Suggest correction - #2033 - 1993-06-09

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    $400 27
It was the seventh month of the earliest Roman calendar

Show #2033 - Wednesday, June 9, 1993


Judith Cahill, a homemaker from Wilmington, Delaware

Gerry Schwartz, a paralegal from Los Angeles, California

Barbara Elstein, a city planner from Brooklyn, New York (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $26,600)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 4
In the 1830s 2 scientists independently proposed that living matter is made up of these
    $100 3
This Mattel doll has her own Ferrari--don't you wish you did?
    $100 14
In these competitions different games such as jousting helped train the knights for battle
    $100 1
Article I, Section 1 puts all legislative power in these 2 bodies
    $100 8
They included the Egyptian Pyramids, the Hanging Gardens & a statue of Zeus
    $100 12
It's the lower part of the leg of a cooked chicken
    $200 5
The 3 main divisions of the brain are the stem, the cerebrum & this
    $200 15
Named for its resemblance to the 4th letter of the Greek alphabet, a delta kite is shaped like this
    $200 21
Before there was heavy plate armor, the knight wore this network of linked iron rings on his body
    $200 2
This little state was told to ratify the Constitution or be treated as a foreign nation in commerce
    $200 25
Though they appear, in the Grimm Brothers version of "Snow White", they have no names
    $200 19
This broad tree-lined city street is named from a Middle Dutch word for "bulwark"
    $300 6
Climacteric is another term for this change of life when a woman no longer ovulates
    $300 16
In chess notation, the letters QB stand for this piece
    $300 22
A knight often used his sword after this long weapon shattered or he had been unhorsed
    $300 9
In 1787 it took this group almost 4 months to draft the Constitution
    $300 26
Howard Keel played the first of 7 siblings to get married in this 1954 musical film
    $300 20
Commonly known as weed killer, it's any chemical used to destroy plant life
    $400 7
In vertebrates the upper & lower parts of the jaw are referred to as the maxilla & this
    $400 17
In Indonesia's wayang plays, "shadow" ones of these toys perform Hindu stories
    $400 23
Strict training set in when a page was promoted to this
    DD: $500 10
The 3 things a president must swear or affirm he'll do to the Constitution
    $400 27
It was the seventh month of the earliest Roman calendar
    $400 29
This collection of literary pieces such as short stories or poems usually has a theme
    $500 13
It's the more common term for a cat's vibrissae
    $500 18
This game made rich Uncle Pennybags so famous you can buy a watch with his face on it
    $500 24
In 14th century England, you'd take a ceremonial one of these the night before being made a knight
    $500 11
Per Article III, Section 3, you can only be convicted of this crime if you confess or there are 2 witnesses
    $500 28
In the Olympics it's made up of 7 events, including the javelin & shot put
    $500 30
It's a rolled tortilla stuffed with meat or cheese & served with a chili sauce

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Barbara Gerry Judith
$100 $900 $1,300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Barbara Gerry Judith
$700 $1,900 $3,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 11
In 1962 Prince Rainier granted this country a new constitution which gave women the right to vote
    $200 6
The Oscars were presented in a hotel until 1944, when the ceremony moved to a "Chinese" one of these
    $200 5
Under the terms of a peace treaty, Israel returned control of this peninsula to Egypt in 1982
    $200 1
In 1986 this Republican from Indiana got 61% of the vote for the U.S. Senate, the most in state history
    $200 25
Chinese tapestries made of this fine fabric are called k'o-ssu
    $200 18
His will stipulated that all his possessions were to pass to Edward Hyde
    $400 13
In 1536 King Christian III established this denomination as the official religion of Denmark
    $400 7
Barbara Cook won a 1958 Tony for playing this librarian in "The Music Man"
    $400 12
Albania is among the countries that lie on this peninsula, the easternmost of southern Europe
    $400 2
From 1965 until he became vice president in 1973, he was the minority leader in the House
    $400 26
This sleek, streamlined style of the 1920s is also known as Art Moderne
    $400 21
Dr. Spielvogel is the psychiatrist to whom this Philip Roth character tells his "Complaint"
    $600 14
The 1st Communist government of this country was established in 1919 when Bela Kun became dictator
    $600 8
She won the Grammy for Best New Artist of 1967; you could say she "owed" it "to Billie Joe"
    $600 16
Once a separate volcanic island, Banks Peninsula is now part of this country's South Island
    $600 3
This Alabama senator's uncle, "Cotton Tom" Heflin, served in the Senate from 1920 to 1931
    $600 28
Point de gaze is a Belgian type of this delicate, ornamental openwork fabric
    $600 22
This doctor was featured in a series of novels by Max Brand before his TV portrayal by Richard Chamberlain
    $800 15
This country was ruled by Umberto II for about a month in 1946
    $800 9
Actress Pat Carroll played this male role in "The Merry Wives of Windsor" & won a Helen Hayes award
    $800 19
A road & railway across the Strait of Johore link Singapore with this peninsula
    $800 4
This oilman, not McGee, served as Oklahoma's governor from 1943 to 1947
    $800 29
This section of New Orleans, also known as the Vieux Carre, is noted for its wrought-iron balconies
    $800 23
Hugh Lofting sent this doctor to the Moon in 1928, but brought him back 5 years later
    $1000 17
In 1598 Henri IV of France issued an edict from this city that gave Protestants the same civil rights as Catholics
    DD: $1,500 10
The Spingarn Medal was named for Joel Elias Spingarn, president of this organization
    $1000 20
In 1942 thousands of American & Filipino soldiers died during a forced "death march" on this peninsula
    $1000 27
From 1901 to 1906 this Progressive served as governor of Wisconsin
    $1000 30
In the 1700s this English potter known for his jasperware made copies of the Portland vase
    DD: $1,200 24
Sinclair Lewis won a 1926 Pulitzer Prize for his novel about this doctor, but refused it

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Barbara Gerry Judith
$3,400 $3,700 $11,400
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

New in the 1993 World Almanac is the spelling of this state's name, which now has a glottal stop mark in it

Final scores:

Barbara Gerry Judith
$0 $6,801 $12,800
3rd place: Ricardo Beverly Hills luggage + Wheel of Fortune & Jeopardy! for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System & Sega Genesis + Jeopardy! home game 2nd place: a trip on Delta to Huntsville, Alabama & visit to U.S. Space Camp + Jeopardy! home game New champion: $12,800

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Barbara Gerry Judith
$5,400 $3,700 $11,200
17 R,
6 W
(including 2 DDs)
11 R,
2 W
26 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $20,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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