Suggest correction - #9018 - 2024-01-17

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    $1200 2
Lying about in bed all day, this 96-year-old was "delicate & weak", but spry enough to glom on to a Wonka tour

Show #9018 - Wednesday, January 17, 2024

2024 Champions Wildcard Group 1 quarterfinal game 2.


Patti Palmer, a retired teacher and bookseller from Tulsa, Oklahoma

Juveria Zaheer, a psychiatrist from Whitby, Ontario, Canada

Devin Lohman, an architectural designer and masters student from Peachtree City, Georgia

Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: These responses are all words you can make with the letters of the word "inconvenient".)
    $200 27
In the 1980 film "Superman II", Margot Kidder as this newspaper reporter sends a foe down with a nice right cross
    $200 26
One of the most isolated spots on Earth, Bouvet Island lies 1,100 miles north of this continent's Queen Maud Land
    $200 28
She has an impressive résumé:
Harvard Law,
a 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue address
    $200 30
Showing a wreath, a ribbon & 2 candles, the first USPS stamp celebrating this was controversial in 1962 for mixing church & state
    $200 19
Patrick McHenry was in the news, as he filled in in this job for 3 tumultuous weeks in the fall of 2023
    $200 29
This carbonated water is flavored with quinine
    $400 20
Bob Barker throws 8 solid left jabs before putting this title golfer in the water hazard with a big right
    $400 16
You can enter this body of water via the Strait of Magellan or the Strait of Malacca
    $400 25
Some point the finger at him in the 1920 whacking of Johnny Torio's boss, "Big Jim" Colosimo
    $400 24
The "Pony Cars" series features 5 classic sporty autos, including this Ford model that inspired the term
    $400 11
This movement named for a 1773 event arrived in 2010 starting with the election of newbie Dean Murray to the N.Y. State Assembly
    $400 23
It's a time-stamped document that outlines a buyer's obligation to a seller--a bill, if you will
    $600 12
This Carl Weathers boxer is told, "Finish (that) bum, & let's go home"; he does not finish that bum
    $600 1
The Tian Shan Mountains separate Kyrgyzstan from this big neighbor to the south & east
    $600 21
He was born (in 1931) to say, "No... I am your father" & "this is CNN"
    $600 22
A series dedicated to this art form shows men dressed in traje de charro playing the trumpet, guitarrón & other instruments
    $600 18
More governors of New Jersey have resigned than of any other state--mostly for positive reasons like when he quit in 1913 to be president
    $600 10
In 2023 this type of filing affecting housing was 50% higher than the pre-pandemic average in some cities
    $800 9
Just after showing a fake I.D. that says "McLovin", Fogell gets sucker punched in a liquor store in this 2007 comedy
    $800 2
They're the 2 U.N. member countries in Africa with a cardinal direction in their names
    $800 4
He was born in Boston in 1706, the 15th of 17 kids in his family; he'd seek his fortune in Philly
    DD: $1,600 7
A 1989 stamp drew criticism from paleontologists for labeling a dinosaur not Apatosaurus but this
    $800 17
The 1974 Senate race in N.H., with 220,000 votes cast, was won by 355, then after the first of these, by 10, then after another, by 2
    $800 15
The Patent Office wants to make sure that this is "new, useful & non-obvious"
    $1000 8
Russell Crowe takes some punches in the ring & in life as Jim Braddock in this film
    $1000 3
The British military enclave of Dhekelia lies near the U.N. buffer zone on this Mediterranean island
    $1000 5
The youngest of the Brontes, she wrote "Agnes Grey" at 27 but would die only 2 years later
    $1000 6
A one-cent stamp pays tribute to this American designer of lamps & much more
    $1000 13
With saving salmon fishing as her big issue, in 2022 Mary Peltola beat this woman & became the first Alaska native in Congress
    $1000 14
A column on designed to help a beginning player improve is alliteratively called this "nook"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Devin Juveria Patti
$2,400 $3,200 $1,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Devin Juveria Patti
$1,600 $5,600 $3,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: ...within the text of each clue.)
    $400 25
Gogol is the author of works like "Dead Souls"; googol is 10 raised to this power
    $400 26
It's any American born between 1946 & 1964
    $400 27
I knew it was really over when she took her ring off her finger
    $400 28
Rihanna sang of this title treat, "can't wait to blow my candles out"
    $400 30
"How often did" this Sleepy Hollow schoolmaster "shrink with curdling awe at the sound of his own steps"
    $400 29
In summer 1947 a strike by these workers in Yorkshire was costing Britain thousands of tons of daily production
    $800 14
Carvel is known for ice cream cakes; a caravel is a light sailing ship, like these 2 used on Columbus' 1492 voyage
    $800 19
In the classic "Miracle on 34th Street", Edmund Gwenn goes by this alternate name for Santa Claus
    $800 22
When I saw the crocodile coming toward me in the swamp I ran harder
    $800 24
Formed in Seattle, not Atlanta, The Presidents of the United States of America nevertheless desired "Millions Of" these
    $800 23
Billy Halleck is literally wasting away after being cursed in this tale by Richard Bachman, aka Stephen King
    DD: $3,200 20
In August 1957 Strom Thurmond filibustered for over 24 hours railing against this, signed into law the next month
    $1200 6
Botero was a Colombian painter & sculptor; "Bolero" is a one-movement orchestral work by him
    $1200 16
Enjoy your view of Cologne as we fly over this body of water
    $1200 21
Before the unpleasant incident with Uncle Tad, I had docking privileges at the yacht club
    $1200 11
On "Check Mr. Popeye", seminal Jersey rocker Southside Johnny asks, is this "running low"
    $1200 2
Lying about in bed all day, this 96-year-old was "delicate & weak", but spry enough to glom on to a Wonka tour
    $1200 7
On the gallows for witchery in August 1692, George Burroughs recited this, thought to be impossible for one such accused
    $1600 8
Salmonella is bacteria; Salamanca is one of the cities where this saint of Ávila founded a convent
    $1600 1
Coming up with this chemical name for aspirin is enough to give you a headache
    $1600 12
Let's hear a solo on that theremin now, said the conductor
    $1600 13
Warrant had a Top 10 hit with this song about a dessert (really), "put a smile on your face, ten miles wide"
    $1600 3
At one point in this novel, Ignatius Reilly regales his mom with an anecdote about his carsickness
    $1600 4
After some summer troubles in 1917, Lenin fled to Finland & this Bolshevik leader was in jail in August
    $2000 9
A caret shows where to insert something; claret is another name for red wine from this French region
    $2000 5
This deep blue rock whose name means "azure stone" was the original source of the pigment known as ultramarine
    $2000 18
After that seventh round of Stoli, the bouncer threw Piotr out of the tavern
    $2000 17
Kendrick Lamar quoted a folk saying when he sang, "The blacker the berry", then this result
    DD: $11,600 15
In a Robert Graves novel, this emperor introduces himself with some of his nicknames, like "The Idiot"
    $2000 10
The largest of the Solomon Islands, it was the scene of an August 1942 U.S. offensive against Japan during World War II

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Devin Juveria Patti
$6,400 $32,800 $7,000
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

An 1884 article calls this newly completed structure "the highest work of man" & disagrees with those who call it "a great chimney"

Final scores:

Devin Juveria Patti
$5,799 $40,800 $0
2nd place: $5,000 Winner: semifinalist 3rd place: $5,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Devin Juveria Patti
$6,400 $20,000 $7,000
9 R,
2 W
30 R
(including 3 DDs),
6 W
13 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $33,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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