Suggest correction - #3 - 2024-02-02

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    $800 6
It's the anterior bony portion of the roof of the mouth; the "soft" one is muscular

Audio-only game #3 - Friday, February 2, 2024

2024 Champions Wildcard play-in game 3.
Game entered from TuneIn audio presentation.


Ilena Di Toro, a public relations specialist from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Ed Petersen, a planning technician from Orlando, Florida

Eric Anderson, a director of customer success from Brooklyn, New York

Jeopardy! Round

(Buzzy: You're gonna name the country that might run each campaign.)
(Buzzy: An example response in that category might be "Houses of Parliament".)
    $200 30
3.9 million square miles in area; about 10 people per square mile; goin' to Saskatoon? We got room for ya
    $200 24
"46th State!"
    $200 23
You deserve a big bear hug if you known that UMa is an abbreviation for this constellation
    $200 14
You'll weld & shape andirons, hinges & even special "shoes" in this job
    $200 3
An iconic basset hound represents this brand of footwear
    $200 25
The official formal one for a U.S. Marine is known as "dress blues"
    $400 9
Vatnajokull Glacier calls to you, & we'll throw in a 50/50 shot at seeing Bjork somewhere
    $400 8
"Instruction for Corporate Advancement Requiring Little Effort"
    $400 16
Fast or slow, HR or HRT is short for this
    $400 22
Plumbers take their job name from plumbum, this element in Latin & an early material for making water pipes
    $400 4
This small measure was Pa's nickname for Laura on "Little House on the Prairie"
    $400 26
It's a Peruvian city, old bean
    $600 10
We're one big island! (& several small ones); lemur entertain you! (Disclaimer: Lemurs will not, repeat not, speak to you)
    $600 1
    $600 17
Vegetables that have had their DNA altered are known as GM foods, standing for this
    $600 2
Before embarking on a career in this job of installing window glass, note the Department of Labor says it has a high injury rate
    $600 5
H2O2, used as a bleach
    $600 27
Check in, check out; H is this
    $800 11
A few balboas is a small price to explore a bridge between two continents
    $800 20
"Hilarious Chick"
    $800 18
Abbreviated TM, it separates the outer ear from the middle ear
    $800 13
In this exotic job one uses music & movement to entrance a cobra
    $800 6
It's the anterior bony portion of the roof of the mouth; the "soft" one is muscular
    $800 28
F is this dance done in 4/4 time in a slow-quick-quick rhythm
    $1000 12
3 decades free from being the second name in a paired country, see the Gate of Freedom Monument near the Morava River
    $1000 21
"Cigarette Street"
    $1000 19
CP is an abbreviation for chest pain, as well as for this crippling disorder caused by damage to the brain
    $1000 15
A licensed insurance one of these investigates claims to see if or how much his company should pay
    DD: $1,200 7
This phrase is Greek for "the many"
    $1000 29
Take a swing at it--G is this

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Eric Ed Ilena
$200 -$600 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Eric Ed Ilena
$2,600 $2,800 $2,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 1
Geoffrey Chaucer told "Tales" from this English town known for its cathedral
    $400 11
The death cup & destroying angels are poisonous ones of these
    $400 22
Nicknamed "The Big Aristotle", this big Basketball Hall of Famer hosts "The Big Podcast"
    $400 4
It's the year Apollo 11 put a man on the Moon, & not just one
    $400 14
You'll find them in albondigas soup
    $400 19
In all 64 minutes of this 1941 Disney classic, the high-flying title character never speaks
    $800 2
A sea-witch tells this 19th c. title gal that her transformation will make each step feel like "treading upon sharp knives"
    $800 12
One source of atropine is this plant, which, as its name suggests, is dangerous for poultry, & can also be toxic to people
    $800 23
He took some severe punishment south of the border in the title role of "Nacho Libre"
    $800 7
It's any of several types of plants including a water lily; it's also a yoga position
    $800 15
The science of climate & weather
    $800 20
This city that had a disastrous fire in 64 A.D. employed a corps of pumpers called siphonarii
    $1200 3
Ayn Rand influenced many with this novel about architect Howard Roark and his uncompromising individualism
    DD: $2,200 13
The nonpoisonous tomato & the poisonous belladonna both belong to this family of plants
    $1200 24
There were "Holy Cow"s in the high mass & a banner reading "Heaventh Inning Stretch" at his Chicago funeral in 1998
    $1200 8
Artists Lauren Segar & Sharon Campbell created an 8-foot-tall "Chandelier of Lost" these; women sent in the mates of the lost ones
    $1200 16
It flows into the South China Sea
    $1200 21
At 64 miles wide, this Hawaiian site is the world's largest active volcano
    DD: $2,200 5
Britannica describes this type of literature as "pseudomedieval", with "a prevailing atmosphere of mystery & terror"
    $1600 30
The dried leaves of this poisonous plant produce a compound used to make digitalis
    $1600 25
"On the Other Hand" is the autobiography of this "King Kong" actress
    $1600 9
This British make of car that James Bond enjoyed driving was co-founded by Lionel Martin
    $1600 17
In "Hamlet", it completes the line "The lady doth protest too much..."
    $1600 27
It's the more popular & timely name for Chopin's "Opus 64 No. 1"
    $2000 6
William Styron wrote the historical novel "The Confessions of" this leader of a slave rebellion
    $2000 29
This weed with poisonous juices gets its name from the first permanent English settlement in North America
    $2000 26
On "Saturday Night Live", she played Judge Judy & also Melissa Rivers
    $2000 10
Businessman & dad Swede Levov navigates the turbulent '60s in this Philip Roth novel with a calm title
    $2000 18
Reagan's attorney general
    $2000 28
64 symbolic hexagrams make up this divinatory Chinese system

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Eric Ed Ilena
$11,800 $7,200 $6,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

Then 71, a reluctant Michelangelo took on the design of this building "only for the love of God and in honor of the Apostle"

Final scores:

Eric Ed Ilena
$9,199 $14,400 $11,801
3rd place Winner: advance to Champions Wildcard 2nd place

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Eric Ed Ilena
$13,000 $8,400 $6,600
16 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
22 R
(including 1 DD),
7 W
(including 1 DD)
8 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $28,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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