 2 languages
    400 27
Home to about 16 million, this nation aka the GDR ceased to be in October 1990
    400 28
It's the action Egypt's government took to gain control over the Suez Canal in 1956
    800 24
Called "the Mother Church of Country Music" & actually built as a church, this venue was home to the Grand Ole Opry 1943-1974
    800 21
"If I can fool a bug... I can surely fool a man. People are not as smart as bugs"
    800 22
Sounding like it's made of cloth, this lofty layer of a forest can reach more than 100 feet high in the Amazon
    800 23
This school that's less than 10 miles from where you're standing changed the "at" in its name to the current comma in the 1950s
    800 11
Before Waterloo, an allied army under this commander decisively defeated the French at the Battle of Vitoria in Spain in 1813
    800 5
There are miniature, standard & giant breeds of this blunt-muzzled dog
    1200 18
In the 1960s, the face of country music was changed when this singer became country music's first Black superstar
    DD: 15,400 15
"She betrayed you, Winston. Immediately--unreservedly. I have seldom seen anyone come over to us so promptly"
    1200 20
Introduced to the U.S. in 1876, this invasive species has been nicknamed the "mile-a-minute vine"
    1200 19
Steph Curry didn't go to Duke University or UNC but to this North Carolina college
    1200 7
An indigenous soldier in British India; a rebellion named for them is also called India's first war of independence
    1200 6
Also a bone in the wrist, its a quadrilateral with no parallel sides
    1600 17
Paving the way for other Canadians like Shania Twain was this first female solo artist to win Best Album at the CMA Awards
    1600 14
"For if he is still with the quick un-dead, your death would make you even as he is. No, you must live!"
    DD: 2,200 1
Also called the scaly anteater, it gets its other name from the Malay for "roller", describing its defense mechanism
    1600 3
Mexico's M.I.T., actually with initials T.d.M., is this Nuevo Leon state capital's institute of technology
    1600 2
The first tomb meant for Tut was taken by a guy named Ay who served Tut as this 6-letter chief minister & later became pharaoh, too
    1600 9
Reconstructing prehistoric environments & ecosystems is part of this science, the study of fossil animals
    2000 16
It's no coin flip! This classic of '90s country by Jo Dee Messina was the subject of a 2022 song about hearing it in a karaoke bar
    2000 8
"I freewheel a lot... I reckon I'll become president of the galaxy, and it just happens, it's easy"
    2000 13
This 11-letter adjective describes insects or bats that do their business during twilight hours
    2000 4
Hail SRU, short for for this university meaning "hail holy queen", & its campus of Gilded Age buildings in Newport, Rhode Island
    2000 12
This once thriving indigenous group survives in smallish numbers in South America; those in the Caribbean are called Taíno
    2000 10
This region of central Italy includes Mount Corno, the highest peak in the Apennines

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Yogesh Matt Amy
36,400 7,200 12,200
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

This show debuted December 30, 1879 in a theater on the Devon coast, with the cast in costumes from a related show

Final scores:

Yogesh Matt Amy
36,400 14,400 14,401
Winner: 7 match points 3rd place: 1 match point 2nd place: 1 match point

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Yogesh Matt Amy
22,200 6,400 12,200
26 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
14 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W
13 R,
0 W

Combined Coryat: 40,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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