Suggest correction - #9030 - 2024-02-02

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    $1200 21
Can't you hear that boom-badoom-boom of her "Super Bass", making the list's top 20

Show #9030 - Friday, February 2, 2024

2024 Champions Wildcard Group 1 final game 2.


Michael Menkhus, a data analyst from Kansas City, Missouri (subtotal of $0)

Andy Tirrell, a political science and international relations professor from San Diego, California (subtotal of $14,800)

Juveria Zaheer, a psychiatrist from Whitby, Ontario, Canada (subtotal of $20,000)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 15
She played Nanisca, an Agojie general, in the 2022 film, "The Woman King"
    $200 24
In the early 1890s President Cleveland wasn't "sweet" on one company controlling 98% of American refining of this
    $200 27
In a letter from 1888 he included a sketch of his bedroom at Arles, the painting he was working on
    $200 30
Pliny the Elder mentions Scipio Africanus was born through this surgical delivery method
    $200 28
Life can be like putting together one of these, invented in the 1760s though the tool didn't exist for another century
    $200 29
With collections of art & archaeology, the Nigerian National this was founded by Kenneth Murray, grandson of the OED's 1st editor
    $400 16
"Funny how, I mean, funny like I'm a clown?" Joe Pesci asks Ray Liotta in this film
    $400 23
Both the English & Dutch companies with this name began around 1600 with their minds on monopoly & monopoly on their minds
    $400 13
He reproduced his etching of "Black Lion Wharf" in a famous painting of his own mother
    $400 26
For nerve injuries, a transplant surgery uses this technique that shares its name with a horticultural one
    $400 25
Ancient playwright Terence compared life to playing with tesserae, Roman these; you have to work with the throw you get
    $400 12
Nigeria's tallest building is NECOM House, the "COM" for this industry
    $600 17
This "Arrested Development" alum was pitch perfect as Allan, Ken's buddy in "Barbie"
    $600 22
Having gotten a 20-year monopoly for steamboat navigation in New York, Robert Livingston paired with him to, y'know, build a boat in 1802
    $600 8
Seen here is one of this Dutch master's earliest attempts at a self-portrait
    $600 5
Swann-Morton notes that the No. 10 size of this surgical tool is used "for making varying sizes of incision in skin"
    $600 21
The first Saturday in August is a national day for these, which get washed away despite our work, so go build another one!
    $600 11
Odion Ighalo got a Lagos mansion by playing this goal-scoring position in soccer; enjoy your studio apartments, midfielders
    $800 18
A 2022 biopic starred Austin Butler as Elvis; a 2023 biopic had Cailee Spaeny playing her
    $800 14
In the 1400s the Germans led the league in having a near monopoly in the Baltic's long-distance trade; this league, specifically
    $800 7
Not surprisingly, among her drawings are "Antelope Horns" & flowers like the poppy
    $800 1
While a mastectomy removes the whole breast, this surgery takes out the cancerous cells & conserves part of the breast
    $800 20
With its ups & downs, life has often been compared to one of these, such as Steel Vengeance or the Twisted Colossus
    $800 10
Two front doors are separated by a narrow hall in Face-Me-I-Face-You buildings, a phrase from this blended language
    $1000 19
Dr. John Prentice (played by Sidney Poitier) was the answer to this title, a much bigger surprise back in 1967
    $1000 3
Founded in 1851 stop this company dominated the telegraph biz in the early 1900s stop but the telephone changed things stop
    $1000 6
Seen here is the first in a series of six prints making up "A Harlot's Progress" by this 18th century Brit
    DD: $1,000 2
Part of biliary surgery, the operation to remove this, now one of the most common, was first done by Dr. Langenbuch in 1882
    $1000 4
In a commencement address, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger noted "You can't climb" this with your hands in your pockets
    $1000 9
A palace said to have 34 entrances is the residence of the Oba of Lagos; Oba, a title of this late-in-the-alphabet ethnic group

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Juveria Andy Michael!
$3,600 $600 $0

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Juveria Andy Michael!
$6,200 $2,000 $2,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 30
From 1925 to 1959 J.R.R. Tolkien was a popular language & literature professor at this university
    $400 29
A descendant of Tamerlane, Babur founded this dynasty that ruled in India from 1526 until 1858
    $400 22
At No. 1, Billboard picked this Whitney Houston hit that made hitting the floor "feel like an issue of life-or-death urgency"
    $400 28
On the water, it's about 1.15 miles per hour
    $400 5
Chicago's throne-shaped theatre building with this kind of work in its name, opened with "Aida" in 1929
    $400 6
Hollandaise-laden breakfast entree known as a traitor in the United States
    $800 17
Tolkien's son Michael once listed his father's occupation as this, also Gandalf's job
    $800 26
Queen Anne was the first monarch of a united Great Britain & the last from this ruling house
    $800 23
"I'll tell you something", the Beatles got No. 10 with this 1964 hit, "a force the likes of which pop had never encountered"
    $800 27
A bag of the Portland type of this can be one cubic foot, about 94 pounds
    $800 4
Memphis harkens back to ancient times with a Bass Pro Shops in one of the world's largest of these, worthy of the mighty pharaohs
    $800 7
"Amphibian" British sausage dish cooked in batter that's an ace on the golf course
    $1200 14
In "The Hobbit" he thinks of picnics below during his trip over the Misty Mountains, inspired by one Tolkien took to Switzerland
    $1200 8
The Aztecs claimed descent from these people who dominated Central Mexico from about 900 to 1200
    $1200 21
Can't you hear that boom-badoom-boom of her "Super Bass", making the list's top 20
    $1200 16
A full this measure of depth is 72 inches, so 5 of them would be 30 feet
    $1200 3
Get a kick out of some kicks at the Giant Shoe Museum in Pike Place Market in this Western city
    $1200 10
"Vernal" tubular Chinese appetizer that is also a casual bit of canoodling in the barn
    $1600 13
To his family & close friends, Tolkien was known by this name, the first "R" in his initials
    $1600 9
An estimated 36,000 people in & around Indonesia lost their lives due to the eruption of this volcano in 1883
    $1600 24
No. 3 was this Temptations classic about a lover, "immediately recognizable from the opening bass line"
    DD: $3,600 19
This unit of force named for a 17th century man is equal to about .225 pound-force
    DD: $2,000 2
Area 15 in Las Vegas houses art installations originally built for this annual festival held in the Black Rock Desert
    $1600 15
"Pastoral" lamb & mashed potato casserole that's a fanciful dream not likely to be attained
    $2000 12
Humphrey Carpenter's bio of J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis & like-minded friends has this title, like their literary circle
    $2000 11
While searching for the Northwest Passage, this British explorer & his crew perished during an expedition in 1847
    $2000 25
At No. 5, this 2005 Kelly Clarkson Grammy winner, "the 21st century's greatest contribution to the pop canon so far"
    $2000 20
In this system used for precious metals, an ounce is heavier than a standard ounce, but a pound is lighter than a standard pound
    $2000 1
This Manhattan hotel popularized by Warhol & Dylan calls itself "a decadent palace of peculiarity"
    $2000 18
Blue cheese-accompanied poultry products that are on the marquee as a Wim Wenders film

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Juveria Andy Michael!
$11,800 $4,400 $13,200
(lock tournament)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Bearing the name of a man who died in Iowa in 1838, these began service in 1979 & today number in the thousands

Final scores:

Juveria Andy Michael!
$11,800 $0 $2,799

Cumulative scores:

Juveria Andy Michael!
$31,800 $14,800 $2,799
Tournament champion: $100,000 + advance to the 2024 Tournament of Champions 1st runner-up: $50,000 2nd runner-up: $25,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Juveria Andy Michael!
$12,800 $4,000 $11,200
20 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
14 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
18 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W

Combined Coryat: $28,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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