Suggest correction - #9020 - 2024-01-19

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    $1600 8
This corny musical that garnered 9 Tony nominations in 2023 takes place, where else, but in Cob County

Show #9020 - Friday, January 19, 2024

2024 Champions Wildcard Group 1 quarterfinal game 4.


Rachel Clark, a director of client strategy from Washington, D.C.

Erin Portman, a high school English teacher from Naperville, Illinois

Bryan White, a senior regulatory compliance analyst originally from Santa Maria, California

Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: Those two letters begin and end each correct response.)
    $200 19
By 1791 the national debt was more than $75 million, most incurred as a result of this
    $200 27
A 1919 sequel by Thornton W. Burgess, "Mrs. Peter ____"
    $200 22
OK, so we're actually going to play D&D--guess it's time to select the DM, this person
    $200 23
"Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS" was an episode of this time-traveling British series
    $200 30
Major League Baseball's Cardinals play their home games at this sudsy arena
    $200 6
To move side to side, or to influence someone to change course
    $400 18
John Winthrop's nephew George Downing, of Downing Street fame, was among the first 9 graduates of this school in 1642
    $400 26
A Stark tale indeed:
"A Feast for ____"
    $400 21
On a Monopoly board, a question mark marks the 3 spaces labeled this
    $400 10
One of the many hats Phoebe Waller-Bridge wore for this Brit-com is writer; in 2019, she took home an Emmy for those efforts
    $400 29
When Charles Lindbergh crossed the Atlantic in 1927, this was the name of his plane
    $400 5
This verb can mean to kill; in slang, crack someone up; or more recent slang, kill with one's fashion
    DD: $3,200 17
Reconstructed in the 1930s, the original Governor's Palace in this colonial capital was built from 1706 to 1722
    $600 25
"____'s Eye" by Margaret Atwood
    $600 20
If you lose your last territory in this game, you're eliminated, & the player who did it gets your cards
    $600 2
2-time Oscar winner Maggie Smith played the Dowager Countess Violet Crawley on this series
    $600 28
The oldest bridge still spanning the Mississippi connects St. Louis with this Illinois city that has a logical name
    $600 4
It's the kind of school where one trains for the priesthood
    $800 15
During an outbreak of this disfiguring disease in 1764, Paul Revere & his family quarantined at home: others were sent to pest houses
    $800 13
Let's toss around "Mrs. Frisby & the ____ of NIMH"
    $800 12
In Stratego, the pieces that don't move are the bombs & this, & the object of the game is to capture your opponent's
    $800 8
From this sitcom created in 1992:
Eddy: "Sweetie, what are you drinking?"
Patsy: "Oh this? Chanel No. 5"
    $800 7
The classic 1944 Judy Garland film "Meet Me in St. Louis" was directed by this man, her soon-to-be husband
    $800 1
The Apennines are mainly made up of this, one of the 3 basic kinds of rock
    $1000 16
In 1579, during his circumnavigation of the world, he dropped anchor near San Francisco & claimed the region for England
    $1000 14
Not just for the birds, & a Man Booker Prize finalist:
"____ English"
    $1000 11
You get 60 seconds to guess your teammate's sketch in this game that spawned a TV version
    $1000 9
The title of this series about gangsters in 1900s England refers to razors sewn into a certain part of their hats
    $1000 24
In 1673 these 2 French explorers passed through the region that became St. Louis
    $1000 3
To taint or tarnish

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Bryan Erin Rachel
$1,000 $2,200 $3,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Bryan Erin Rachel
$1,800 $8,600 $5,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 21
Cultural attractions in Bangkok include Wat Pho & Wat Arun, temples of this religion
    $400 16
In 2023 Marty McFly & Doc Brown landed on Broadway in the musical based on this film
    $400 22
More than half of the world's farmers use a nitrogen-based fertilizer that's processed from this gas
    $400 30
Well, it makes sense that this directional term would refer to a right-handed person
    $400 1
In "Fear & Trembling", Søren Kierkegaard imagines the anxiety of this biblical figure when God asks him to sacrifice his son
    $400 28
Performed in London in 1796, "Vortigern and Rowena" was a newly discovered play supposedly by him
    $800 5
This Nepalese capital sits in a bowl-shaped valley near the border with Tibet
    $800 15
In a 2014 revival of this musical, Alan Cumming played the emcee & Michelle Williams made her Broadway debut as Sally Bowles
    $800 12
This founder of Microsoft became America's largest private owner of farm land, with around 250,000 acres in 18 states
    $800 29
To take a very small amount, as of psychedelics, perhaps to boost one's mood, rather than to get high
    $800 17
Walter Kaufmann called "Notes from Underground" by this Russian "the best overture to existentialism ever written"
    $800 25
In the 1990s a diary surfaced purporting to be written by this London serial killer from the 1880s
    $1200 2
The name of Ulaanbaatar, the capital of this nation, means "red hero"
    DD: $1,400 9
Of course it features the title song that says, "Come and meet those dancing feet on the avenue I'm taking you to..."
    $1200 6
In 1915 International Harvester introduced its first one of these with an onboard engine to power the thresher
    $1200 11
Similar to LOL, IJBOL is short for "I just" did this
    $1200 18
In 1927 Martin Heidegger wrote about this "& Time"; Jean-Paul Sartre later pondered this same word "& Nothingness"
    DD: $5,000 24
Clifford Irving gambled (wrongly) that this reclusive billionaire wouldn't step forward to debunk a forged 1971 "autobiography"
    $1600 3
You'll find Seoul stretching along the banks of this river
    $1600 8
This corny musical that garnered 9 Tony nominations in 2023 takes place, where else, but in Cob County
    $1600 7
India produces about two-thirds of the world's supply of this rice with a more delicate aroma than jasmine rice
    $1600 10
The Galaxy Note, with its giant screen, was so large that it was called this blended word
    $1600 19
Texas prof Robert Solomon appears in this animated Linklater film to link existentialism to a life of purpose & exuberance
    $1600 27
Lee Israel forged & sold hundreds of letters purportedly from the likes of Edna Ferber & this "Blithe Spirit" author
    $2000 4
Historically a junction between East & West, this capital of Oman lies on a strategic waterway bordering Southeast Arabia
    $2000 14
This recent show intertwines the stories of Orpheus & Eurydice & that of Persephone & the king of the underworld
    $2000 13
This former governor of Iowa served 8 years as Obama's secretary of agriculture & now has the same position under Biden
    $2000 23
This portmanteau word means a trio of romantic partners, not an open relationship
    $2000 20
A common maxim is "existence precedes" this other "E" term; the main thing is we're here, free to create meaning in our lives
    $2000 26
On trial for selling a work by this Delft master to the Nazis, a Dutch artist avoided a death sentence by proving he'd forged it

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Bryan Erin Rachel
$12,200 $11,200 $10,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

In the 1920s he used wire, string & other materials to fabricate "models in motion" for a miniature circus scene

Final scores:

Bryan Erin Rachel
$1,900 $20,200 $11,201
3rd place: $5,000 Winner: semifinalist 2nd place: $5,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Bryan Erin Rachel
$12,200 $13,600 $11,400
18 R,
4 W
19 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $37,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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