Suggest correction - #9075 - 2024-04-05

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    $400 28
"Right from" this, meaning from the start, is occasionally corrupted to mention a type of lizard

Show #9075 - Friday, April 5, 2024

2024 Jeopardy! Invitational Tournament final game 1.


Andrew He, a stay-at-home dad from Concord, California

Victoria Groce, a writer and television personality from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Amy Schneider, a writer from Oakland, California

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 30
All your favorite medieval travel influencers went through South India, like Ibn Battuta, Zheng He & this Venetian guy
    $200 29
Chapters in this book include "The Departure of Boromir" & "Shelob's Lair"
    $200 28
Today a standard for buttoned shirts is a cloth with the name of this university
    $200 27
The 7-spotted type of this beetle was brought to North America in the mid-20th c. to control aphids & other plant-eating pests
    $200 26
Hail, yes! After turning roses blue in Pasadena, Jim Harbaugh led this U. to a national title with a win over Washington in 2024
    $200 25
By definition it's a person who does not believe in the existence of God
    $400 20
A city in Mexico that borders El Paso bears the name of this man, often called the first indigenous president of Mexico
    $400 21
This Vonnegut title refers to a game played with string
    $400 1
There's no place like Sherlock Holmes for this hat
    $400 22
Grown together, "The 3 Sisters" of pre-Columbian Native American farming were beans, squash & this
    $400 23
In 2024 this Iowa athlete sunk one of her trademark logo 3-pointers & set the all-time NCAA women's scoring record
    $400 24
For skillfully combining ingredients, a bartender is sometimes called this
    $600 19
Her son Jean Baptiste served as a military guide in the American West before his 1866 death
    $600 8
It's the alternate title of "Hans Brinker"
    $600 2
A midriff-baring top called a choli is worn under this women's outer garment
    $600 12
The mold Phytophthora infestans caused this mid-19th c. farming disaster that resulted in a million deaths
    $600 17
In February 2024 this swimmer's 13-year win streak in the 800m free was broken by Summer McIntosh of Canada
    $600 6
In the Middle Ages, this person tried to turn ordinary metals into gold
    DD: $4,200 13
In ancient Rome the conflict of the orders refers to the struggle between these 2 social classes with names that start with "P"
    $800 3
Hyphenated sound made by the vorpal blade in "Jabberwocky"
    $800 14
Used for evening dresses & shoes, peau de soie means "skin of" this material
    $800 10
In 1889 William Murchland forever changed the dairy industry by inventing a vacuum type of this apparatus
    $800 16
Sydney Swans & Adelaide Crows better beware of Geelong Cats, your 2022 champs in this sport
    $800 5
A synonym for beautician that's 3 letters longer
    $1000 18
Dwight Eisenhower & John Diefenbaker were there for the opening of this North American waterway in 1959
    $1000 9
This heedless horseman also known as Abraham Van Brunt taunts his rival Ichabod Crane
    $1000 15
Kinda like an apron, this garment is named for how it was once affixed to a dress
    $1000 11
This British agronomist perfected the seed drill in 1701
    $1000 7
We're cuckoo for this woman, who defeated Venus Williams at age 15 & later won the U.S. Open
    $1000 4
A bumposopher was another word for one of these head-examining pseudoscientists

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Amy Victoria Andrew
$3,000 $9,200 $1,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Amy Victoria Andrew
$6,200 $10,600 $2,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 30
This city is home to Norbulingka, the former summer palace of the Dalai Lama
    $400 29
The shining surface of Anish Kapoor's "Cloud Gate", affectionately called "The Bean", reflects the skyline of this city's loop
    $400 28
"Right from" this, meaning from the start, is occasionally corrupted to mention a type of lizard
    $400 27
We are "at liberty" to say capitalism is also known as this 2-word economy, an unregulated system of economic exchange
    $400 26
Ray Parker Jr. wrote & performed the theme song to "Ghostbusters" that went to No. 1 on the charts & asked this musical question
    $400 25
This type of military unit was increasingly put out to pasture; France's last charge by one was in Africa in 1941
    $800 21
Petrified Forest National Park sits within this area named for its colorful badlands
    $800 22
Richard Serra's 1969 sculpture "One Ton Prop", featuring 4 lead sheets leaning together, is also known as "House of" these
    $800 23
Something that you can't get past is stuck here, a word for a part of bird anatomy
    $800 20
Why use money or credit cards when there's this system where a mechanic might trade a tuneup to a farmer for some apples
    $800 24
"What ever happened to my Transylvania twist?" is a lyric from this novelty horror song
    $800 7
The 1998 Lada Niva was the last model started using this; U.S. carmakers abandoned it after a 1908 injury led to a fatality
    DD: $4,200 4
Tourists can swim in Devil's Pool adjacent to Livingstone Island & atop this natural wonder
    $1200 11
Bernini's mid-17th century work "Ecstasy of" this saint was inspired by a Spanish nun
    $1200 17
Joe's no sidekick--he has this "syndrome" or "energy", thinking himself the most important person in any situation
    DD: $13,400 9
Adam Smith called this system of semi-free labor that ended about 500 years before his time "barbarous"
    $1200 19
A man sees a ghostly version of himself in Schubert's lied (song) with this German title
    $1200 6
The last of these psychosurgeries in the U.S. was done in 1967 & the patient died
    $1600 1
On a peninsula of the same name, this town in southern Italy is known for limoncello & its great views of the Bay of Naples
    $1600 5
In 2013 his "Balloon Dog (Orange)" sold at Christie's for $58.4 million
    $1600 16
Lake Pontchartrain's storm surge is controlled by the Seabrook Complex of these; proverbially, if you open them, mayhem breaks loose
    $1600 3
2 individuals deal with each other directly vs. using a 3rd party in buying goods & services in this economy, P2P for short
    $1600 18
In a song by the goth rock band Bauhaus, this horror movie legend is "Dead, undead, undead, undead"
    $1600 8
Stamped out by the Communists, the last case of this practice done to Chinese women was in 1957
    $2000 12
This "Land", an unclaimed region of Antarctica, bears the name of the wife of an explorer
    $2000 10
The only surviving work from this ancient Greek sculptor's own hand is thought to be "Hermes Carrying the Infant Dionysus"
    $2000 13
This phrase meaning "completely" includes 2 key parts of a tree; Sojourner Truth spoke of wanting slavery destroyed that way
    $2000 2
Dostoyevsky gave up on the French utopian this type of economy, becoming more reactionary
    $2000 15
"Putting Out The Fire With Gasoline" is from the theme song to this beastly film starring Nastassja Kinski
    $2000 14
The last holder of this title was Alexei aka Alexis, seen here

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Amy Victoria Andrew
$15,000 $29,600 $9,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

The formation of the Brownell Committee out of concern over U.S. communications intelligence led to the 1952 creation of this body

Final scores:

Amy Victoria Andrew
$30,000 $29,199 $9,600
Winner: 1 match point 2nd place 3rd place

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Amy Victoria Andrew
$15,000 $14,000 $6,600
22 R,
2 W
18 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
14 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $35,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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