Suggest correction - #9019 - 2024-01-18

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    $2000 7
Hillary Clinton was the first student ever asked to give the commencement address at this college

Show #9019 - Thursday, January 18, 2024

2024 Champions Wildcard Group 1 quarterfinal game 3.


Nik Berry, a social studies teacher from Baltimore, Maryland

Kendra Westerhaus, a licensed psychologist from Pocatello, Idaho

Martha Bath, a retired CPA from Seattle, Washington

Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: The spelling's a little sus.)
    $200 24
Keyboard specialist Domenico Scarlatti spent years making church music for this basilica, specifically for its Julian Choir
    $200 21
Making the best of a bad past situation, this ex-heavyweight champ from Brooklyn put out edibles in the shape of ears in 2022
    $200 29
The slogan "Take Back Control" is credited with helping this event get approved in a 2016 U.K. referendum
    $200 12
This spudly bit of the song "Let's Call The Whole Thing Off" means "there's no difference, who cares?"
    $200 28
Defending a pardon he granted, this president told a congressional committee he wanted "to change our national focus"
    $200 20
    $400 26
Unlike Vivaldi, Philip Glass left it up to the listener which time of year it was in his composition "The American" these
    $400 10
Goalie Patrick Roy said he couldn't hear what Jeremy Roenick said, due to "my 2" rings for winning this trophy plugging my ears
    $400 25
The campaign Reclaim Your Vote can tell you the deadline to do this in each state (Alabama: Oct. 21, 2024)
    $400 9
Slice king, long maraicher & gherkin are all varieties of this gourd vegetable
    $400 22
This Germanic people were separated from the Ostrogoths & in 378, not only defeated the Roman army but killed the emperor
    $400 15
    $600 23
This type of musical mass for the dead has a Latin name; Benjamin Britten wrote a "War" one incorporating poetry & Latin prayers
    $600 7
In 1900 the U.S. beat the Brits in the first match for this international team tennis "Cup"
    $600 19
Campaigns called Take Back the Tap, aiming to reduce Americans' passion for this, say it's not specially safe & bad for the planet
    $600 1
Last name of Albert, nicknamed "Cubby", who produced many James Bond films as well as "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang"
    $600 17
The 15th century Church of Santa María in this city endured through the 1937 attack that inspired a classic work of art
    $600 6
    $800 27
The introduction to this Strauss waltz classic invites dancers to come to the ballroom floor
    $800 4
In 2022 Chloe Kim was golden--again--defending her women's halfpipe Olympic title in this sport
    DD: $1,000 5
In 2008 the Hindu American Foundation launched "Take Back" this practice that's much more than the physical postures of asana
    $800 2
The first prop this comic used was a Neighborhood Watch sign that he stole to show that the Watch wasn't very watchful
    $800 16
On Nov. 4, 1964 he was exiled from Iran; 15 years later, he was running the place
    $800 13
Fennig (old coin)
    $1000 30
His 7th Symphony premiered in 1813 at a benefit after a battle & its second movement is seen as a funeral march
    $1000 3
Deferred payments in a 2000 MLB contract had this 53-year-old "Jr." making $3.6 million as the Reds' 4th-highest paid player in 2023
    $1000 18
TBTN for short, this movement against sexual violence has been marching since the 1970s
    $1000 8
This yellow-fleshed root eaten as a vegetable is called a swede by the Brits
    $1000 11
Numerical nickname for Mao's wife & her allies arrested after Mao's death for actions during the Cultural Revolution
    $1000 14
Lim (to draw or outline)

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Martha Kendra Nik
$5,000 $200 $2,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Martha Kendra Nik
$6,800 $3,200 $4,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: Each response here will begin with one of those letters...)
AN "H" & "R" BLOCK
    $400 26
This state has 17 million acres of forests & about 44 people per square mile
    $400 27
Monica Seles says the locker room for the top women players here looks like it's in Buckingham Palace
    $400 28
The producers of "Tak3n" had a very particular set of skills to get this man back for time 3 in the role of Bryan Mills
    $400 29
Turn off the lights, apply a hot or cold compress to your neck & have a little caffeine at signs of this possibly days-long headache
    $400 30
Charles Dickens went to Lancashire to observe a strike in the industry of this plant fiber & wrote an 1854 article about it
    $400 16
Many state laws reduce liability for defamation if a newspaper issues this statement of withdrawal in a timely way
    DD: $6,600 24
The U.K.'s second most populous city, it lies in an industrial area near the geographic center of England
    $800 25
Women "sizes 10-40" can shop at stores bearing this name, which includes a misspelling of founder Lena's first name on a bank form
    $800 14
"Se7en" had this actor demanding, "what's in the box?!" & very much not liking what is in the box
    $800 23
Post-herpetic neuralgia is a complication of this disease caused by the same virus that gave you chickenpox
    $800 22
Jurgis' journey through capitalism & exploitation takes him from worker to strikebreaker in this Upton Sinclair novel
    $800 12
The legal money of a nation is said to be the "coin of the" this
    $1200 5
This country's Zambezi River border with Zambia is only a few football fields long
    $1200 18
On Chartres Street in this U.S. city stands the Old Ursuline Convent, spared by a 1794 fire after ferocious prayer from the nuns
    $1200 13
In 2001 he was on film in "Thir13en Ghosts" as Arthur Kriticos & a year later, began an Emmy-winning life on TV as a "Monk"
    $1200 15
Posture training & diet changes can help relieve pain in the 2 joints that connect your lower jaw to your skull & go by this abbrev.
    $1200 19
Jack Kelly's nonfiction book "The Edge of Anarchy" is about the 1894 strike against this man's railroad car company
    $1200 11
It's the "tranquil" musical term for the combination of pitches heard here
    $1600 4
The central town of the 100,000-square-mile area of Australia called the Red Centre is this community, named for Alice Todd
    $1600 6
Open for 10 days until the cops came in 1916, the Brownsville Clinic in Brooklyn was the USA's first to offer guidance about this
    $1600 1
You might say this Oscar winner became a godfather in 2002 playing a movie director who (virtually) created "S1m0ne"
    $1600 8
High in anthocyanins, cherries may ease pain from this arthritis often in the big toe & caused by excess uric acid
    DD: $6,000 20
Ken Kesey's "Sometimes a Great Notion" concerns a timber strike in Wakonda--not in Africa but in this state, Kesey's home
    $1600 9
I say without fear of this, an extravagant exaggeration, Butterbean is the greatest boxer of all time
    $2000 3
Lying between Italy's "heel" & "toe", the Gulf of Taranto is an inlet of this sea named for a nymph of Greek mythology
    $2000 7
Hillary Clinton was the first student ever asked to give the commencement address at this college
    $2000 2
In 2022 she played Gemma, a robotics engineer who brought "M3GAN" to life; maybe some "Girls" are more fun to hang out with
    $2000 17
Moderate aerobic exercise like swimming may help with this 12-letter chronic condition of severe muscle & soft tissue pain
    $2000 21
The striking miners have the sympathy of this French realist author in his 1885 novel "Germinal"
    $2000 10
This calm & peaceful word describes weather or ahhh... those idyllic days of youth

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Martha Kendra Nik
$9,600 $4,800 $800
(lock-tie game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

After the Vietnam War, Vietnam got bogged down in a campaign against this leader whom it managed to overthrow in 1979

Final scores:

Martha Kendra Nik
$9,600 $0 $799
Winner: semifinalist 3rd place: $5,000 2nd place: $5,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Martha Kendra Nik
$9,600 $4,600 $13,400
13 R,
1 W
15 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W
22 R,
5 W
(including 2 DDs)

Combined Coryat: $27,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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