Suggest correction - #9097 - 2024-05-07

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    $800 26
The way the human-sized Troodon incubated its eggs provides a link to these, which evolved from one line of dinos

Show #9097 - Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Allison Gross game 1.


Allison Gross, a data scientist from Cleveland, Ohio

Daniel King, a Brown University graduate from Parsippany, New Jersey

Matthew Smith, a paramedic from New York, New York (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $26,400)

Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: Each response will contain the name of a family or extended family member.)
(Ken: These responses made up of letters found in the word "jeopardy".)
    $200 30
Ichthyologists, take note--this Seuss book says of other fauna, "None of them is like another, don't ask us why, go ask your mother"
    $200 29
Journalist John Reed died in this city & was buried with other Bolshevik heroes
    $200 27
One reputed origin of this national symbol is a beef supplier to the Army who stamped his barrels "U.S."
    $200 24
In 1986 Steve Jobs bought this animation studio for $5 million; in 2006 it was sold to Disney for $7.4 billion
    $200 28
She Freaky Fridayed herself into Elizabeth Taylor's body for the Lifetime biopic "Liz & Dick"
    $200 14
This word for a container of jam or pickles comes from the Arabic for a water vessel
    $400 19
Janet Evanovich preceded "Two for the Dough" with this title
    $400 21
This Doors frontman reportedly died in a Paris bathtub July 3, 1971; others believe he faked his death
    $400 22
It's the title of the head nun at a convent; for the Order of the Visitation of Holy Mary, it's Anne Francis Ng'ang'a
    $400 23
8,000 tons of iron were used to build this landmark completed in 1889
    $400 26
Steven Soderbergh was behind the camera to direct Michael Douglas as this man in "Behind the Candelabra"
    $400 13
This verb meaning to love & worship is found in the lyrics of "O Come, All Ye Faithful"
    $600 15
This title is from something David Sedaris said trying to learn French; another is "I know the thing what you speak exact now"
    $600 20
Prime ministers John A. MacDonald & Lester Pearson both died in this city
    $600 5
Felix Silla played the robot Twiki on "Buck Rogers", a "Planet of the Apes" gorilla child & this hairy character on "The Addams Family"
    $600 17
In 1898 Bayer began to bottle & market this now very illegal drug as a pain reliever & cough suppressant
    $600 25
She played women suffrage leader Alice Paul in HBO's "Iron Jawed Angels"
    $600 12
In 2023 Manny Machado agreed to a $350 million deal to remain one
    $800 4
This John Lindqvist book about a vampire named Eli living in the Swedish suburbs got the film treatment
    DD: $2,000 16
Pope Julius II called him to Rome to do his art thing; he died there in 1564
    $800 3
Also known as a harvestman, this spiderlike arachnid is nonvenomous & first appeared more than 400 million years ago
    $800 7
Check out the lightning show at Fuego, a volcano in this Central American nation bordered by Mexico & Belize
    $800 10
Billy Crystal directed this numerically titled film in which Roger Maris tries to break a record
    $800 8
The ancient poet Pindar was an early master of this type of lyric poem
    $1000 18
This Solzhenitsyn book describes a 24-hour period of a prisoner in the gulag system
    $1000 1
This Merry Monarch wasn't so merry when he died in London in 1685
    $1000 2
In literature, Tom Sawyer's guardian was this relative who was based in part on Mark Twain's own mom
    $1000 6
Developed along with this company that made the Land Cruiser, Japan's moon rover is nicknamed the lunar cruiser
    $1000 11
A biopic about this late celebrity & star of "Romeo Must Die" was subtitled "The Princess of R&B"
    $1000 9
A wagon, especially one without sides, used to haul heavy loads

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Matthew Daniel Allison
$2,200 $1,800 $2,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Matthew Daniel Allison
$2,600 $1,200 $5,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: Each response will begin with a "U", end with an "S", and we'll give you the number of letters between the "U" and the "S".)
    $400 20
Look, kids, it's Santa's skull! In the 1950s the bones of this saint were examined, then put back in their crypt in Bari, Italy
    $400 21
It doesn't take prizewinning journalism to know its first syllable sounds like a synonym for "tug"; Joseph said so
    $400 25
Like other bipedal hadrosaurs, the Anatosaurus had this feature just like the platypus
    $400 27
The company named for him is RL on the New York Stock Exchange
    $800 19
Split on the Dalmatian coast of this country is a popular cruise ship stop; Diocletian's Palace is a popular attraction there
    $800 6
J.K. Rowling caused some consternation in 2015 by saying the T in this name is silent
    $800 26
The way the human-sized Troodon incubated its eggs provides a link to these, which evolved from one line of dinos
    $800 10
He wasn't a favorite of the car industry, but the Automotive Hall of Fame inducted him in 2016
    $800 12
With 6 letters:
Place you're "kicked" to if you're moved to a more prestigious, less effective job
    $1200 15
Adria was an important enough port that they named the sea after it, until this river's delta got all silted up
    $1200 3
In a post on how to say La Jolla, Willamette, etc., this travel guide brand mentions it rhymes with "Matt Bomer's"
    $1200 13
The most complete skeleton of a T-rex was found in 1990 in South Dakota & is now housed at this Natural History Museum in Chicago
    $1200 16
In "The American Scholar" he wrote, "Character is higher than intellect"
    $1200 23
In "The Queens Remix" of this song, Beyoncé mashed up Madonna's "Vogue", updating the rap to honor Black icons
    $1200 9
With 5 letters:
The hero of the "Odyssey" in Alexander Pope's translation
    DD: $2,000 18
Once federated with Serbia, it's the smallest in area of the nations bordering on the Adriatic Sea
    DD: $2,000 1
It became a Canadian province in 1949 & poet E.J. Pratt advised, accent on the last syllable, swallow the 1st D
    $1600 2
In 1822 Gideon & Mary Mantell found the first remains of the Iguanodon; well, actually just these, the source of the "don" part
    $1600 17
This diplomat chaired the poli sci department at Howard University before winning the Nobel Peace Prize
    $1600 22
"Is This It?", the 2001 debut album from these New Yorkers, included "Last Nite"
    $1600 7
With 2 letters:
The novelist who wrote big books like "Exodus" & "The Haj"
    $2000 5
The Strait of Otranto between the heel of Italy's "boot" & Albania separates the Adriatic from this sea to the south
    $2000 4
The medical community wants you to not start this word for removal of ovaries with an "oof" sound
    $2000 14
In 1888 Othniel Marsh gave a Montana discovery this 8-letter name; it had fewer horns than a more famous dino
    $2000 11
This Christian Coalition leader was a spokesman for the evangelical movement
    $2000 24
(Legendary songwriter Diane Warren presents the clue.) You might not remember the film "Mannequin", but I hope you remember my song from it that says, "And we can build this dream together standing strong forever", this 5-word title
    $2000 8
With 5 letters:
John Wilkes Booth's despairing last word

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Matthew Daniel Allison
$7,000 $2,000 $11,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

She's introduced in an 1845 novella in which she wears a short skirt with her mantilla thrown back to show her shoulders

Final scores:

Matthew Daniel Allison
$2,100 $3,998 $9,599
3rd place: $2,000 2nd place: $3,000 New champion: $9,599

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Matthew Daniel Allison
$7,000 $4,000 $10,200
10 R,
2 W
6 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
20 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W

Combined Coryat: $21,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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