Suggest correction - #9093 - 2024-05-01

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    $600 3
An epidemic of this disease, variola major, helped Cortes & company conquer a thickly populated Tenochtitlan

Show #9093 - Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Weckiai Rannila game 1.
Amy Hummel game 6.


Nils Cousin, an attorney from Washington, D.C.

Weckiai Rannila, an engineer from Albuquerque, New Mexico

Amy Hummel, an ER doctor from Milwaukee, Wisconsin (5-day champion whose cash winnings total $100,994)

Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: You'll need to name the movie Batman actor given a different one of his roles.)
    $200 29
Nanak, the first of these spiritual teachers of the Sikhs, got the ball rolling for them in Punjab
    $200 22
The usher of the Black Rod acts as a sergeant at arms for this part of Britain's Parliament
    $200 30
The Carillon Historical Park in Dayton, Ohio has their 1905 Flyer III on display
    $200 11
This 4-word phrase that orders everyone available to help with a problem is nautical in origin
    $200 27
The Water Club of the Harbour of Cork, the world's first yacht club, was founded on this island in 1720
    $200 26
Edward Cullen
    $400 23
The O-"G", this name I Vasa, founded Sweden's Vasa ruling line & reigned from 1523 until his 1560 death
    $400 21
These 2 words can precede cake (meaning chocolate with cherries) or ham (originally produced in that German region)
    $400 28
Among the attractions of this California city's Balboa Park are an air & space museum & its world famous zoo
    $400 12
In "The Shining" Jack Nicholson's writer's block doesn't seem to apply to this 10-word phrase, repeatedly typed
    $400 19
Called the "sailing capital of the U.S.". this Rhode Island city hosts its annual classic yacht regatta over Labor Day weekend
    $400 25
"American Psycho"
    $600 3
An epidemic of this disease, variola major, helped Cortes & company conquer a thickly populated Tenochtitlan
    $600 6
The black species of this tree provides nuts for squirrels & prized black wood for furniture
    $600 7
Chicago's largest park, it was once known as Cemetery Park, but got its current name in 1865
    $600 13
A lyric from "Chicago" goes, "Oh, she's gonna shimmy till her garters break, and" this phrase meaning et cetera
    $600 16
Katharine Hepburn was a guest aboard the Southern Cross, a yacht owned by this aviator/movie producer
    $600 9
"Mr. Mom"
    $800 1
This French doctor began looking into the future in 1547 & published the 1555 book "Prophecies"
    $800 5
Muslim tradition says this, set in a wall of the Kaaba, was white but grew dark from the sins of the pilgrims who've touched it
    $800 10
The building in Forest Park that houses this Midwest city's art museum dates back to the 1904 World's Fair
    $800 14
It comes after "We hold these truths to be self-evident..."
    $800 17
In 1987 Dennis Conner skippered Stars & Stripes to victory winning this trophy that's affectionately called the Auld Mug
    $800 8
"The Accountant"
    $1000 4
A 1526 defeat of the Sultan of Delhi at Panipat saw the rise of this empire in India
    DD: $2,400 20
In 1974 this physicist proposed a theory on how black holes die--a type of radiation now named for him
    $1000 24
The Minnehaha Regional Park in Minneapolis features a replica of this author's home in Cambridge, Massachusetts
    $1000 15
Translation of the quotation seen here, originally on "The Gates of Hell" in Dante

"Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate!"
    $1000 18
This head honcho of Oracle used a few of his millions on the 453-foot yacht "Rising Sun"; later it was David Geffen's pandemic refuge
    $1000 2
Fred Friendly

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Amy Weckiai Nils
$2,600 $5,400 $200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Amy Weckiai Nils
$3,000 $5,400 $6,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 27
A pea-souper is a thick one of these weather conditions
    $400 16
This duo had a No. 1 hit singing, "your kiss is on my list"
    $400 28
"I greet you at the beginning of a great career" from this Mass. man was a "Leaves of Grass" blurb; so much for self-reliance, Walt
    $400 24
Petrology deals with the study of these, including origin & classification
    $400 29
In Latin, "in" this means "as a whole" & has nothing to do with Dorothy's pet
    $400 30
This speedy superhero came to TV in 1990, then more successfully 20+ years later on the CW
    $800 26
Often tea & a biscuit (buns & cocoa for Paddington), this "numeric" pre-lunch snack is always right on time
    $800 17
Both chimps & these, aka pygmy chimpanzees, kiss on the lips
    $800 19
The N.Y. Times said "The Secret History" by this woman was "remarkably powerful" & "ferociously well-paced "
    DD: $4,200 20
Remove 2 letters from the study of weather to get this, the study of weights & measures
    $800 21
10005's city & state, or a casino in 89109
    $800 25
In 2023 Lana Del Rey ended a U.S. tour in this state & put out a version of "Take Me Home, Country Roads", which mentions it
    $1200 9
I bought the armoire on hire purchase, what we Yanks call this 2-word term; a year from May, it's all mine
    DD: $4,000 18
The title character of this Puccini opera kisses her son goodbye before taking her own life with her father's dagger
    $1200 3
"You are the best author in human history"--in a kid's fan letter for "Watchmen"--became a blurb for his novel "Jerusalem"
    $1200 7
Otology is the science that deals with the ear & this is the field that deals with hearing
    $1200 10
Similar to a truffle (the confectionery kind), it's a molded chocolate often with a fruit center
    $1200 13
There was some real redone-Dancy when Hugh Dancy came to TV as an ADA in this Dick Wolf series restarted after a 10-year hiatus
    $1600 1
One theory on the origin of this 3-word phrase involves P.M. Robert Gascoyne-Cecil giving his nephew cabinet jobs
    $1600 22
In the 1880s this French sculptor depicted a pair of lovers from "The Divine Comedy" in a work called "The Kiss"
    $1600 2
For "In Our Time", Ford Madox Ford called him "the best writer in America at this moment (though ... he happens to be in Paris)"
    $1600 5
At Brown Jessaca Leinaweaver, the chair of this department aims to study "humanity, past & present"
    $1600 11
Limb weakness & impairment of the heart & nerves are symptoms of this disorder caused by a deficiency in vitamin B1
    $1600 14
"The Bridge", about Swedish & Danish cops on the same case, was remade as this show in which the cops are British & French
    $2000 8
There's a primate in this British expression that refers to freezing weather; the Beastie Boys song is about booze
    $2000 23
This second Roman emperor tried to ban kissing at state functions, perhaps to control an outbreak of cold sores (ugh, sorry)
    $2000 4
This famously publicity-averse "Vineland" novelist complimented George Saunders' work as "astoundingly tuned"
    $2000 6
William James' 1890 "The Principles of" this is considered a classic in the field
    $2000 12
Kirk's, the largest variety of this African antelope, can be just 14 inches tall & weigh but 8 pounds
    $2000 15
In 2003 No Doubt charted with "It's My Life", first a 1984 hit for this group that could be in the REPETITION category

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Amy Weckiai Nils
$3,600 $11,400 $6,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

On Nov. 15, 1961 JFK suspended the 8-hour workday at this agency, saying its work needed to proceed "with all possible speed"

Final scores:

Amy Weckiai Nils
$1 $9,999 $2,400
3rd place: $2,000 New champion: $9,999 2nd place: $3,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Amy Weckiai Nils
$11,800 $11,400 $5,000
14 R,
4 W
(including 2 DDs)
21 R,
5 W
11 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $28,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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