Suggest correction - #9031 - 2024-02-05

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    $1200 19
Oscitant is an adjective that means doing this--& don't start, because I will too

Show #9031 - Monday, February 5, 2024

2024 Champions Wildcard Group 2 quarterfinal game 1.


Jesse Chin, an accounting director from Bayside, New York

Mira Hayward, a podcast host from Portland, Oregon

Kate Campolieta, a corporate communications specialist from Simsbury, Connecticut

Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: Each correct response will contain the sequence "A-R-E", pronounced "air".)
    $200 24
It still had "Bay Colony" in its name when it issued America's first paper money in 1690 to help fund military expeditions
    $200 8
Allison Janney & Dulé Hill did some walking & talking in the White House on this NBC drama
    $200 27
More than 12,000 feet up Ecuador's Lake Quilotoa occupies one of these remnants, formed about 800 years ago
    $200 23
This type of drum is named for the strings often made of coiled wire that stretch across the lower head
    $200 28
In 1997 Kofi Annan thanked Ted Turner for the $1 billion given to this org., which was meant to invite other individual donations
    $200 30
Dewalt's 20v Max XR lithium-ion cordless compact 1/2-inch is a lot of words but bottom line, it's a power type of this
    $400 25
This Native American's depiction on a $20 banknote in the 1860s was the first time a real woman was seen on American currency
    $400 6
In a group project, Gillian Jacobs & Yvette Nicole Brown schooled you from 2009 to 2015 on this college-set NBC sitcom
    $400 26
Herodotus believed geometry began when farmland had to be remeasured after this river's annual floods
    $400 21
High-flying Jeb Corliss is often described as one of these; careful Jeb
    $400 2
A New York Times headline read this oil man's "gifts total $530,853,632", remarkably specific on the day after his death in 1937
    $400 29
With steel shot or sand inside, a dead blow type of this won't bounce back after striking
    $600 22
Between 1837 & 1840 this republic & future state issued a paper currency called star money for the small star on the bill's face
    $600 7
In 2001 Jeri Ryan & Tim Russ completed a "trek" through the Delta Quadrant on this title starship
    $600 19
At about 7,300 square miles in area, it's the smallest of the 5 Great Lakes & also the easternmost
    $600 20
A sanctioned & medically supervised promotion founded in 2018 presents this style of boxing--John L. Sullivan would be proud
    $600 1
2022's Red Kettle campaign from this charity brought in more than $100 million, & its name should ring a bell
    $600 18
Used on bolts or screws, metric hex keys are known by this letter, their shape
    $800 3
The "Educational Series" of silver certificates was issued in 1896; one featured Robert Fulton & this code guy
    $800 10
Rebecca Wisocky & Brandon Scott Jones are scary good as the dearly departed Hetty & Isaac on this CBS comedy
    $800 12
A type of fatal hemorrhagic fever bears the name of this sub-Saharan river
    $800 11
These tenant farmers, about 1/3 of whom were Black, gave their proceeds to the landowners in a post-Civil War system
    $800 17
Apparently really into science, Ross Brown, the founder of Cryogenic Industries, pledged $400 million to this Pasadena college
    $800 4
Let's tighten things up: use the flex-head, standard-head & thumbwheel types to this tool it "up a notch"
    $1000 14
This Treasury Secretary under Lincoln put his own mug on the first $1 dollar bill, seven years before Washington appeared on one
    $1000 9
We're sanguine you'll recall Michelle Forbes & Tara Buck takin' in life in Loo'siana on this fangs-tastic HBO series
    $1000 16
Europe's longest river, the Volga flows more than 2,000 miles south into this large inland body of water
    DD: $3,000 13
"Ruffles And Flourishes" is one of these short pieces of music played prior to "Hail To The Chief" for the president
    $1000 15
Named for an athlete whose brother was a doctor, this Seattle cancer center has gotten gifts, like $700 million from Jeff Bezos' parents
    $1000 5
It's not a magnetic tool to help you detect a virile man, but rather its namesake item as well as nails hidden within a wall

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Kate Mira Jesse
$4,400 $0 $200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Kate Mira Jesse
$4,400 $200 $2,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 24
Chapter 43 of this novel explains "How the Artful Dodger Got into Trouble"
    $400 27
It has webbed feet & a bill, lays eggs & is venomous--but yes, it's a mammal!
    $400 28
There's a shell-less mollusk at the start of this word meaning slow & lazy
    $400 30
For an acting scene where you find out your grandma, dog & dreams are all dead, menthol applied under the eye will help you do this
    $400 10
That's Mrs. Knowles-Carter, to you
    $400 22
After an attempted grave robbery soon after his death, Elvis Presley's body was moved from Forest Hill Cemetery to this estate
    $800 23
The unexpected death of a small town council member is a mystery at the heart of "The Casual Vacancy" by this author
    $800 26
Popular as pets, most of the golden type of these rodents descend from a single group caught in Syria in the 1930s
    $800 25
The mid-1800s gave us this hyphenated word for an employee who keeps a close eye on the hour & minute hands
    $800 29
Post-pandemic, these have moved from in person with casting directors to self-tapes; always shoot yourself horizontally
    $800 8
"Ben" is a 2023 solo album by this member of a Grammy-winning duo
    $800 21
Following her 1997 death, she was buried on a small island in a lake in Althorp Park, the Spencer family estate
    $1200 14
The 24 Pilgrim storytellers in "The Canterbury Tales" include this bawdy woman who tells of her 5 husbands
    DD: $2,000 12
These Pacific pinnipeds get their name from the roars they emit while defending their harems
    $1200 19
Oscitant is an adjective that means doing this--& don't start, because I will too
    $1200 18
To learn this basic circus skill, remember: if you start to lose your balance, lifting one leg can actually help
    $1200 9
Hope you still know this Belgian-Australian man who had a smash hit in 2012 with "Somebody That I Used To Know"
    $1200 11
This director's tombstone at Westwood Memorial Park in L.A. reads, "I'm a writer but then nobody's perfect"
    $1600 1
A man stopped on his way to a wedding feast is told of tragic events aboard a ship in this 1798 narrative poem
    $1600 2
Check out the big feet on this hare, perfect for what it walks & runs on
    DD: $1,800 3
A prefix meaning "bad" begins this word for feigning illness in order to avoid work
    $1600 16
Film composers sync their scores using this measurement that's also big in EDM; 60 goes well with a slow scene, 140 is more pumped
    $1600 5
In 2022 this "Pieces Of You" singer returned with "Freewheelin' Woman", her first album in 7 years
    $1600 6
This scientist's sarcophagus at Westminster Abbey shows him leaning on 4 books that include "Opticks" & "Philo. Prin. Math"
    $2000 4
2020's "The Mirror & the Light" completed Hilary Mantel's trilogy about Thomas Cromwell that began with this lupine novel
    $2000 13
Secretions from the glands of these catlike carnivores are used in perfumes
    $2000 15
Meaning inert or drowsy, it comes from Greek for "forget", like the name of a mythological river
    $2000 17
The tracks this producer lays down with help from Team Timbo often start with him simply makings sounds with his mouth
    $2000 7
An icon of '60s cool, this German model & actress rose to musical fame with The Velvet Underground
    $2000 20
No one knows why the blank scroll in Woodlawn Cemetery in the Bronx on the gravestone of this seafaring novelist

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Kate Mira Jesse
$8,000 $16,400 $1,800
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

The flag of this Asian nation features part of a World Heritage Site built in the 12th century

Final scores:

Kate Mira Jesse
$8,000 $16,400 $1,800
2nd place: $5,000 Winner: semifinalist 3rd place: $5,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Kate Mira Jesse
$8,000 $19,200 $3,800
11 R,
1 W
23 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)
12 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $31,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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