Suggest correction - #2054 - 1993-07-08

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    $800 12
This part of a flower's stamen is usually made up of 4 pollen sacs

Show #2054 - Thursday, July 8, 1993

Ed Schiffer game 4.


Michael Lemkin, an investment advisor originally from Lowell, Massachusetts

Merle Lawrence, a newspaper editor from Lawrenceville, Georgia

Ed Schiffer, a college lecturer originally from New York City, New York (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $41,403)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 9
Bandaging & adding amulets were finishing touches in this preservation process
    $100 1
James Brown told us that "Papa's got a brand new" one of these
    $100 6
If you line a serving basket with this reflective material, your hot rolls will stay hot longer
    $100 26
The story of this beloved collie was published in the Saturday Evening Post in 1938
    $100 21
This composer of "My Old Kentucky Home" was born in Lawrenceville, Pennsylvania July 4, 1826
    $100 16
    $200 11
Ironically, the longest tomb in this famous valley is that of a queen--Queen Hatshepsut
    $200 2
He wore a purple hooded cape to pick up his 1984 Oscar-- maybe he thought it was going to rain
    $200 7
To stop a run in a pair of pantyhose, apply a clear coat of this beauty item to the snag
    $200 27
This character is "the greatest inventor and maker of chocolates that there has ever been"
    $200 22
He was born July 4, 1804 to Capt. & Mrs. Hathorne in Salem, Massachusetts
    $200 17
    $300 12
Both men & women wore clothes made of this fabric, woven so finely it was transparent
    $300 3
This former L.A. Lakers cheerleader choreographed the videos from Janet Jackson's "Control" album
    $300 8
Remove the basket & stem, & you can make instant coffee in this type of coffeepot
    $300 28
Local legends about 17th century outlaws in the Doone Valley inspired Richard Blackmore's novel about her
    $300 23
Ann Landers & this woman, her twin sister, were both born on the 4th of July 1918
    $300 18
    $400 13
Ptolemy XV was probably the son of this Roman
    $400 4
Although Elvis is identified with this Carl Perkins tune, his version only reached No. 20 on the pop charts
    $400 10
It's easy to inflate a ball or raft if you use this kitchen tool without the bulb & blow into the tube
    $400 29
The rats in her English home, Hill Top, inspired her to write "The Tale of Samuel Whiskers"
    $400 24
His "Brighton Beach Memoirs" might have begun with his birth in the Bronx July 4, 1927
    $400 19
    $500 14
This Egyptian mother goddess is often depicted wearing cow horns on her head
    $500 5
In 1985 Mick Jagger teamed with this rocker to record the Top 10 hit "Dancing In The Street"
    $500 15
Never leave a videotape on top of a TV, because the magnetic field can cause this to happen
    $500 30
Little Lord Fauntleroy calls this relative "Dearest"
    DD: $500 25
This 30th U.S. president was born July 4, 1872 at Plymouth Notch, Vermont
    $500 20

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Ed Merle Michael
$1,800 $1,600 $600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ed Merle Michael
$3,200 $2,700 $2,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 8
A nursery rhyme says, "To six spouses" he "was wedded; one died, one survived, two divorced, two beheaded"
    $200 3
Inhabitants of this Brazilian city are known as Cariocas
    $200 1
The daffodil starts life as one of these, not as a seed
    $200 14
Repo is short for this
    $200 29
This amendment says no one can "be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself"
    $200 16
In this tragic love story, Paris is kinsman to the Prince of Verona
    $400 9
This "Great" king of Prussia was nicknamed "Old Fritz"
    $400 4
This nation's longest river is the 700-mile- long Kapuas on the island of Borneo
    $400 2
The shallot is also known as this, from the Middle Eastern city of Ascalon
    $400 15
Familial adjective used to describe a small family-run business
    $400 28
The Fourth Amendment is concerned with these warrants
    $400 17
Timon's tragedy opens in this city
    $600 10
Joan the Mad became queen of Castile in 1504 on the death of this woman, her mother
    $600 5
Located on Tokyo Bay, it's Japan's busiest seaport
    $600 11
The black variety of this tree is used for weaving chair seats; the white, for baseball bats
    $600 21
A load of freight; a "bill of" it tells you what was shipped & how
    $600 26
The First Amendment gives people the right to do this as long as they do it "peaceably"
    $600 18
Of Poppyseed, Cottonseed or Mustardseed, the one who's a fairy in "A Midsummer Night's Dream"
    $800 24
5 kings of Macedonia, including Alexander the Great's father, shared this name
    $800 6
Look to the far south to find this largest South American island in area
    $800 12
This part of a flower's stamen is usually made up of 4 pollen sacs
    DD: $2,000 22
These 2 publishers of corporate credit ratings merged in 1933 & still lead the field
    $800 27
He & the House proposed 17 amendments, the Senate cut it to 12 & the states approved 10 of them
    $800 19
Goneril's first line in this play is "Sir, I love you more than word can wield the matter"
    $1000 25
Jadwiga, queen of this country from 1384 to 1399, is also venerated as a saint there
    $1000 7
This island & the Grenadines form an independent Caribbean nation
    $1000 13
Gases move in & out of the leaf through small openings called these
    $1000 23
This transportation term refers to the wealthy or elite clientele of a business
    DD: $1,200 30
Originally to be part of the Bill of Rights, the amendment concerning this was finally passed in 1992
    $1000 20
In "Hamlet" this man says, "And so have I a noble father lost, a sister driven into desperate terms..."

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ed Merle Michael
$8,800 $3,100 $9,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

The home of poet James Whitcomb Riley is a tourist attraction in this state capital

Final scores:

Ed Merle Michael
$6,300 $5,650 $100
4-day champion: $47,703 2nd place: trip on Delta to Hartford, Connecticut & stay at the Mystic Coast & Country + Jeopardy! home game or computerized version 3rd place: Ducane gas grill + Jeopardy! home game or computerized version

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Ed Merle Michael
$8,800 $3,100 $7,600
23 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
14 R,
3 W
19 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $19,500

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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