Suggest correction - #1751 - 1992-03-23

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    $400 21
Dee Brown's 1977 book "Hear that Lonesome Whistle Blow" is about the building of these

Show #1751 - Monday, March 23, 1992


Tim Smight, an editor and freelance writer from Thousand Oaks, California

Arlene Subin, a homemaker from Blue Bell, Pennsylvania

Thom Stark, a senior research analyst from El Cerrito, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $18,201)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 11
Its scientific name is Electrophorus electricus
    $100 15
This comedienne was born in Brooklyn in 1933; we assume her first words were "Can we talk?"
    $100 26
This holiday was first observed in October 1792
    $100 1
Pocahontas was in her early 20s when she died in 1617, probably of this pox
    $100 18
This 1859 tune completes the phrase "You ain't just whistling..."
    $100 6
Because of its name, you'd expect to see lots of caressing in this type of zoo
    $200 12
Often 20 feet wide & weighing over 3,000 lbs. the giant devil is the largest of these rays
    $200 16
Even though this angst-ridden director hails from Brooklyn, he called his 1979 film "Manhattan"
    $200 27
Flags are allowed over graves at Arlington National Cemetery only on this holiday
    $200 2
James Buchanan Brady wore such expensive jewelry that he was nicknamed this
    $200 19
It means to take a drink
    $200 7
This word can refer to a trap or a type of drum
    $300 13
The mako species of this fish is considered one of the best for sport fishing
    $300 22
She was pecked to death by "The Birds" 9 years before she became Bob Newhart's TV wife
    $300 28
Every year in late July, Greenville, Ohio has a festival honoring this markswoman
    $300 3
In 1899 he published "The Development of Capitalism in Russia" under the pseudonym Vladimir Ilyin
    $300 20
The 1937 film that featured the tune "Whistle While You Work"
    $300 8
This ceremonial staff borne by some dignitaries as a symbol of authority has a "spicy" name
    DD: $200 14
It's the Hawaiian name for the edible dorado or dolphinfish
    $400 24
This muscleman wasn't an "Incredible Hulk" yet when he was born in Brooklyn in 1952
    $400 4
Claude Francois de Malet was executed after he tried to overthrow this emperor in 1812
    $400 21
Dee Brown's 1977 book "Hear that Lonesome Whistle Blow" is about the building of these
    $400 9
Despite its name, this type of meeting doesn't have to convene on a mountaintop
    $500 17
The fastest fish over short distances, this marlin relative can breeze thru the water at over 65 mph
    $500 25
This Brooklyn-born beauty became famous playing Laura Petrie of New Rochelle
    $500 5
She attended an 1840 convention with her husband, H.B. Stanton, but, as a woman, was excluded from the floor
    $500 23
This name for a small fipple flute makes cents
    $500 10
This adjective meaning delectable may be an alteration of sumptuous

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Thom Arlene Tim
$1,500 $1,100 $500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Thom Arlene Tim
$1,300 $3,200 $1,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 19
He was named after his great-uncle, the Reverend Warren Gamaliel Bancroft
    $200 12
In addition to constraining King John, this 1215 document standarized grain & wine weights
    $200 22
Lake Villafro in southern Peru is regarded as the remotest source of this river
    $200 1
The Big Board big company nicknamed Big Blue
    $200 7
Moraine is the rock, gravel & other debris carried by one of these moving ice masses
    $200 13
When "Strange Interlude" was banned in this city in 1929, it played in nearby Quincy instead
    $400 18
Before his death in 1972, he remarked that he'd like his epitaph to be "he done his damndest"
    $400 11
Noah knew it's the distance between a man's elbow & the tip of his middle finger
    $400 23
This peninsula was named for the Ebro River
    $400 2
Now in over 4,000 products, Nutrasweet was introduced in 1981 in one of these
    $400 6
Dark areas on the Moon called maria were originally mistaken for these
    $400 20
This actress starred in O'Neill's "A Touch of the Poet" at the NYC theatre named for her
    $600 17
Indians at the 1901 Pan-American Expo nicknamed him "Big White Feather"
    $600 10
From the Latin "drachma", it's a measure equal to .0625 ounces, or a small drink
    $600 24
In its course from Tibet to Vietnam, this river divides Myanmar from Laos & Laos from Thailand
    $600 15
To run this game, Stuart Entertainment makes a 90-number blower & flashboard system
    $600 5
By definition a geologic deposit that's ossiferous contains these
    $600 21
The title of "Ah, Wilderness!" was inspired by a line from the "Rubaiyat of" this poet
    DD: $1,300 16
Rutherford B. Hayes' middle initial stood for this
    $800 9
In 1 cubic yard there are this many cubic feet
    $800 25
In 1776 Benedict Arnold lost the Battle of Valcour Island on this northeastern lake
    $800 27
At last count this company held 50% of the hand-held hair dryer market
    $800 4
The Earth's lithosphere comprises the crust as well as the upper part of this layer
    DD: $2,000 29
Actress Geraldine Chaplin's relationship to O'Neill
    $1000 14
The music for his 1886 White House wedding was provided by John Philip Sousa & the Marine Band
    $1000 8
This weight system is abbreviated "AVDP."
    $1000 26
About a fifth of the world's fresh water supply is contained in this lake in southern Siberia
    $1000 28
Kathy Kristof was chosen to replace this financial advice columnist who died in 1991
    $1000 3
Named for a German chemist, it's the main process by which ammonia is manufactured
    $1000 30
Brutus Jones runs from his rebellious subjects in this O'Neill play suggested by Haitian history

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Thom Arlene Tim
$9,200 $3,400 $3,600
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

He was the first Hanoverian monarch born in England; his father was Frederick, Prince of Wales

Final scores:

Thom Arlene Tim
$9,200 $0 $3,500
2-day champion: $27,401 3rd place: Magnavox VCR + Nintendo Entertainment System with Super Jeopardy! & Wheel of Fortune + InfoGenius for Game Boy 2nd place: Bassett dining room set + Ego Trip lithograph by Jane Wooster Scott courtesy of Scott Arts Graphic

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Thom Arlene Tim
$10,500 $5,600 $3,600
25 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
17 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)
9 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $19,700

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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