Suggest correction - #9066 - 2024-03-25

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    $800 7
New Yorkers see plays in Central Park; Londoners, at the Open Air Theatre in this park

Show #9066 - Monday, March 25, 2024

2024 Jeopardy! Invitational Tournament quarterfinal game 4.


Amy Schneider, a writer from Oakland, California

Austin Rogers, a bar owner and author from New York, New York

Celeste DiNucci, an arts strategist from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 30
Maybe just Chuck the Nifty to his pals, he began ruling with the title "emperor of the Romans" in 800
    $200 25
In ancient Greek theater, where these were often characters, they appeared on a platform called the theologeion
    $200 26
A regular B & B is Bénédictine & brandy; if you're drinking a Kentucky B & B, this other "B" is an ingredient
    $200 29
Noelia performs a solo trapeze act at this Vegas venue
    $200 27
It's the fitting name of Bob & Helen Parr's eldest son in "The Incredibles"
    $200 28
A ruminant races backwards & becomes this last name of actor Oliver & musician Lou
    $400 8
Established within the Holy Roman Empire in 1719, this principality boasts a population of about 40,000
    $400 5
Inspired by the drama of "The Winner Takes It All", this musical premiered in London in 1999 & played its 9,000th show there in 2022
    $400 10
This potent potable is not just the star ingredient of a Caruso; it's also a winning declaration in a card game
    $400 22
Jimi Hendrix' "Voodoo Child (Slight Return)" opens with riffs using this pedal
    $400 23
When she reveals she's pregnant, Fred promises to keep the peace with her mother
    $400 24
Read backwards, a Japanese word for dried seaweed becomes this metal
    $600 21
Ill-behaved Holy Roman Empire troops sacked Magdeburg in 1631 in this war that lasted for a certain time
    $600 6
Barbara Loden, seen here, played a character based on Marilyn Monroe when this playwright's "After the Fall" premiered
    $600 11
Real Madagascar vanilla is one of the spices in this "original spiced rum" brand, & I totally mean to pull rank here
    $600 1
Jacques Offenbach composed music for this lively dance as part of an 1858 operetta
    $600 20
This character who debuted in 1967 was sort of a clueless Tarzan
    $600 17
A word preceding "chart" for a step-by-step guide becomes this big canine
    $800 14
Frederick III of this royal family had a good Holy Roman run, ruling from 1452 to 1493
    $800 7
New Yorkers see plays in Central Park; Londoners, at the Open Air Theatre in this park
    $800 19
Motorcyclists know this name for the cocktail of Cognac, triple sec & lemon juice
    $800 3
This Pacific Northwest city bears the name of an indigenous people Lewis & Clark met in 1806
    $800 2
In a 2008 film, the rotund character with this 2-letter name joins a tiger, crane, mantis, viper & monkey to defeat a snow leopard
    $800 16
A set of enzymes from a cow's stomach lining becomes this, slang for what might buy you a plate of fish & chips
    $1000 13
The 1648 peace of this region said "peace out" to a lot of the power of Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand III
    $1000 18
Teatro Astor Piazzolla, named for the composer & musician seen here, is in this South American capital city
    DD: $1,600 12
One origin story of this cocktail involves the early morning hours after a long night in Sausalito
    $1000 4
In art history, it preceded Surrealism
    $1000 9
Voiced by John Mulaney in "Into the Spider-Verse", Spider Ham isn't called Peter Parker, but rather Peter this
    $1000 15
A runner who sets the tempo of a race rewinds & becomes this shortened word for a TV opening that might begin "previously on"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Celeste Austin! Amy
$600 $4,000 $4,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Celeste Austin! Amy
$2,400 $5,600 $7,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 27
This state's 100-mi. Emerald Coast is a stretch of white sand beaches along the emerald-green waters of the Gulf of Mexico
    $400 22
In 1988 he gave an iconic performance of "Man In The Mirror" backed by a gospel choir
    $400 28
In 2022 the deepest fish, a snailfish, was found at over 27,000 feet in the Izu-Ogasawara one of these deep ocean depressions
    $400 29
Bill Shakespeare here! Prithee complete my line, "Shall I compare thee to" this?
    $400 24
Pierpont is the middle name of this mogul who arranged the merger of 2 companies to form General Electric in 1892
    $400 30
You know, in good faith or the real deal, like a rock star; with an "S" at the end, it means your credentials
    $800 26
The Bitterroot Mountains, part of the Rockies, straddle this state's panhandle & Montana to the east
    $800 21
In 2008 Beyoncé joined her idol Tina Turner on this song, & they were "rollin', rollin', rollin' on the river"
    $800 11
The Venus sea fan, a soft type of this, has numerous polyps that grow together in a fanlike pattern, with each polyp having 8 tentacles
    $800 1
In Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken", "I took the one" that was this
    $800 23
On June 9, 1981, he was drafted out of San Diego State by both the Padres & the then-San Diego Clippers; he'd hit Major League Baseball's Hall of Fame
    $800 5
This cool Latin phrase means "intrinsically" or "by itself"
    $1200 3
When founded in 1887, this largest city in the Texas panhandle was known as Ragtown
    $1200 20
In 2024 Joni Mitchell performed at the Grammys for the very first time, singing this classic that begins, "Rows & floes of angel hair"
    DD: $1,000 15
The heaviest bony fish at a weight of more than 6,050 pounds, it has a celestial name & dines mainly on jellyfish
    $1200 2
Iam the "I" in "I Felt a Funeral, in My Brain", & what do you mean I'm obsessed with death?
    $1200 12
In 2023 this entrepreneur called the public face of artificial intelligence was out & back in as the head of OpenAI
    $1200 6
As a legal term, this 3-word phrase can be a status prohibiting a diplomat to enter a foreign country
    DD: $6,000 4
West Virginia's northern panhandle is bordered on the north & west by this river
    $1600 14
"Lady Marmalade" was originally a hit for this legend, who in 2002, joined P!nk, Christina Aguilera & others on a rendition of it
    $1600 16
This member of the weasel family is the only marine mammal that catches fish with its forepaws, not its mouth
    $1600 9
I, William Wordsworth, wrote this iambic line that precedes "that floats on high o'er vales and hills"
    $1600 13
In 1959, this Japanese crown prince broke a 1,400-year tradition by choosing his own wife
    $1600 7
Literally "without which not", this phrase means "a necessity"
    $2000 25
Watching humpback whales is a must in this Alaska panhandle national park, the state's southeasternmost
    $2000 19
In 1975 he brought down the house with the politically charged "You Haven't Done Nothin"'
    $2000 17
When buried in the sand, skates & rays rely on these holes near the eyes for breathing oxygen
    $2000 10
Aye, I did write "The Lay of the Last Minstrel" & many another bonny iambic work, & ye needn't call me sir!
    $2000 18
This Spanish surrealist whose work is often exhibited with Dali's painted "Dog Barking at the Moon" in 1926
    $2000 8
Q.E.D. is short for this, meaning "which was to be demonstrated"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Celeste Austin! Amy
$800 $9,600 $28,600
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Never even a soldier, this man lied that his nickname came from a shrapnel wound while fighting in the Argonne

Final scores:

Celeste Austin! Amy
$0 $7,904 $28,600
3rd place: $5,000 2nd place: $5,000 Winner: semifinalist

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Celeste Austin! Amy
$800 $9,000 $25,200
12 R,
6 W
15 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
27 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $35,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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