Suggest correction - #1726 - 1992-02-17

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    $500 6
In 1980 Prince Charles presided as Robert Mugabe was sworn in as PM of this country, formerly Rhodesia

Show #1726 - Monday, February 17, 1992


David Thomas, a banker from Houston, Texas

Evelyn Marcus, a museum curator from Norwich, Vermont

Tom Michael, a medical conference planner from Charlottesville, Virginia (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $17,001)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 20
This steak sauce was originally created for England's King George IV who gave it the highest rating
    $100 1
In 1978 Naomi Uemura of this country became the first man to reach the North Pole alone by dogsled
    $100 2
In 1970 Abe Saperstein, who founded this barnstorming team, was elected to the Basketball Hall of Fame
    $100 7
"Of thee..."
    $100 15
A Cockney gent might refer to her as his "trouble & strife"
    $100 12
This green gemstone, a form of the mineral beryl, gets its color from minute amounts of chromium
    $200 22
Legend has it 96-year- old Robert Chesebrough attributed his longevity to this petroleum jelly he ate each day
    $200 3
In 1981 this country's parliament voted to annex the Golan Heights
    $200 26
Between 1947 & 1980, this Red Wings & Whalers player appeared in the Stanley Cup playoffs a record 20 times
    $200 8
"The Teahouse of..."
    $200 16
"Tit for tat" is this, but keep it under yours
    $200 13
Pitchblende is a primary mineral source of this element used in nuclear power plants
    $300 23
In its initial testing stage, this product was found by chemists to be 99 44/100% pure
    $300 4
Son & grandson of Indian prime ministers, he was assassinated by a bomb in May 1991
    $300 27
While Yankee Stadium was being renovated in 1974 & 1975, Yankee home games were played here
    $300 9
    $300 17
Put a quid in your "sky rocket" & you've inserted it here
    $300 14
Of quartz, calcite, or mica, the one which has no cleavage
    $400 24
To distinguish their cough drops from imitators, they put their "trade mark" pictures on the package
    DD: $600 5
In February 1987 reputed drug trafficker Carlos Lehder was captured in this country & sent to the U.S.
    $400 28
Through the 1990 season, this Dolphins coach leads all active NFL coaches with 298 career victories
    $400 10
"An Enemy of..."
    $400 18
"Snake in the grass" is this object, as Alice could tell you
    $400 21
The mineral halite is a naturally-occurring form of this
    $500 30
In 1919 Sailor Jack & his dog, Bingo, made their first appearance on boxes of this confection
    $500 6
In 1980 Prince Charles presided as Robert Mugabe was sworn in as PM of this country, formerly Rhodesia
    $500 29
It's been called "The Brickyard" because it was once paved with 3.2 million bricks weighing 10 pounds each
    $500 11
"In the matter of J. Robert..."
    $500 19
"Daisy roots", they're put on your "plates of meat", which are feet
    $500 25
This metal occurs naturally in the minerals scheelite & wolframite

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Tom Evelyn David
$2,200 -$400 $500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Tom Evelyn David
$3,900 $1,800 $500

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 10
In 1328 the Mongols made Ivan I grand prince of this city
    $200 18
To visit the New York Zoological Park, go to this NYC borough
    $200 9
The most beautiful ancient theatre that survives in this country is the one at Epidaurus
    $200 13
Her "Workout Book" was the best selling nonfiction book of 1982
    $200 1
She was nicknamed "Pat" because she was born on the eve of St. Patrick's Day, 1912
    $200 4
The U.S. lost sovereignty of most of this 10-mile-wide strip of land in 1979
    $400 11
The father of Pepin the Short & grandfather of Charlemagne, his name meant "Charles the Hammer"
    $400 19
Noted for its Jabiru storks, the New Orleans Zoo & its park are named for this naturalist
    $400 25
A platform atop a coastal home that's used as a lookout for ships is called a widow's one of these
    $400 14
Say, kids! This TV host reminisces about Doodyville in his book "Howdy and Me"
    $400 2
Her grandfather, Col. John Quincy, was a speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives
    DD: $1,200 5
At 4,389 feet, Cerro de Punta near the city of Ponce is this commonwealth's highest point
    $600 12
1 of 3 kings who participated in the Third Crusade, 1189 to 1192
    $600 20
The Monkey Jungle & the Parrot Jungle are tourist attractions of this Florida city
    $600 26
This style of the 11th & 12th centuries is named for Italy's eternal city
    $600 15
His nonfiction accounts of police work include "The Blooding" & "Echoes in the Darkness"
    DD: $1,300 3
Her father, Marvin Pierce, was publisher of McCall's & Redbook
    $600 6
The largest island in the Marianas, its citizens voted to seek Commonwealth status in 1982
    $800 16
The Toltecs ruled central Mexico for at least 300 years until their defeat by this tribe about 1200 A.D.
    $800 21
Located near Madame Tussaud's, the London Zoo is in this park
    $800 27
Plaster ceilings were popular when this style named for King James I was dominant in England
    $800 23
"Paternity" by this "Goodbye, Columbus" author is an account of his late father
    $800 28
An extravagant spender, by 1864 her shopping sprees totaled $27,000
    $800 7
At just 20 square miles, it's the smallest of the 3 inhabited U.S. Virgin Islands
    $1000 17
In 1216 this Spanish religious leader founded the Order of Friars Preachers
    $1000 22
The oldest zoo still in existence is the Schonbrunn Zoo in this European capital
    $1000 30
Juste-Aurele Meissonier, who popularized the shell motif in the 1700s, has been called the father of this style
    $1000 24
In 1989 this journalist wrote a sequel to his autobiography "Growing Up" called "The Good Times"
    $1000 29
Because of her White House ban on alcohol, the W.C.T.U. commissioned a portrait of this first lady
    $1000 8
Canned tuna accounts for more than 80% of the export income of this South Pacific territory

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Tom Evelyn David
$7,200 $6,000 $1,500

Final Jeopardy! Round

The 2 Great Lakes that border only 1 U.S. state

Final scores:

Tom Evelyn David
$2,399 $3,001 $1,400
2nd place: trip on Delta to Hartford, Connecticut & stay at the Sugarbush Inn New champion: $3,001 3rd place: Cuisinart espresso & cappuccino machine + Nintendo Entertainment System with Super Jeopardy! & Wheel of Fortune + InfoGenius for Game Boy

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Tom Evelyn David
$7,500 $6,000 $1,500
25 R
(including 2 DDs),
5 W
(including 1 DD)
18 R,
3 W
6 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $15,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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