Suggest correction - #9089 - 2024-04-25

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    $400 26
A primigravida is a woman in this condition for the first time

Show #9089 - Thursday, April 25, 2024

Amy Hummel game 2.


Justin Brandt, an attorney originally from West Hills, California

Tyler Jarvis, a researcher and Ph.D. student originally from Portales, New Mexico

Amy Hummel, an ER doctor from Milwaukee, Wisconsin (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $18,900)

Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: The most popular in 2022, according to the Social Security Administration.)
    $200 28
The Avon & Cheddar Gorges
    $200 19
Maybe acting is in the future for kids with this name, No. 1 for females; at least it was for Ms. Colman & Ms. Wilde
    $200 30
Cold weather can reduce a battery's power, so a car battery label lists its CCA, or cold cranking these units of current
    $200 20
Jesse Palmer was featured on season 5 of this show, & in 2023 hosted a "Golden" version
    $200 29
The scholarly feats of the Brothers Grimm include compiling this type of reference work, the. "Deutsches Wörterbuch"
    $200 15
When it comes to electricity in our homes, the AC in AC/DC stands for this
    $400 27
Part of a trio, the Wu & Qutang
    $400 16
Maybe acting is in the future for kids with this name, No. 1 for males; at least it was for Mr. Hemsworth & Mr. Cunningham
    $400 22
As the name suggests rechargeable NiCad batteries contain these 2 elements
    $400 26
In 2018, she tweeted, "After 16 incredible seasons, I am sayin auf Wiedersehen" to her hosting gig
    $400 18
This company acquired the rights to the British board game Cluedo & renamed it Clue in 1949
    $400 14
In college John Legend was a director of this kind of singing group without musical accompaniment
    $600 23
Todra Gorge in the High Atlas
    $600 9
It was No. 2 for males, or should we say, "there went in two and two unto" this name "as God had commanded"
    $600 2
In 1856, South Carolina's Preston Brooks used a cane to assault Charles Sumner of Massachusetts in the Capitol's soon to be replaced Old this Chamber
    $600 11
Julie Chen Moonves has done double duty as a host of "The Talk" & of this summer reality show
    $600 17
This 1954 musical centers on a septet of backwoods siblings intent on finding mates
    $600 3
One of these with hidden pictures or treats typically begins on December 1 & helps kids count down to Christmas
    $800 8
Aare Gorge
    $800 6
No. 7 for girls, this 3-letter palindromic name will be one of the first called alphabetically when roll is taken
    $800 1
Rectangular 9-volt batteries used to be called this kind, for the newfangled components inside the little radios they powered
    $800 25
This host likely refrained from calling contestants "donkeys" when hosting "Masterchef Junior"
    DD: $1,800 12
These brothers bought James A. Bailey's business in 1907
    $800 7
The Gerald R. Ford one of these cost $13 billion to build & is more than 3 football fields long
    $1000 4
Olduvai Gorge
    $1000 10
This No. 2 name on the list for baby girls was the No. 1 name for Jane Austen in an 1815 novel
    $1000 5
A 2019 book recounts "Pickett's Charge and" this: "The History & Legacy of the 19th Century's Most Famous Doomed Assaults"
    $1000 24
This great Scot, a star of stage & screen, encourages bloodless murder & mayhem on "The Traitors"
    $1000 21
This outlaw band of siblings including Grat, Bob & Emmett were cousins of the cutthroat Younger brothers
    $1000 13
Shirley Temple sang about these in her "soup, monkeys & rabbits loop the loop"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Amy Tyler Justin
$2,200 $5,200 $600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Amy Tyler Justin
$5,800 $6,200 $800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 26
A primigravida is a woman in this condition for the first time
    $400 25
The naval part of this lengthy war got started with an English victory over France at Sluys in 1340
    $400 24
Theodore Roosevelt Island is one of many in this river that separates Washington, D.C. from Virginia
    $800 18
After a disaster of a cruise, the title teen of this Yann Martel novel spends 227 days lost at sea with a rough crew indeed
    $800 12
It can mean "hits hard & loudly" or "suggests", as in "his email ____ of desperation"
    $800 15
Kalocsa, Hungary's festival devoted to this, known as "red gold", has a cooking competition & the crowning of a queen; what a hot dish!
    DD: $2,000 19
Under the terms of the Treaty of Versailles of 1768, the Genoese ceded this island to the French
    $800 22
The title of this, Chuck Berry's first hit, reportedly came from a mascara box left on a windowsill in a recording studio
    $800 23
In 1834 the First Baptist Church opened in D.C.; it was later reconfigured as this infamous theatre
    $1200 17
The crew of the Ghost can't wait for the season to end in "The Sea-Wolf" by this author; Captain Wolf Larsen is a bit much!
    $1200 6
Here's a flash--fulgurous means emitting this atmospheric phenomenon or resembling it
    $1200 9
Oxi Day, or Day of No, is celebrated by Greeks on October 28, the day in 1940 when they said no to this Italian's demands
    $1200 16
In 1967 in Montreal this French president said, "Vive le Québec libre", or "Long live free Québec"; Canada wasn't amused
    $1200 11
Bikini Kill singer Kathleen Hanna was an early icon of this grrreat 1990s movement, using feminism & punk rock
    $1200 1
After student-led protests in 1988, Dr. I. King Jordan was named this university's first deaf president
    $1600 10
The crew had some huge issues with Captain Queeg in this 1952 Pulitzer winner, & I can't wait to see the reunion show!
    $1600 5
A fiasco, disaster or collapse, it's the French title of Émile Zola's novel about Germany's defeat of France in 1871
    $1600 13
On or about January 25, Scots observe the birth of this literary giant by holding suppers with haggis & whisky to wash it down
    $1600 7
A 2023 coup, backed by protests, took over this country southeast of Algeria & French troops fighting Islamic terrorists said adieu
    $1600 8
These guys led by Booker T. Jones backed Stax Records stars like Otis Redding & had hits of their own like "Time Is Tight"
    $1600 2
The only president laid to rest in D.C., he's entombed in the Washington National Cathedral
    $2000 21
Lots of drama as His Majesty's sloop Sophie is getting a new captain in this first Jack Aubrey novel
    DD: $3,000 4
Italian gives us this word for an outline of what could happen, also an old word for a screenplay
    $2000 14
In Lower Saxony, wreaths are hung on birch trees to celebrate Pfingsten, this festival celebrated 7 weeks after Easter
    $2000 20
The name of this political club of the French Revolution refers to the Dominican monastery where members met
    $2000 3
Opened in 1932, one of its missions is "to advance understanding and appreciation of Shakespeare's writings"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Amy Tyler Justin
$18,800 $8,600 $2,000
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

The 42-foot-high statue of Athena in this state capital is the tallest indoor statue in the United States

Final scores:

Amy Tyler Justin
$18,795 $4,001 $2,000
2-day champion: $37,695 2nd place: $3,000 3rd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Amy Tyler Justin
$20,600 $7,600 $2,000
25 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
12 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
4 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $30,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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