Suggest correction - #1686 - 1991-12-23

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    $200 2
While in Mantua, Romeo buys a dram of this

Show #1686 - Monday, December 23, 1991


Anne LeVeque, a library science student from Austin, Texas

Larry Dunn, an export manager from Northridge, California

Neal Baer, a medical student and writer originally from Denver, CO

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: But in this case, we're dealing with songs of the 1860s.)
    $100 2
The Hindi word for boat, Dinga, gave us this word for a small one
    $100 16
From the Latin for "to set together", they're the voters a congressman represents
    $100 11
When the U.S. stopped buying this, Cuba's main crop, Castro took over all U.S. businesses there
    $100 21
Mark Twain wrote of this huge melon, "When one has tasted it, he knows what the angels eat"
    $100 26
This classic car was named for a Detroit businessman, not an explorer named Henry
    $100 1
Back in the 1860s it was "Hang Your Head Tom Dula", now it's this
    $200 3
This word for a railroad engine combines the Latin words for "moving" & "place"
    $200 17
Though the House gained two additional members in 1959, it returned to this many in 1962
    $200 12
This practice, introduced in Cuba about 1517, continued there until 1886
    $200 22
The fond or heart of this thistle-like vegetable is covered by the choke
    $200 27
Foreign car company whose models have included the spider, the panda & the topolino, or "little mouse"
    $200 7
"Ha! Ha! Ha! 'Tis you and me", this object, "don't I love thee"
    $300 4
This Spanish word for a nap or the time people like to take one is from the Latin for "sixth hour"
    $300 18
These bills passed by Congress determine how much money a gov't department may spend
    $300 13
24 Cubans died & 700 were captured when the U.S. led a 1983 invasion of this country
    $300 23
This vegetable is the main ingredient of baba ghanoush & ratatouille
    $300 28
The Roger in the title of Michael Moore's 1989 documentary "Roger and Me" is this retired GM exec
    $300 8
Its second verse begins "When old church bell will peal with joy, hurrah, hurrah"
    $400 5
From the Greek "kubernao", to direct a ship, it became someone who directs a ship of state
    $400 19
Like the British Parliament, Congress is this type of legislature, composed of two houses
    $400 14
The U.S. still maintains a naval base on this Cuban bay
    $400 24
Italians call this "pomodoro", meaning golden apple
    $400 29
323, 626 & 929 are models of this Japanese make of car
    $400 9
Legend says days before his 1864 death at Bellevue he wrote "Beautiful Dreamer", but it's not true
    $500 6
A fine cotton cloth, usually plaid, whose name comes from a city in India
    $500 20
Term for the procedure by which a 3/5 vote of the whole Senate is necessary to end a filibuster
    $500 15
As an army sergeant, he led a revolt to take over Cuba in 1933
    $500 25
This "Belgian" vegetable is also called "witloof", meaning white leaf
    $500 30
He was Henry Ford's son & Henry Ford II's father
    DD: $500 10
This state's song was written in 1861 by a man in Louisiana & is sung to the following tune:

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

Neal Larry Anne
$700 $1,100 $1,500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Neal Larry Anne
$2,300 $4,200 $2,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 11
This Indian prime minister's first name meant "red jewel", not "stylish jacket"
    $200 7
With its keen sense of smell, this dog is reputed to be the best of all trackers
    $200 21
Mae West is quoted as saying, "It is better to be looked over than" this
    $200 1
She took a typing job in an architect's office to help research "The Fountainhead"
    $200 16
Betelgeuse, whose name is Arabic for "armpit", is found in the armpit of this hunter
    $200 2
While in Mantua, Romeo buys a dram of this
    $400 12
Charlie Brown could tell you this hound is the supreme rabbit- hunting breed
    $400 22
He regretted saying, "Winning isn't everything. It's the only thing"
    $400 3
Her novel "Heartburn" was based on her relationship with writer Carl Bernstein
    $400 18
At its brightest this planet is more than 12 times as bright as Sirius, the brightest star
    $400 8
Like Romeo, he also wanted Juliet; maybe she would have loved him better in the springtime
    $600 13
The most valued of this smallest breed weigh less than 2 1/4 pounds
    $600 23
Queen Victoria's response to the Hon. Alexander Grantham Yorke's imitation of her at a party
    DD: $2,000 4
A real-life murder inspired her 1975 novel "Looking for Mr. Goodbar"
    $600 19
Saturn's Cassini division is a division in these
    DD: $2,000 9
Called "The Courageous Captain of Compliments" by Mercutio, he dies in Act 3
    $800 14
Until some 40 years ago, this canine "athlete" was virtually unknown outside of Germany
    $800 5
She's written a string of best sellers including "Evergreen" & "Random Winds"
    $800 20
A bolide is a bright one of these that may explode during its descent
    $1000 25
This Roman emperor's original name was Diocles
    $1000 15
The Dandie Dinmont terrier was named after a character in this author's "Guy Mannering"
    $1000 24
John Ehrlichman said of this FBI director, "Let him hang there. Let him twist... slowly in the wind"
    $1000 6
The 25th anniv. edition of "Up the Down Staircase" included a new preface by this author
    $1000 17
In 1565 this Danish astronomer had part of his nose sliced off in a duel
    $1000 10
Romeo called this lady's love "smoke made with the fume of sighs", but then he met Juliet

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Neal Larry Anne
$5,100 $6,800 $700

Final Jeopardy! Round

The Colorado city named for its location at the confluence of 2 major rivers

Final scores:

Neal Larry Anne
$100 $10,800 $0
2nd place: U.S. Mint 1991 American Eagle gold & silver bullion coins + Sentry safe New champion: $10,800 3rd place: Variations Shelving Systems adjustable shelves + a Nintendo Entertainment System with Super Jeopardy! and Wheel of Fortune + InfoGenius for Nintendo Game Boy

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Neal Larry Anne
$3,700 $6,800 $2,700
13 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
18 R,
3 W
16 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $13,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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