Suggest correction - #1715 - 1992-01-31

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    $400 17
A bronze statue of freedom 19 1/2 feet high stands on top of the dome of this building

Show #1715 - Friday, January 31, 1992


Mark Sappir, a lawyer from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Debbie Kessler, a copywriter from San Francisco, California

Bob Murphy, a pediatrician from Oakhurst, New Jersey

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 6
Comets sometimes travel tail first, as the tail always points away from this
    $100 12
Introduced into England in the 17th c., this drink was a luxury & sold for up to £10 a pound
    $100 11
The stadium & headquarters for this NFL team is located at 1265 Lombardi Avenue in Wisconsin
    $100 26
It was the most prized bird feather you could have in your cap, er, headdress
    $100 21
Put cold water in the bathtub before adding hot water & you can prevent this from happening to your mirrors
    $100 1
Someone who is hard at work has his nose to this; how painful
    $200 7
The opposite of an anode, it's the negative electrode of an electron tube
    $200 13
Traditionally, the British serve this breakfast food on Shrove Tuesday
    $200 17
Before it was played outdoors, this game was known as mush ball & indoor baseball
    $200 27
A Pueblo Indian didn't need a key to get into his house, but rather one of these
    $200 22
By freezing this vegetable for 15 minutes before you cut it, you can save yourself a lot of tears
    $200 2
To seek revenge in a self-defeating way is called doing this to your nose to spite your face
    $300 8
About 2/3 of the Earth's crustal rocks are of this type, formed from a molten state
    $300 14
Supporting the royal arms of Great Britain, the unicorn symbolizes Scotland & this animal symbolizes England
    $300 18
In a playoff with Chi Chi Rodriguez, this "Golden Bear" had to bear down to win his 1st Senior Open title
    $300 28
It's believed this tribe's name came from the dark-colored moccasins they wore
    $300 23
Sweep this type of bath or baby powder into the cracks of a wooden floor & you can reduce squeaking
    $300 3
When you're vexed about someone else taking your place, you have your nose out of this
    $400 9
Until 1960 this unit of time was defined as 1/86,400 of a mean solar day
    $400 15
On July 17, 1991 this British humor magazine celebrated its 150th anniversary
    $400 19
Every four years, international soccer teams vie for this coveted award
    $400 29
A Navajo medicine man creates one of these works of art by day & destroys it before sundown
    $400 24
To hold a nail in place while hammering, put it between the teeth of this grooming item
    $400 4
Something that is as obvious as obvious can be is this
    $500 10
The 3 methods by which heat can be transferred are radiation, conduction & this
    $500 16
About 1800 this man, not Wedgwood, introduced bone china to England
    $500 20
Between 1983-85 Martina Navratilova & this doubles partner won 109 consecutive matches
    DD: $1,000 30
Before the Spanish introduced the horse, Plains Indians used this animal to pull a travois
    $500 25
To reduce the acid flavor of spaghetti sauce, Heloise suggests adding 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of this instant beverage
    $500 5
"Monetary" phrase that may come from an old custom of slitting the noses of those who avoided taxes

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Bob Debbie Mark
$1,200 $1,500 $100

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Bob Debbie Mark
$2,400 $1,100 $1,100

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 16
The city, which covers 69 square miles, borders this state on three sides
    $200 11
Bantam Books paid a reported $5 million for rights to this Desert Storm general's memoirs
    $200 21
This Phrygian king mentioned by Herodotus is not the one of golden touch fame
    $200 26
Dom Pierre Perignon, a Benedictine monk, is credited with inventing this type of wine
    $200 1
When poet Emma Lazarus was born in this city in 1849, it didn't have the statue in the harbor
    $200 6
A chorus of singers in a church, or the kind of loft in which you'll find them
    $400 17
A bronze statue of freedom 19 1/2 feet high stands on top of the dome of this building
    $400 12
This author of "Jaws" went to "The Deep" for "Beast", a tale of a giant squid
    $400 22
The Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible called the Septuagint was made in this Egyptian city
    $400 27
Wine is still an important export of this Islamic country that became independent of France in 1962
    $400 2
A 1978 book on her was titled "The Lonely Lady of San Clemente"
    $400 7
"Parlando" is a vocal direction to sing as if doing this, which is what "parlare" means in Italian
    $600 18
Cass Gilbert designed this building that features the motto "Equal Justice Under Law"
    $600 13
Alexandra Ripley wrote out 300 pages of this novel in longhand before writing a sequel to it, "Scarlett"
    $600 23
Partheneia were "maiden songs" & this was the "Temple of the Maiden"
    $600 28
This Italian red wine is typically sold in straw-covered bottles called fiaschi
    $600 3
One book called her costume "lipstick, rouge, slippers; two fluffy fans... and a dim lavender light"
    $600 8
A song sung by sailors, or a synonym for shack
    DD: $1,000 19
This library, best known for its Shakespeare collection, also contains some original tracts by Martin Luther
    $800 14
In 1991 she followed the success of her "The Joy Luck Club" with "The Kitchen God's Wife"
    $800 24
Samsuiluna, son of this Code giver, couldn't hold dad's Mesopotamian empire together
    $800 29
Port wine is named for the town of Oporto, from which it is exported, in this country
    $800 4
In 1959 she uncovered a fossil hominid believed to be 1,750,000 years old
    $800 9
A soprano who specializes in "colorful" runs & trills, it's also an Italian word for "coloring"
    $1000 20
The Herbert C. Hoover building houses this gov't department of which Hoover was secretary
    $1000 15
This Robert Bly best seller is subtitled "A Book About Men"
    DD: $700 25
The Maurya Empire in this country began to fall apart after the death of Asoka c. 237 B.C.
    $1000 30
The region around the village of Tokaj in this country produces tokay, a famous dessert wine
    $1000 5
In 1965 she tried out to be an astronaut; in 1977 she started at Indy
    $1000 10
"Songs and Dances of Death" is a beautiful song cycle by this "Boris Godunov" composer

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Bob Debbie Mark
$3,700 $3,300 $1,100

Final Jeopardy! Round

Born in 1895, 2 of his greatest film roles were Julio Desnoyers & Ahmed Ben Hassan

Final scores:

Bob Debbie Mark
$6,700 $6,598 $1,000
New champion: $6,700 2nd place: a trip to Tampa, Florida on Delta Airlines with stay at Safety Harbor Spa & Fitness Center with total fitness plan 3rd place: Yashica Zoomtec 35 mm auto-focus camera with built-in zoom lens, case, tripod & film + Nintendo Entertainment System with Super Jeopardy! & Wheel of Fortune + InfoGenius for Nintendo Game Boy

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Bob Debbie Mark
$4,400 $4,300 $2,100
17 R,
7 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $10,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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